Message from @Death in June

Discord ID: 635454715316142090

2019-10-20 12:24:55 UTC  

I disagree

2019-10-20 12:26:07 UTC  

Hiring based on race is in the old sense of the word, racist

2019-10-20 12:26:11 UTC  

Fundamentally the way i see it is, If you have created a business yourself then it is yours to do with as you wish and therefore you should be able to hire who you want based on any characteristic unhindered by any discriminations laws

2019-10-20 12:26:42 UTC  

Ok, but we dont live in an anarco-capitalist utopia

2019-10-20 12:26:58 UTC  

sounds like an argument the far left would make to hire only black women and no-one else

2019-10-20 12:27:04 UTC  

So you're gonna need to change your ideas to reflect more the system we actually live under

2019-10-20 12:27:39 UTC  

If you want to say these are your ideals then that's fine, but you're just serving the political ideology you have subscribed too

2019-10-20 12:27:42 UTC  

@wacka The Far Left aren't known for supporting the rights of the Business owner

2019-10-20 12:27:55 UTC  

they are now

2019-10-20 12:28:23 UTC  

twitter and facebook can ban who they want according to them... theyre constantly sticking up for big tech

2019-10-20 12:28:38 UTC  

You're still in 2005 bud

2019-10-20 12:28:53 UTC  

Do you think they would have the same view if Facebook decided to ban everyone who is left wing?

2019-10-20 12:28:59 UTC  

I don't think they would

2019-10-20 12:29:15 UTC  

Dude, stay in one place with the argument

2019-10-20 12:29:17 UTC  

maybe it should be okay to allow discrimination based on race in the hiring process for everyone except white people

2019-10-20 12:29:30 UTC  


2019-10-20 12:29:52 UTC  

i don't see why we need to protect non-whites in hiring

2019-10-20 12:29:56 UTC  

they shouldn't be here in the first place

2019-10-20 12:30:04 UTC  

they should be thankful we haven't exterminated them

2019-10-20 12:30:07 UTC  

That's the whole idea we shouldn't protect anyone in hiring

2019-10-20 12:30:10 UTC  

lord knows they deserve it

2019-10-20 12:30:11 UTC  

Peak german

2019-10-20 12:30:44 UTC  

And that is the reason it is only the State that should be banned from discriminating

2019-10-20 12:31:07 UTC  

It is reasonable for the state to be protecting workers at some level

2019-10-20 12:31:13 UTC  

Again, not a utopia here my dude

2019-10-20 12:31:22 UTC  

Just real life

2019-10-20 12:31:28 UTC  

I am not calling for a Utopia

2019-10-20 12:31:36 UTC  

I am calling for less Government regulation

2019-10-20 12:31:41 UTC  

I prefer a free market capitalism... where everyone has the opportunity to work anywhere they want

2019-10-20 12:31:49 UTC  

A Separation of State and Economics

2019-10-20 12:32:11 UTC  

no such thing

2019-10-20 12:32:24 UTC  

and where a government protects businesses from monopolies so they are free to do their business

2019-10-20 12:32:38 UTC  

Less Government regulation is completely achievable

2019-10-20 12:32:39 UTC  


2019-10-20 12:32:52 UTC  

We shouldn't get rid of the State

2019-10-20 12:32:54 UTC  

Dont you're gonna trigger him @The Electric Lizard

2019-10-20 12:32:59 UTC  

Just reduce it significantly

2019-10-20 12:33:03 UTC  

I mean @wacka

2019-10-20 12:33:14 UTC  

insofar as the state exists and wields power it tends to serve propertied interests, insofar as it doesn't propertied interests exert power directly

2019-10-20 12:33:38 UTC  

We need the State to keep order and provide basic services

2019-10-20 12:33:47 UTC  

And that is the only thing the state should do