Message from @Jerakl
Discord ID: 613544103447363586
22 is easy to suppres remember that
I train anyone who comes to phx area with ammo and good attitude js
that's a bit far from canada
I doubt you could even find basic classes up here :^(
Oh ya lol
gotta save to finish my ar now
so I have a big luau ready weapon
on the toilet, this is out of schedule
usually my time is exactly 04:28 am
how is Arizona with guns
I know Cali is bad
well, all of the west coast is bad
#1 state for now.
I have a friend in north Michigan and he says it p good there
also I need tips for shooting pistols
Well now I've seen everything
Focus on your front sight, equal height equal light
So when your looking at the sights yoyr focus should be on the front sight. Lining up the rear sight to the front sight
my problem. is I'm left eyed
and right handed
my handguns sights are very blocky
I'm left handed and right eyed
and often it takes me a while to get a bead on the front site, and when I do I can't see anything else
@Jerakl you can actually use glasses in combat
Just make sure your eyesight is corrected to 20/20
Im right handed left eyed too
my. glasses are good
Then you're fine
it's just that I cannot manage for the life of me to