Message from @PugSlugger

Discord ID: 527604762657554462

2018-12-26 21:39:21 UTC  

Гитлера вовремя разгромили

2018-12-26 21:39:53 UTC  

И европейцам за это стоило бы отблагодарить советский народ

2018-12-26 21:40:21 UTC  

Страну первой победоносной социалистической революции

2018-12-26 21:40:55 UTC  

@Musketar (Alex) Во всех уголках земного рабочий лозунг будь таков:

2018-12-26 21:42:16 UTC  

Разговаривай с фашистами азыком пожаро

2018-12-26 21:42:50 UTC  

Словами пуль

2018-12-26 21:43:26 UTC  

@Borzo с идеологами и лидерами видимо только так, а заблудившихся перевоспитывать

2018-12-26 21:43:30 UTC  

Остротами штуковин

2018-12-26 21:45:08 UTC  

Бей фашистских пиротов

2018-12-26 21:46:49 UTC  

Никакой пощады кровожадным акулам Гитлера

2018-12-26 21:49:24 UTC  

Беспощадно разгроми фашистских гадов в воздухе на суше и на море

2018-12-26 21:50:01 UTC  

Это про внешних, но есть ещё внутренние

2018-12-26 21:52:00 UTC  

This is pure cringe

2018-12-26 21:52:07 UTC  

Коварна фашиста

2018-12-26 21:52:09 UTC

2018-12-26 21:52:28 UTC  

We are hitting levels of slavaboo that shouldnt even be possible

2018-12-26 21:52:35 UTC  

This is maximum larp

2018-12-26 21:52:48 UTC  

@PugSlugger no this is princple no mercy to nazist scum

2018-12-26 21:52:57 UTC  


2018-12-26 21:53:04 UTC  

Whatever lad

2018-12-26 21:53:08 UTC  

especially nazist ideology

2018-12-26 21:53:18 UTC  

Ill keep making money and being a productive member of society

2018-12-26 21:53:24 UTC  

<:porky:315615014751043588> <:porky:315615014751043588> <:porky:315615014751043588> <:porky:315615014751043588> <:porky:315615014751043588> <:porky:315615014751043588>

2018-12-26 21:53:57 UTC  

@PugSlugger fucking conformists were basement for fascism in Europe too

2018-12-26 21:54:22 UTC  

Fascism is capitalism in decay

2018-12-26 21:54:53 UTC  

Got a strong Workers cause in your country? Have a Mussolini or a hitler or a Pinochet!

2018-12-26 21:55:08 UTC  

That'll solve the problem of the workers rising up

2018-12-26 21:56:15 UTC  

Facism is people getting tired of commie kikes abusing them

2018-12-26 21:56:29 UTC  

Like in the weimar republic

2018-12-26 21:56:50 UTC  

@PugSlugger there were no commies in rule in weimar Germany

2018-12-26 21:57:00 UTC  

that's why nazi scum won

2018-12-26 21:57:05 UTC  

Are you retarded?

2018-12-26 21:57:30 UTC  

fucking bourgeois liberals betrayed country and prefered nazis instead communists

2018-12-26 21:57:48 UTC  


2018-12-26 21:57:49 UTC  

do not understand what it lead to

2018-12-26 21:58:06 UTC  

@PugSlugger no it's you naive guy

2018-12-26 21:58:08 UTC  

As well as nazi SA beating up everyone who didn't vote for them

2018-12-26 21:58:34 UTC  

Then when hitler got in power he abolished voting so he wouldn't get voted out

2018-12-26 22:00:44 UTC  

@PugSlugger commies abused not German people but fucking Krupps, Thiessens and other owners of the country who got support by nazis