Message from @Louis

Discord ID: 655172384256688169

2019-12-13 22:18:18 UTC  

It's their turn now

2019-12-13 22:18:24 UTC  

'their turn'? lol

2019-12-13 22:18:34 UTC  

@Krisemann Come on now that fella obviously ain't right in the head.

2019-12-13 22:18:37 UTC  

@BabaBooey It's all good. Not here to troll you. I might engage in some banter at worst, but it's only in jest.

2019-12-13 22:18:48 UTC  

@Seven Proxies respect man im the same way

2019-12-13 22:18:53 UTC  

Yes, their turn to protect themselves, to fund their own society, to arm themselves

2019-12-13 22:18:55 UTC  


2019-12-13 22:19:09 UTC  

id be delighted to discuss the immortal science with you @Seven Proxies

2019-12-13 22:19:12 UTC  

And eventually accept diversity at the barrel of a gun

2019-12-13 22:19:18 UTC  


2019-12-13 22:19:45 UTC  

@BabaBooey Right now we're knee deep in JQ-territory though 😄

2019-12-13 22:19:59 UTC  

Give me a single positive thing Israel does for the west, for the European

2019-12-13 22:20:11 UTC  

Kill muslims

2019-12-13 22:20:19 UTC  


2019-12-13 22:20:21 UTC  


2019-12-13 22:20:24 UTC  

enemy of your enemy is not your friend.

2019-12-13 22:20:33 UTC  

in this case yes

2019-12-13 22:20:45 UTC  

They created modern Islam. 60 years ago it wasn't the way mudslimes look today.

2019-12-13 22:20:55 UTC  

a jew designed the mega-mosque that has been opened un cambridge , UK

2019-12-13 22:21:08 UTC  


2019-12-13 22:21:08 UTC  

@Reprehensibletrash <:Doubt:588038713938804760> <:Doubt:588038713938804760> <:Doubt:588038713938804760> <:Doubt:588038713938804760> <:Doubt:588038713938804760> <:Doubt:588038713938804760> <:Doubt:588038713938804760>

2019-12-13 22:21:11 UTC  

@Reprehensibletrash Oh come on. You're trying to justify the butthurt of jihadis by blaming Israel?

2019-12-13 22:21:17 UTC  

So, Jews funding child rape in the U.K. INTERESTING

2019-12-13 22:21:35 UTC  

You mean the butt hurt jihadis that Israel funds?

2019-12-13 22:21:37 UTC  

@Reprehensibletrash You seriously believe the jihadis would be all "salam alaikum" towards the west if it wasn't for Israel?

2019-12-13 22:21:38 UTC  

>Jews funding child rape in the U.K.
Now that's a claim, do you have a source?

2019-12-13 22:21:50 UTC  

The CIA and Israel created every terror threat in the region

2019-12-13 22:21:55 UTC  

Seven, you seriously think humans wouldn't be that way? anyway?

2019-12-13 22:22:26 UTC  

@Violetskies the hundreds of Israeli NGO's which have been propagating open borders

2019-12-13 22:22:49 UTC  

@Knightmarez I believe that when you take too many pointers from some bronze age piece of fiction about a vengeful God, then chances are that you're not going to be the most reasonable and "peace loving" type.

2019-12-13 22:22:56 UTC  

jewish books about how 'germans should be sterilized' since the early 1900's

2019-12-13 22:23:01 UTC  

That's not funding child rape that's demographic displacement. One might have led to the other but one is not intrinsically linked to said other.

2019-12-13 22:23:12 UTC  

The lies about Assad attacking his own people with gas, inside of an isis controlled territory, which started the migrant crisis

2019-12-13 22:23:26 UTC  

The spying on western countries through WhatsApp

2019-12-13 22:23:32 UTC  

I think, seven, it doesn't matter if it's bronze age or not, were the dominant super-predator speices that have spread to 7.6Bilion + in number.

2019-12-13 22:23:51 UTC  

Religions are catalysts for natural human super-predatorial behaviour.

2019-12-13 22:24:13 UTC  

@Knightmarez Yeah, but most civilized cultures have also realized that there's bigger profits to be had from stability and trade rather than war.

2019-12-13 22:24:13 UTC  

The list of actions against the rest of the west by Israel, is so numerous one person can't recite them all.

2019-12-13 22:24:28 UTC  

no, seven, they haven't.

2019-12-13 22:24:43 UTC  

Wow, then why're we perpetually creating war in the Middle East?

2019-12-13 22:24:48 UTC  

@Reprehensibletrash And even if you did, your sources would be sort of questionable