Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 446070789045747712

2018-04-12 04:18:23 UTC  

On Games and Victory,
"The fasct remains that modern man needs these degraded and desecrated forms of action as if they were some kind of drug; he needs them to elude the sense of his inner emptiness, to be aware of himself, and to find in exasperated sensations the surrogate for the true meaning of life. One of the characteristics of the Western "Dark Age" ( Kali Yuga) is a sort of Titanic restlessness that knows no limitations of and that induces an existential fever and awakens new sources of elation and of stupefaction.

Julius Evola, *Revolt Against the Modern World*

How bout those Yankees

2018-04-12 04:19:51 UTC  

I read this basically as, competition without a higher purpose or dedication outside one's self is the same as masturbation, filling an emptiness with a similar feeling but without true meaning

2018-05-02 21:46:52 UTC

2018-05-02 21:48:07 UTC

2018-05-02 21:48:52 UTC

2018-05-02 21:50:11 UTC

2018-05-02 21:57:04 UTC  

This is the conclusion of a book called Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism and the Politics of Identity by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke. Since it’s a “scholarly” work published by New York University Press, I was puzzled to see that he was treating many of the figures he addresses like Julius Ebola and Francis Parker Yockey with a good dose of objectivity. Usually any historian with a PhD will smear the subjects of their books with pejoratives and phrases like “but he was apparently crazy because he was a racist”. I got to the conclusion and now I’m thinking this guy might actually be on the level—woke, as they say.

2018-05-02 21:59:16 UTC  

He’s at least Molyneux-level woke. Anyway, the pages I posted are worth reading, and, for those of you that are into some of the weirder esoteric origins and trends in the greater White Identity movement, this is a good read. One of the only “scholarly” works that is moderately fair.

2018-05-15 21:35:46 UTC  

You guys might find this funny -

I'm currently reading the Journals of Lewis and Clark, and the party just came across an "anamale" they had never seen before but have heard the French refer to as a "Brarow" [badger], the first thing the party does is kill it and eat it. 😂

2018-05-15 21:39:13 UTC  

There's a story that a British ship landed on an island off of the Southern part of Africa, the island being incredibly densely populated with penguins that had never had exposure to humans. The sailors immediately start clubbing every one they see

2018-05-15 21:44:34 UTC  

I love our people, man.

2018-05-15 21:46:24 UTC  

"Whites are the only ones that care about conservationism"

2018-05-15 21:50:34 UTC  

>free food

2018-05-15 21:52:38 UTC  

You really can't eat penguins, guy

2018-05-15 21:56:49 UTC  

Honestly I wouldn't know about that lol

2018-05-15 21:57:10 UTC  

Leopard seals seem to do it well enough

2018-05-15 22:00:44 UTC  

Yeah, but 1) Leopard seals aren't human and 2) that part of the world isn't known for it's great wild game. It's like saying "just eat grass, cows are huge"

2018-05-15 22:01:51 UTC  

Do they not have much meat or something? what's physically preventing us?

2018-05-15 22:02:35 UTC  

You can eat them, it's just not great

2018-05-15 22:04:13 UTC  

I'm not saying the sailors didn't do anything with the carcasses. They turned them into oil. However, the annecdote implies that their reasons were less practical and more therapeutic

2018-05-15 22:06:03 UTC  

I imagine it is rather therapeutic

2018-05-15 22:06:23 UTC  

I believe the party killed the badger for research reasons as it would be much harder to study it while it's alive. But they ended up eating it and using its fur.

2018-05-26 19:32:58 UTC  

*"The cure for the aggression characteristic of anti-Semitism was therefore
believed to lie in freeing gentiles from their sexual repressions. Although Freud
himself eventually developed the idea of a death instinct to explain aggression, a
consistent theme of the Freudian critique of Western culture, as exemplified for
example by Norman O. Brown, Herbert Marcuse, and Wilhelm Reich, has been
that the liberation of sexual repressions would lead to lowered aggression and
usher in an era of universal love."*

2018-05-26 19:33:25 UTC  

**Jewish logic:** You cant hate anyone if you're sleeping with everyone.

2018-05-28 00:04:50 UTC  

What they didn't realize is that by liberating people from sexual repression created an entire class of people who despite being exposed to a hyper sexualized culture are still unable to get laid. Imagine what would be worse. An Incel in Victorian England who has never seen a girls ankles or an incel at ASU whose roommate is literally banging a girl 10 feet away from him. Which one do you think will snap first?

2018-05-28 01:56:36 UTC  

@Der Seeteufel - SD in the chapter our book club is currently reading, MacDonald exposed how Jewish psychoanalysts are trying to convince the general public that the "goyims'" rejection of promiscuity is actually a sickness. They continously criticize Western culture with theories based on absolutely nothing but opinions.

2018-05-28 02:07:31 UTC  

Criticism seems to be an extremely effective tool against Europeans - as this book describes. It's truly extraordinary how far we will go to please people.

2018-06-04 04:34:34 UTC

2018-06-04 04:34:50 UTC

2018-06-04 04:46:34 UTC  

"The New Birth" seems pretty similar to "Taking the Red Pill"

2018-07-04 03:41:13 UTC

2018-07-04 03:42:45 UTC  

Austria-Hungary in the late 19th century.

2018-07-04 03:44:01 UTC  

So basically to win we need to blame liberals and praise jews?

2018-07-04 03:49:00 UTC  

@Jack - PA Well they are our greatest ally

2018-07-04 03:56:26 UTC  

@Jack - PA no. Populists against liberal oligarchs is the way to win

2018-07-04 03:56:55 UTC  

I agree. And I think it’s happening

2018-08-21 04:27:05 UTC

2018-08-21 04:27:13 UTC

2018-08-21 04:31:12 UTC  

If I'm not mistaken under FDR many ethnic Mexican citizens were stripped of their citizenship and deported. So it's interesting to note that there is already a legal precedent to do this @Nemets

2018-08-21 04:32:51 UTC  

@Nathan_Barker Yes, article says 400k to 2 million total deported, and 60% of them were US citizens

2018-08-21 04:38:45 UTC  

Gives me hope 😂 @Nemets