Message from @Fox Tx
Discord ID: 314864514875129857
Then absorb them like the borg
@RCO Nick-TX do the Proud Goys have a discord?
The higher ups don't mind us recruiting over there
No idea. Hey @Fox Tx have you heard anything about identity Dixie
@RCO Nick-TX I heard of it and I was talking to a Texas guy that has on his twitter bio
he doesn't want to join a group for some reason
I think they are fashy Southerners like us.
To the right of LOS
Can you guys get me more info on the Proud Goys?
Go to Occidental Dissent and see if there is some info. I just know he was trying to put it together. Not sure how successful he has been
What's it under? @RCO Nick-TX
I couldn't tell you. That's his site though
Yeah, I can't seem to find anything about Proud Goys
Honestly your best bet is to do some postering and generate interest and hook up with some young LOS goys.
Possibly, except I won't be able to for a while. Have to lay low for the time being
I'm going to red pill some anti com guys probably
That's the one I'm red pilling first
Nice, they live in Montgomery?
He lives in SAN Antonio
His granny lives in my area
I'm part of the Southern dawn discord which a southern anti com sever
Cool, redpill as many as possible lol
Just the Texas ones
Cause they are in my area
We just turn the Alexandria project into a VA branch now Kek
Lol, yeah
Grim wanted out reach
We have to be an aligned organization without taking it over. That could cause all sorts of hate and discontent. Need to work hand in hand
@Nathan AL I talked to an Alabama guy and he is a WN paleo con and he is 16