Message from @Local Doomguy

Discord ID: 641458189816168467

2019-11-06 02:03:21 UTC  

And that's the problem. There's a difference between your role and actively saying something to someone with a mental disability.

2019-11-06 02:03:25 UTC  


2019-11-06 02:03:25 UTC  

You’re still missing my point.

2019-11-06 02:03:33 UTC  

Im not.

2019-11-06 02:03:34 UTC  

That's like saying it's okay to shoot someone because they are a different skin color lmao

2019-11-06 02:03:40 UTC  

I just think your point is shit.

2019-11-06 02:03:55 UTC  

You realize we have of ppl on here with legit autism/disabilities right? Stop getting upset on someone elses behalf

2019-11-06 02:03:56 UTC  

It's not really shit, if you actively said something/insulted someone with a genuine mental disorder, who you don't even know.

2019-11-06 02:04:05 UTC  


2019-11-06 02:04:11 UTC  


2019-11-06 02:04:12 UTC  

yeah that was me

2019-11-06 02:04:16 UTC  

I just find it wrong to say shit like that to someone, when you don't know them.

2019-11-06 02:04:23 UTC  

I do it to everyone.

2019-11-06 02:04:29 UTC  

Stop being triggered.

2019-11-06 02:04:33 UTC  

It'd be different if you were friends/got along but saying it to people you don't know, and not caring if it genuinely upset them/

2019-11-06 02:04:34 UTC  

Why are you on this server if you're getting offended on someone elsees behalf @Squeaks

2019-11-06 02:05:07 UTC  

Because I figured this was a chill place, and that shit like that shouldn't be allowed? From my point of view it's not okay to say shit like that too someone, if you don't know them. Being an asshole is not always excuseable.

2019-11-06 02:05:21 UTC  

It doesn't matter if that's just how you are, if you ACTUALLY upset someone by saying shit like that, it's not really okay.

2019-11-06 02:05:38 UTC  

You're not some arbiter of what is okay and isn't

2019-11-06 02:05:50 UTC  

Calling everyone retarded on a constant basis does not dodge the definition of the term bullying, it simply demonstrates you’re the kinda guy to fire indiscriminately.

2019-11-06 02:05:53 UTC  

and neither am i

2019-11-06 02:06:03 UTC  

I never said I was 🤷 I just dislike when people pull shit like that

2019-11-06 02:06:12 UTC  

I dont think you know what bullying is.

2019-11-06 02:06:20 UTC  

If they were friends yeah fine, but if you don't know a person and actively say shit like that, and it visibly upsets them

2019-11-06 02:06:24 UTC  

Then you're 10000% in the fucking wrong.

2019-11-06 02:06:26 UTC  

You just said it is "not okay" if you're NOT upset.

2019-11-06 02:06:35 UTC  

Also, there are people on here that are ALOT worse then I am when it comes to "Bullying"

2019-11-06 02:06:35 UTC  

Not everyone thinks or acts like you do.

2019-11-06 02:07:26 UTC  

@aodhanrenman has more balls than you do @Squeaks

2019-11-06 02:07:42 UTC  

He's not even offended and is talking. or was.

2019-11-06 02:07:47 UTC  

And you're upset on his behalf

2019-11-06 02:07:48 UTC  


2019-11-06 02:07:51 UTC  

@Sir Aggie I’m fully aware if how you are to people, I’m not saying that I have a particular problem with it, but do you see how I could come to the conclusion that some people may consider it bullying?

2019-11-06 02:08:28 UTC  

I guess.

2019-11-06 02:09:25 UTC  

I’m arguing definitions, not right and wrong. The only thing that is even remotely close to right or wrong in my argument is the connotation of the term bullying generally being negative.

2019-11-06 02:10:37 UTC  

Well either way, Im not bothered about it and dont care and neither should you.

2019-11-06 02:10:58 UTC  

The problem is @Squeaks he isn't upset, he's in VC right now. you're the one upset on someone's behalf

2019-11-06 02:11:07 UTC  

And that is dumb.

2019-11-06 02:11:30 UTC  

read number 2 of the rules @Squeaks

2019-11-06 02:11:30 UTC  

Sorry that I dislike people making fun of others for having mental disabilities, when my twin sister gets pushed aroud for being autistic by my family. It's a touchy subject for me 🤷 I dislike when people pick on others for something they can't help.