Message from @whiic

Discord ID: 641131192619630602

2019-11-05 04:20:20 UTC  

Only fedoras are.

2019-11-05 04:20:26 UTC  

If you say gnostic atheists are fringe or a subgroup of atheism, then atheism wouldn't realistically have any branches at all.

2019-11-05 04:21:04 UTC  

wow I didn't realize quite how much debate this would kick up...

2019-11-05 04:21:06 UTC  

I don't know if they are "fringe" or not, but they are definitely a subgroup.

2019-11-05 04:21:08 UTC  

Look, just because most people believe in X or Y or Z doesn't mean the pillar of an idea is suddenly no longer the pillar

2019-11-05 04:21:19 UTC  

Most people are pretty much not informed at all about these things

2019-11-05 04:21:49 UTC  

By **DEFINITION** of what "subgroup" is, if agnostic atheists exist (even if by one member) then gnostic atheism becomes a subgroup of atheism.

2019-11-05 04:22:00 UTC  

Ok, let me try to explain something here

2019-11-05 04:22:19 UTC  

If one fucking agnostic atheist is in existence, then gnostic atheism is just a fucking **subgroup** of atheism.

2019-11-05 04:22:26 UTC  

I know you are offended by this **FACT**.

2019-11-05 04:22:48 UTC  

Facts don't care about your feelings.

2019-11-05 04:23:14 UTC  

The reason why the term "agnostic atheism" was coined in the first place is because the idea of atheism evolved over time as more people became atheist. It started out as a rejection of God, and evolved into a rejection of the supernatural. But later it evolved further, because more and more self-proclaimed atheists appeared (most of them just average Joes, not scholars), and they realized that most of them are agnostic, not atheist.

2019-11-05 04:23:38 UTC  


2019-11-05 04:23:56 UTC  

If all those people hadn't claimed to be atheists (most of them falsely), this distinction would've never had to be made.

2019-11-05 04:24:00 UTC  

Throw an F into the alphabet soup for fedora

2019-11-05 04:24:11 UTC  

too many As for atheist or agnostic

2019-11-05 04:24:38 UTC  

It's like political theory, it evolves over time, and unfortunately a lot of bad ideas enter the ring.

2019-11-05 04:24:49 UTC  

Many ideas that are just plain stupid

2019-11-05 04:25:07 UTC  

It happened to a lot of philosophies, too

2019-11-05 04:25:25 UTC  

Someone has a useful idea, everyone else tears it apart until it loses its meaning

2019-11-05 04:27:22 UTC  

Not sure what I should make of that

2019-11-05 04:27:33 UTC  

Supposed to make me laugh?

2019-11-05 04:27:52 UTC  

Aren't you a gnostic atheist?

2019-11-05 04:27:56 UTC  


2019-11-05 04:28:29 UTC  

So a theist, then.

2019-11-05 04:28:34 UTC  


2019-11-05 04:28:48 UTC  

So not atheist and not theist. Not-theist?

2019-11-05 04:28:53 UTC  


2019-11-05 04:29:04 UTC  

Not theist? Or not-theist?

2019-11-05 04:29:10 UTC  

Both is correct 😄

2019-11-05 04:29:33 UTC  

I mean, if there's a different between a-theist and non-theist, there must be difference between not theist and not-theist.

2019-11-05 04:29:43 UTC  

I'm not theist, I'm not atheist, I'm simply agnostic. I'm open to the idea that God could exist, because if it's impossible to prove or disprove him, then that's the end of the debate basically.

2019-11-05 04:29:53 UTC  

Gnostic or agnostic not-theist?

2019-11-05 04:29:59 UTC  


2019-11-05 04:30:40 UTC  

I used to be an atheist in my younger years until I realized that position is equally untenable as being a theist

2019-11-05 04:31:02 UTC  

Nowadays I could perhaps be considered an empiricist

2019-11-05 04:31:10 UTC  

Not sure

2019-11-05 04:31:36 UTC  

Tell be about "a" and "not" being different.

2019-11-05 04:32:06 UTC  


2019-11-05 04:32:15 UTC  

Removed the image by accident: