Message from @Trash Squid
Discord ID: 615960535078404099
I don't know if I have a political party these days
I used to be a democrat, but wasn't as far as hyper-liberal, then in hs, I started to do actual research and found myself alligned with the Right, and well. Since then I just kept going, drifting from alt right to far right and stuff.
but now I'm just all mixed up
I feel like the biggest mistake America made was creating political parties
I just wanna be left the fuck alone nowadays lol
My family practically disowned me due to my "RIGHT WING NAZI ASSHOLE POLITICS" lol, they didn't outright say it, but they sure act on it, basically breaking off contact
Shit happens
The fact that I kept to myself in hs, well I ended up with no friends. the few people that I talked to moved elsewhere and moved on from the place.
Like as a kid I didn't know what a swastika stood for and drew it for a ww2 battle scene and my dad beat the fuck outta me saying " WE DONT LET THOSE SYMBOLS IN HERE" mother fucker was and still is racist as shit lol
I'm a naturally social person, so being another " HURR DURR ONE-MAN WOLFPACK/lone wolf" isn't an option for me
I'm lucky that @wendiko found me before it was too late.
brb, making breakfast
U know there’s been a recent resurgence I check on the front reports a few times a week and there’s at least a couple of deaths a day so something is going on
My family is more republican now, my dad used to be hard core anti government and constitutionalist but is a trump supporter, I expressed my disappointment in him and I think he is coming back around from the high of liking trump
Just glad he never stopped prepping
But ya fuck political parties
I have no idea how some of my family feels, most of the mexicans seem brainwashed to one side the whites to another, im slowly throwing the blackflag out there and im seeing more and more of them liking it
That was before fb shaddow banned me
We only have a few lefties in my family my cousin is far left and she isn't fond of the rest, but she is confused by me
Because I don't support either and I don't do identity politics
Half of my family doesn’t even vote
Cause I come from a bunch of farmers
The epstein thing has really been helping.
My family is as lefty as ya can get
they're mexican lefties at that
I have some friends that are and I find it hard talking to them about most things
I love when they call me racist tbh. it's funny cuz They only like other mexicans, but mad shit when "others" try to associate with them
I converted one friend I made up here he used to be a berine bro but I made him realize he's a shill he is more of a classic libral now
Shit, my grandmother drops the n word more often than hood blacks do.
I most don’t have over a 5th grade education
Bruh! My fuckin mexican grandma is hella racist. And my gfs parents are from mexico and racist af too
My fam has decent education, they're just brainwashed is all
All the mexicans in the army were racist too called the black dudes miate kr whatever
The left is rather racist, which is why they play so hard on identity politics, and try and virtue signal so much
Means shitbug
That's fucked