Message from @O.Staaf

Discord ID: 544582923446255626

2019-02-11 18:01:06 UTC  

I don't think that's national socialist, but yeah.. thanks for discussing with me

2019-02-11 18:01:18 UTC  

No problem

2019-02-11 18:01:24 UTC  

I enjoyed this discussion

2019-02-11 18:07:10 UTC  

maybe today the culture is so degenerate that cheating on your partner might happen for anyone, but if the culture were healthier and it happens shouldn't the man be to blame since he couldn't keep his wife to himself, his character must have caused it

2019-02-11 18:09:08 UTC  


2019-02-11 18:09:37 UTC  

This rests on the question of a woman's autonomy

2019-02-11 18:10:12 UTC  

I don't really know if anyone is to blame, being unfaithful is wrong but anyway I don't think Christian values has anything to do with it

2019-02-11 18:10:30 UTC  

It makes sense people will search and play the market until they find someone who wants to purchase them

2019-02-11 18:10:41 UTC  

before christianity being faithful was still core to our culture as well as letting kids be kids

2019-02-11 18:11:25 UTC  

yeah, we shouldn't encourage sleeping around but it's not morally wrong neither if it's in order to find a life partner

2019-02-11 18:12:25 UTC  

but todays culture is degenerate, but that is due to the circumstances in finding a partner and how todays values are wrong

2019-02-11 18:14:06 UTC  

I think that men and women will naturally create a system that has to be mutually beneficial without the government rigging it in one gender's favor

2019-02-11 18:15:11 UTC  

Society at large will determine whether or not they will tolerate promiscuity

2019-02-11 18:15:37 UTC  

Once the government cannot bail out women that have been foolish

2019-02-11 18:15:38 UTC  

the jews created feminism and it's part of cultural marxism, so it's just a way to break down the natural order and stability of the society they want to reshape

2019-02-11 18:15:48 UTC  


2019-02-11 18:16:17 UTC  

the people don't always know what's best for them

2019-02-11 18:16:39 UTC  

or else direct democracy or something like that would be the way to go

2019-02-11 18:17:20 UTC  

we are open to the people making choices in some questions whether the state has to decide what's best for the people as a whole in other questions

2019-02-11 18:17:36 UTC  

*where as

2019-02-11 18:18:06 UTC  

eventually when the culture and genetics are healthy enough it will become an organic state

2019-02-11 18:18:21 UTC  

still hierarchical, not some socialist thing

2019-02-11 18:19:48 UTC  

In regards to what women will want long term and men will want long term for their family lives that will have to be satisfied voluntarily between the two of them.
Crying foul after using your sexuality and asking the government to bail you out will enforce behaviors that are toxic to society.

2019-02-11 18:20:41 UTC  

I agree that if the state prioritizes the race above anything else then it will probably result in policies that benefit the healthy and smart, while punishing the dumb and weak

2019-02-11 18:21:42 UTC  

I guess so, you can't and I don't see any benefit from micro managing people like that

2019-02-11 18:22:40 UTC  

Yeah, otherwise it would be central planning to the point of mismanaging your capital - in this case your human capital.

2019-02-11 18:23:34 UTC  

we're not anti individuals or individual differences

2019-02-11 18:24:04 UTC  

but maybe anti individualism if you see that as a philosophy or political stance or how you would classify it

2019-02-11 18:24:17 UTC  


2019-02-11 18:25:12 UTC  

I would probably say that individualism in a system that is run by destroyers will result in individuals benefiting themselves at the destruction of their people

2019-02-11 18:25:40 UTC  

Which is what we have today.

2019-02-11 18:26:35 UTC  

In a system that is run by protectors and sustainers, then people who wish to benefit themselves will act in a way that strengthens their people.

2019-02-11 18:26:52 UTC  

anyway you need to be able to sacrifice your own beliefs, wills and wants for the race or people as a whole to be able to cooperate effectively

2019-02-11 18:27:24 UTC  

you don't have to abandon them, but everyone can not pull the rope in their own direction

2019-02-11 18:28:55 UTC  

From everything I have observed, I know that the majority of people respond to incentives. They might feel strongly about something but are too lazy or cowardly to sacrifice for it. That's why the system has to incentivize people artificially.

2019-02-11 18:29:21 UTC  

yeah, it's about being taught correctly mostly

2019-02-11 18:29:46 UTC  

Yeah, the education is compromised as well.

2019-02-11 18:29:57 UTC  

Germany was never as USSR

2019-02-11 18:30:21 UTC  

people were happy and did these things voluntarily because they would benefit from it

2019-02-11 18:30:27 UTC  

I don't think that people need the truth, they need to be indoctrinated.

2019-02-11 18:30:47 UTC  

We need loyalty.