Message from @Degenerate Furry

Discord ID: 638207207217037321

2019-10-28 00:27:31 UTC  

Can't see any other roles rather than running back lol

2019-10-28 00:57:01 UTC  

I’m only 150 but if you play like your 180 then you’ll be fine

2019-10-28 01:06:37 UTC  


2019-10-28 01:12:09 UTC  

Ye and live active

2019-10-28 01:12:17 UTC  

You still in school?

2019-10-28 01:20:50 UTC  

trade school

2019-10-28 01:26:20 UTC  

So this fuckin dude is arguing with me that apparently, women don't belong in combat, even after I'm like "yeah bro, tell that to these women":

2019-10-28 01:27:11 UTC  

Is it an issue of can they fight vs should they fight? Or does he think women cant fight?

2019-10-28 01:28:12 UTC

2019-10-28 01:30:42 UTC  

I mean physically they might be better suited for marksmanship tasks based on respiration, rather than close in work. But my quick fix to solve those issues is for them to pass the same standards as everyone else, and then set them in slightly larger sized all female platoons

2019-10-28 01:32:10 UTC  

I don't mind coed platoons, or anything like that, but 100% agree standards must be the same. I wouldn't want a man OR a woman who couldn't carry my wounded ass out of the line of fire fighting next to me.

2019-10-28 01:33:55 UTC  

Coed leaves a bad taste in my mouth. All the guys will try to peacock and get the attention of the females, it leads to decreased unit cohesion. Plus males are more likely to go out of their way, and put themselves in more risk, to save an injured female over a male. But thats just like my opinion man

2019-10-28 01:33:59 UTC  

Personally I don't think they belong

2019-10-28 01:34:28 UTC  

If they can carry the same weight n shit as me fine, otherwise no

2019-10-28 01:36:05 UTC  

True, but that's my point; doesn't matter what's between your legs, it matters if you can do your job just like everyone else

2019-10-28 02:12:24 UTC  

And this concludes another chapter of "*WHY TEH FUQ WMN TNK CAN S H 0 0 T ?!*"

2019-10-28 02:27:49 UTC  

TF2 is dead

2019-10-28 02:46:00 UTC  

Why do I enjoy making fun of junkies

2019-10-28 02:46:09 UTC  

Like the fuck is wrong with me

2019-10-28 02:47:31 UTC  

Junkies aren't human anymore

2019-10-28 02:47:35 UTC  

I do it too, don't worry

2019-10-28 02:47:38 UTC  

Hope they all fucking OD

2019-10-28 02:58:57 UTC  


2019-10-28 03:01:30 UTC  

When I was on probation I had to take AODA which is pretty much a drug class

2019-10-28 03:01:51 UTC  

I met alot of addicts and lots of them are really trying to clean up

2019-10-28 03:02:10 UTC  

if they really arent trying to help themselves then I wish them well but theyre bringing it on themselves

2019-10-28 03:02:39 UTC  

but I feel bad for the people who are trying to clean up

2019-10-28 03:03:51 UTC  

They dont have much support because all these people are like "screw junkies lets just let them die" but they need the support since it helps get them clean

2019-10-28 03:04:05 UTC  

We all made mistakes why not help someone that just made a bad one

2019-10-28 03:04:29 UTC  

Sorry about the rant, but thats my thoughts

2019-10-28 03:06:41 UTC  


2019-10-28 03:07:31 UTC  

The problem is you never see the people who and trying to get better, because they have the shame they deserve to have for being once junkies and all that

2019-10-28 03:07:41 UTC  

If we do not know sympathy even for the people who have dug their own ditches, then what can we honestly say we are fighting for? For without compassion and understanding in this world, there is no peace to be had

2019-10-28 03:07:44 UTC  

The only degenerates I see have no fucking shame, and I'd rather them dead.

2019-10-28 03:08:55 UTC  

@AKAlexei Me personally, I hate peace. It's fucking boring and it's not natural. take that how you want, but I want more war. and for those of you about to say "hurr durr no you don't" I've been to war, and I've killed I loved it, I miss it, this civilian life is boring as fuck.

2019-10-28 03:09:35 UTC  

Not trying to be "edgy" or any of that, that's just how I feel

2019-10-28 03:10:59 UTC  

You're a soldier at heart. Nothing wrong with that. But we fight for peace for others to enjoy.

2019-10-28 03:11:21 UTC  

I dont want people to die off etx

2019-10-28 03:11:30 UTC  

But god I love ripping into the woe it's me ones

2019-10-28 03:11:39 UTC  

The ones who claim that shit as disease

2019-10-28 03:12:21 UTC  

Shit is a lie, you didn't slip and snort crack, takes away all personal responsibility, it's retarded.