Message from @Skellybrote

Discord ID: 647227007884722199

2019-11-22 00:04:01 UTC

2019-11-22 00:04:06 UTC  

Happy news

2019-11-22 00:04:25 UTC  

That's a separate point altogether. I don't right now consider what content bitchute has or has not, I am worried more about how easily they can be pressured and through what to mess with things

2019-11-22 00:04:28 UTC  

if those sources are true idk but the point is to show sources compared to the left that often dont do that

2019-11-22 00:04:34 UTC  

Yuss, uncensored.

2019-11-22 00:04:35 UTC  

The best social media model to move forward with seems to be tumblr because it decentralizes quite nicely

2019-11-22 00:05:08 UTC  

Now you can finally see what a vagina looks like

2019-11-22 00:05:53 UTC  

Tumblr itself is dying though, especially after they made the effort to "protect the young ones" by pushing verification toward NSFW content for unregistered users

2019-11-22 00:06:06 UTC  

Oh totally, the platform itself is junk

2019-11-22 00:06:09 UTC  

like on bitchute i can withing 10 seconds get for say Mein Kampft or any other nazi period content meanwhile on YT you would get a fraction of that and that fraction gets smaller and smaller as such content is not accepted any longer

2019-11-22 00:06:22 UTC  

See what happens, when you try to shill the kids argument, you go broke.

2019-11-22 00:06:25 UTC  

But something like an easy to use geocities hosted on PCs would work nicely

2019-11-22 00:07:04 UTC  

It's even worse than that, Brote. Some content creators now have to intentionally mispronounce or omit certain words because they worry that if they'll say something like "a gun", Youtube algorithm may freak out on them.

2019-11-22 00:07:04 UTC  

Chans would be great but they eat storage space like nothing else

2019-11-22 00:07:27 UTC  

Which is both hilariously paranoid and kinda scary at the same time. Orwellian doublespeak and whatnot comes next, I guess

2019-11-22 00:07:55 UTC  

@A.Fulcrum i am fully aware of that as you gotta go tippy toe on egg shells to not trigger the algorithm

2019-11-22 00:08:14 UTC  

Chans could be probably managed, it depends on what limits are posed. How many pages per board, how many boards, limits on image/animation sizes per post.

2019-11-22 00:08:39 UTC  

I think they'd be really doable, would just have to have considerable limits on how many posts and how big at once they store

2019-11-22 00:08:53 UTC  

i heard that 8chan was working on comming back online

2019-11-22 00:09:01 UTC  

Overchan was the best bet we had at a decentral chan it was just way too much data

2019-11-22 00:09:03 UTC  

under a new provider

2019-11-22 00:09:13 UTC  

Yes, there was even an announcement some time ago. 8chan will be back though under new, different name.

2019-11-22 00:09:52 UTC  

Well, not _that_ different, but still.

2019-11-22 00:10:35 UTC  

thats good

2019-11-22 00:11:02 UTC  

I can already imagine various mainstream users seething, given that majority of them thinks that chans are just those two of a few more pages and destroying one of them should have just made all those users collectively decide they were bad people and give up - so now that the page is back, they will be all magically reactivated.

2019-11-22 00:11:03 UTC  

hopefully the people that used 8chan can go back to it ones the provider and all other details are solved

2019-11-22 00:11:38 UTC  

Funny thing is that is the media would just leave the chans alone then most likely nothing would happen

2019-11-22 00:11:53 UTC  

maybe a few pranks here and their but probly nothing more

2019-11-22 00:12:03 UTC  

Probably will take a bit. And that also depends how much of 8chan is back. It had some nice features that in the end also led to lots of clutter. Like ability to create your own board which in practice means several ghost boards where old content no one cared for or remembered was just lying around.

2019-11-22 00:12:17 UTC  

8chan was taken down by glow niggers.

2019-11-22 00:12:53 UTC  

Nytimes, and the verge did 2 fake hit pieces, and the El Paso fake event manifesto was originally on instagram.

2019-11-22 00:12:55 UTC  

It was still stupid. Basically the board was taken down because some random anon, who you could never even be sure was a regular, posted there before causing shit.

2019-11-22 00:13:11 UTC  

Meanwhile, twitter and tumblr had history of various terrorist's pages and no one bat an eyelid

2019-11-22 00:13:16 UTC  

And the NZ shooting was facebook.

2019-11-22 00:13:53 UTC  

Cloudflare still hosts some of ISIS' largest sites

2019-11-22 00:13:56 UTC  

Imagine what kind of shitstorm THAT would be - whole Facebook taken down cause someone went on a rampage

2019-11-22 00:14:06 UTC  

8chan was a great place to get info when big events happened

2019-11-22 00:14:07 UTC  

Casual users would go apeshit

2019-11-22 00:14:25 UTC  

like thats where i got a large amount of my info on the NZ shooting

2019-11-22 00:14:29 UTC  

The original poster of the manifesto, what was it...
El paso on the one board had a bunch of crap on the board with the manifesto.
Had some shit linked to feds in shit.

2019-11-22 00:15:09 UTC  

Well, generally most of 8chan was a fed honey pot.
But they get easily sought out.