Message from @INNYGMATYK
Discord ID: 669009375259525132
Hey hey. You for got squatting, cheap cigarette, and 2 liter bittle of kvass
You can't squat on krokodil
Your legs would dissolve first
@Deadbeat Radio we are getting inna in redacted in 30 min
You in?
@FloridaManBoohajideen not tonight man. I'm in recovery. I got alcohol poisoning. Lol not really but I'm not in good condition right now.
Sorry man.
@Deadbeat Radio Are you still down to start doing a podcast show under the deadbeat radio slogan in conjunction with me and the rest of the guys in redacted?
Also I’m going to be setting up my equipment the next two days and will need all the tips and help I can get
@FloridaManBoohajideen idk if youd need help at all but Im studying audio engineering
Im good with mixing and mastering audio and shit related to it
@Deadbeat Radio hope you're alright - or getting better soon, anyway
@Deadbeat Radio we inna boi
Why do liberals bring up genitals or sex with like...firearms?
Why do they also say we arent with a woman when most of us are married or engaged?
Trying to make us seem beta or small by attacking what's traditionally masculine traits like a decent dick and a relationship?
Because their Liberal Arts Degree on Gender Studies means they have a higher level of intelligence and can *clearly* see that guns and benis are related.
Like "" *it's just a big cock - oBvIoUsLy!* ""
See - the Feminine is Humanity
But ""guy stuff"" is obviously strictly only and in every way shape or form some translation of ""fucking or pissing""
I have a gun because my dick is too small to properly engage a target past arms distance
Surface level Freudian psychology, but badly understood
Like, Freud said that those who have a frar of weapons are sexually impotent. Like i got no doubt the dude running the barret is packing at least a 9er
Jerking off my clit sized dick has inspired me in the realm of target acquisition. reconnaissance? I'm your man...
So uhhhhh
What do you think about china possibly starting the zombie plague
They were starting to fight back and now there's a corona virus
see <#620723755743707136>
Skyy or smirnoff?
But I think Skyy has a really cool bottle ( full ghey )
1. Illegitimate state
2. Terrorist nation
3. Parades themselves sound as "Humanitarian" while running one of the biggest prisons, Gaza, worldwide.
4. "Greatest allies": Has repeatedly killed American soldiers.
5. Keeps the entire middle east destabilized through constant bombing and insurgent actions.
USS Liberty
We should have the right to bomb them til there's nothing left
yeah team
Nick Fuentes gets banned permanently from youtube.
lol duded a cuck anyway