Message from @sulana

Discord ID: 604596911214821396

2019-07-27 08:35:00 UTC  

god im sorry

2019-07-27 08:35:48 UTC  

theres a guitar store right down the road from me but i dont remember if its left or right

2019-07-27 08:36:58 UTC  

whats being drunk like?

2019-07-27 08:37:04 UTC  

does it actually make you feel better?

2019-07-27 08:40:27 UTC  

honestly it depends?

2019-07-27 08:40:46 UTC  

once you learn your limits and you're in a safe/controlled environment then it's okay

2019-07-27 08:41:02 UTC  

but it can turn into a dark and slippery slope very quickly

2019-07-27 08:41:21 UTC  

ive blacked out more times than i can count and its not a good experience no matter what time lmao

2019-07-27 08:42:19 UTC  


2019-07-27 08:42:35 UTC  


2019-07-27 08:42:51 UTC  

it's a fun thing if it's on a social basis and not often

2019-07-27 08:43:00 UTC  

but too often? yeah thats a bad habit to kick and u dont wanna get started

2019-07-27 08:43:15 UTC  

^ :(

2019-07-27 08:48:11 UTC  

if you can help it, i dont recommend getting into drugs and alcohol at all

2019-07-27 08:48:21 UTC  

weed is the only thing i'd recommend when you're of age

2019-07-27 08:48:34 UTC  

otherwise liquor? nah. cigarettes? please no

2019-07-27 08:50:19 UTC  

stfu dad

2019-07-27 08:51:09 UTC  


2019-07-27 08:51:17 UTC  

i must protect today's youth

2019-07-27 08:51:52 UTC  

what are you, 21?

2019-07-27 08:52:16 UTC  


2019-07-27 08:53:22 UTC  

Recovery isn't fun. I don't recommend allowing your drinking to get to that point. Alcohol won't solve a single problem you have unless your problem is that your life is too happy. It can be fun in moderation, but it's not a good escape.

2019-07-27 08:53:38 UTC  

that is absolutely correct vex

2019-07-27 08:54:32 UTC  

I prefer carbonated sugar water

2019-07-27 08:55:10 UTC  

buncha milk drinkers the lot of ya

2019-07-27 08:55:18 UTC  

I have my own issues with AA and other 12 step programs, but one thing they definitely got right is that "There's not a single thing too good that alcohol won't ruin it, and nothing too bad that alcohol won't make it worse."

2019-07-27 08:55:27 UTC  

glug glug glug, thats what me and my boys do

2019-07-27 08:55:41 UTC  

Boy I've blacked out more times than you've had a hot meal

2019-07-27 08:56:05 UTC  


2019-07-27 08:56:10 UTC  


2019-07-27 08:56:13 UTC  


2019-07-27 08:56:14 UTC  

i'm glad you're on the path to recovery vex! i'm really proud of you

2019-07-27 08:56:58 UTC  

I was sober for almost two years and now I drink every once in a while. I'm not ruled by that addiction anymore.

2019-07-27 08:57:18 UTC  

2013-2015 were real bad years for me that im still not sure im fully recovered from mentally or physically, but it's always important to take it one day at a time and just keep looking forward

2019-07-27 08:57:25 UTC  

Imagine going one day without a drink

2019-07-27 08:57:29 UTC  

Couldn't be me

2019-07-27 08:57:57 UTC  

i try to limit myself to once or twice a week

2019-07-27 08:58:18 UTC  

I just smoke 🤷‍♂️

2019-07-27 08:58:35 UTC  

I don't even think of drinking most days. It's just not really part of my life anymore

2019-07-27 08:58:52 UTC  

that's amazing!! im seriously glad

2019-07-27 09:00:51 UTC  

Thanks haha If you have a hard day not drinking, feel free to pm me