Message from @CarletonJ

Discord ID: 402301464736956417

2018-01-15 02:42:26 UTC  

Main point is to get away from Saudi influences through energy independence. Fossil fuels cause a lot of damage, asthma, cancer, etc. Nuclear is clean until is destroys an area for thousands of years. Fusion, on the other hand, would be ideal when we figure it out.

2018-01-15 02:44:12 UTC  

If I remember correctly, an EMP attack could shut down electric for months, but nuclear reactors only have back up for weeks. Can they shut down in time? What if they are unattended?

2018-01-15 02:45:15 UTC  

Who would say 'yes'? The same gov that inspected the platforms in the gulf?

2018-01-15 02:46:48 UTC  

[pg. 59] "Everyone talks about the ‘new economy’ that is, the economy based on multimedia telecommunications and information services provided by the Internet, which have supposedly ushered in a second Golden Age. This magical talk, with its euphoric sensibility, simply reiterates the old progressive, scientistic illusions. In fact, it’s just another neo-liberal imposture, whose modernist hegemony is presently coming to an end. For the ‘new economy’ may well culminate in disaster.

The internet and the 'new technologies' are no ‘revolution’, but a simple evolution and, undoubtedly, one of great fragility. Founded on the globalisation of trade, techno-science, and the instantaneity of informatron, the ‘new economy’ is actually more than a century old.

2018-01-15 02:47:10 UTC  

Online sales, for instance, are only an improvement of the older forms of mail order sales introduced around 1850, and correspond to no structural change. Similarly, not the Internet, nor multimedia cell phones, TV networks, smart cards, the general ‘informationisation‘ of society, or genetic engineering represent a fundamental structural change, but are, rather, the ‘elaboration’ of already existing things. For none of these so-called new technologies are comparable to the real upheavals, the real techno-economic metamorphoses, that occurred between 1860 and 1960 - and completely revolutionised life and society - with internal combustion engines, electricity, the telephone, the telegraph, the radio (far more revolutionary than television), the railroad, the airplane, penicillin, antibiotics, etc. The new technologies are behind us! There has been no fundamental innovation since 1960: computers have only been reconceived, and made faster and cheaper than what already existed. In contrast, the automobile, antibiotics, telecommunication, and air travel were authentic revolutions making possible things that had previously been impossible."

2018-01-15 02:47:16 UTC  

@Algrin "Bailey" Bagley - PA Can nuclear reactors shut down? Yeah, you need a guy sitting in the seat pushing the buttons and changing the rods.

2018-01-15 02:49:11 UTC  

@John O - Fukishima was a disaster. It seems that it can't be that easy. I wish nuclear power could save us. But I don't trust the gov if they say its safe.

2018-01-15 02:49:55 UTC  

Gotya. Yeah, it's complicated, but you have very competent people running them (usually)

2018-01-15 02:50:40 UTC  

I gotta get out of here. Good talk, guys

2018-01-15 02:51:17 UTC  

@John O - thanks for joining us man!

2018-01-15 02:53:38 UTC  

20% growth forever! All else be damned! .... what could go wrong?

2018-01-15 02:56:53 UTC  

Thank you everyone! Goodnight.

2018-01-15 02:57:09 UTC  

thanks for joining us, @DCViking

2018-01-15 02:57:43 UTC  

The short sighted people who are making quick money now will still make money in the collapse. They make money in peace and war, ... good times and bad.

2018-01-15 03:03:16 UTC  

Y'all have a good night!

2018-01-15 03:03:52 UTC  

Thanks for joining us, @Marseille

2018-01-15 03:04:02 UTC  

I'm out as well. Will be here next time.

2018-01-15 03:04:10 UTC  

Thanks for the discussion

2018-01-15 03:04:18 UTC  

Nice talking to you man, thanks for contributing!

2018-01-15 03:19:41 UTC  

The level of discussion speaks volumes of the people we have in the movement. I very much enjoyed listening to the contributors and how they applied their digestion of the material to practical matters. Thank you to those who orchestrated today's voice chat and a huge kudos to @CarletonJ for bringing the discussion points to establish a flowing structure.

2018-01-15 03:22:23 UTC  

Looking forward to next weekend!

2018-01-15 07:08:58 UTC  

Sorry I missed the general chat gents. I was at a wake this eve.

2018-01-15 18:21:02 UTC  

No worries, man. We'll have another next Sunday.

2018-01-23 02:09:31 UTC  

AESTHETICS - According to its Greek etymology, ’that which evokes a strong sensation'. Aesthetics is linked to notions of beauty, harmony, achievement of form.

2018-01-23 02:09:50 UTC  

Contemporary egalitarian ideology abhors and implicitly demonises aesthetics. It associates (rightly) the will to power with discipline, which it considers morally unacceptable, ‘fascist’ in effect. This ideology opposes aesthetics to ‘ethics’ and situates itself in ethics’ iconoclastic tradition.

With the plastic arts, architecture, cinema, literature, theatre, even fashion, the ugly, the unachieved, the unformed, the most far-fetched nonsense, the shady and the watered down are now preferred to the aesthetic, which is made synonymous with a menacing ‘order’.

2018-01-23 02:10:16 UTC  

Since the mid-Twentieth century, contemporary arts, encouraged by the dominant ideology, have rejected any notion of aesthetics. Instead of harmony, the power of forms, the exaltation and elevation of sensation and beauty - notions of abstract ‘conceptual art’ are preferred, which becomes a pretext for degeneracy, wilful ugliness, and subsidised incompetence. Abstraction accordingly reigns, just as a jargonising meaninglessness and obscurity enthrals the intellectuals. The genuine aesthete, the authentic artist, is ostracised or marginalised -as if he were politically incorrect. Hence, the paradox of a society that strives to be ‘moral’ and humanistic, but ends up privileging barbarism, the inversion of values, and new forms of primitivism. We’re witnessing the simultaneous cohabitation of (1) abstruse ‘contemporary’ art subsidised by the system, (2) a cult which turns the ‘past’ into museum pieces, and (3) a commercial and consumerist subculture. Contemporary art has become the very opposite of avant-garde art. Its sad impostures haven’t budged for a century. It combines a dull academism, imposture, an absence of talent, and financial speculation. Instead of aesthetics, the system prefers pessimistic or suicidal values of representation, those that come from chaos and deformity, nonsense, pathological abstraction, regression, infantilism, scatology, a psychotic pornography: the exaltation of primitive forms (what the visionary Céline called ‘the tom-tom cult’ or what Chirac calls ‘primitive art”). Accompanying this wretchedness, this impotence of old men, there’s the vulgar, artificial boom of costume culture, which is to culture what costume jewellery is to jewellery.

2018-01-23 02:10:31 UTC  

The rejection of aesthetics is crucial to the dominant ideology. For aesthetics, at root, is aristocratic, opposed to massification and fake elites.

2018-01-23 02:14:47 UTC  

ALIEN - Within a given population, those who are culturally and biologically of non-indigenous origin.

2018-01-23 02:19:16 UTC  

AMERICANISM - Americanism is the ideological affirmation of the general domination exercised by the United States and its social-cultural model - which are seen as the apotheosis of modernity and Western civilisation.

2018-01-23 02:19:45 UTC  

ANTI-RACISM - In the guise if combating racism and xenophobia, this doctrine encourages discrimination in favor of aliens, the dissolution of European identity, the multi-racialisation of European society, and, at root, paradoxically, racism itself.

---ANTI-RACISM, moreover, translates into a racial obsession and contradicts itself, since it partisans deny the existence of races. In promoting open borders and dogmatically encouraging multi-racial society, anti-racists end up objectively provoking racism.

2018-01-23 02:25:15 UTC  

ARCHEOFUTURISM - The attitude that approaches the future in terms of ancestral values, believing that notions of modernism and traditionalism need to be dialectically transcended.

---Archeofuturism opposes both modernity and conservatism, seeing them as versos of one another and believing that modernity is backward-looking, having failed to realize either its ideals or great projects.

2018-01-23 02:30:15 UTC  

ARISTOCRACY - Literally and etymologically, 'the government of the best'. Second meaning: 'The class of the best'. The problem is defining the 'best' and determining if it actually governs society.

---Those who defend their people before their own interests, those who respond to real anthropological and cultural criteria: this is the criteria for defining aristocrats.

2018-01-23 02:45:07 UTC  

ASSIMILATION - The belief that the immigrant masses can become French or European if they renounce their cultural origins.

---All assimilation is equivalent to cultural genocide, for the assimilator or the assimilated.

2018-01-23 02:52:50 UTC  

AUTARKY OF GREAT SPACES - The organization of the world economy into autonomous, self-centered great spaces, in opposition to globalism's capitalist and free trade dogmas

---The autarky of great spaces is no obsidional closure, but an exercise in contingency: only those things that can't be produced domestically are imported. International exchanges are thus limited but not suppressed.

2018-01-23 02:58:43 UTC  

BELIEF IN MIRACLES - The general prejudice inherent to egalitarian and humanitarian utopias, as well as the philosophy of progress - which holds 'one can have everything at the same time' and that reality is no obstacle.

---Illusion of infinite development, pedagogical illusion, communist conception of solidarity illusion, illusion of immigration as a benefit, Third-world illusion, ecological illusion, and illusion of the new economy.

2018-01-23 03:00:28 UTC  

BIOPOLITICS - A political project oriented to a people's biological and demographic imperatives.

---Biopolitics is a policy devoted to the long range preservation and improvement of a people's biological germen. (Eugenics)

2018-01-23 03:07:02 UTC  

BORN LEADER - A creative personality imbued with a historical vision of the world.

---History is the fertilization of a people's passive soul by the active soul of its born leaders.

2018-01-23 03:08:48 UTC  

BOURGEOISISM - The mental characteristics of the petty bourgeoisie, extended to the whole of modern society irrespective of social class.

---The modern petty bourgeoisie or middle class dominating present-day society tries to be 'trendy', but betrays an extraordinary conformity. It's both the target and the principle actor in the ideological/intellectual establishment of the reigning soft totalitarianism.

2018-01-23 03:12:21 UTC  

CHAOS, ETHNIC - A historical situation in which people or civilisation loses its ethnic basis due to the mass immigration of aliens.

---Ethnic chaos was a factor in the decomposition of the Roman Republic and Empire, Pharanoic-Egyptian civilization, and many ancient Greek cities. Europe is presently in the grip of a colonising settlement by overseas peoples. A civilization disappears once it loses it original ethnic basis. It becomes a patchwork quilt in which any idea of city, community, and destiny is impossible.
Ethnic chaos signals the pure and simple disappearance of a people and a civilization - and of true democracy - as all the classical Greek philosophers warned.

2018-01-23 03:13:48 UTC  

CHAOS, POST-CHAOS - Chaos is that state of disorganization and anarchy affecting a collectivity of any sort, once it's beset by catastrophe. The post-chaos is that phase when a new order is reconstructed on the basis of a revolutionary, metamorphic logic.

2018-01-23 03:14:51 UTC  

CIRCULATION OF ELITES - An expression of the sociologist Vildredo Pareto to designate the process by which elites are renewed, new blood brought in, and incompetence shed.

---The circulation of elites requires a principle of rigorously selecting the best and most deserving, in a word, it's an 'intelligent inegalitarianism' founded on justice. The selection of elites, like the notion of aristocracy, is based on principles of freedom and competition: 'The best wins.'