Message from @1776

Discord ID: 818097066185195541

2021-03-07 00:54:23 UTC  

well there wont be any jobs left when they get inside

2021-03-07 00:54:33 UTC  

and those checks arnt coming either

2021-03-07 00:58:09 UTC  

dude the only guys that are getting overtime right now at the company I work for are the machinists, welders, and any other skilled labor job.

2021-03-07 00:58:27 UTC  

every other department has either had hours cut and/or layoffs

2021-03-07 10:52:45 UTC  


2021-03-07 10:54:04 UTC  

Jesus take it into the back alley WP we know your relationship with xiden.

2021-03-07 11:33:27 UTC

2021-03-07 11:34:04 UTC  

wapo has to tell both sides... lol

2021-03-07 11:51:22 UTC  

Still tho "showering money on americans" didnt hear that when trump signed his stimulus check.

2021-03-07 12:11:35 UTC  

no... shocks ... confusion

2021-03-07 12:13:51 UTC  

Im confused at what you are getting at, all im saying us that the media is basically in on it with xiden, and that we should expect these types of articles from them praising him as some sort of god while demonizing trumps administration.

2021-03-07 12:15:12 UTC  

seems obvious... and agree... though some may still not get it

2021-03-07 12:17:39 UTC  

And they are the ignorant (and left leaning) individuals of society that refuse to look at the reality of things and simply dont want to hear the bad things coming from congress.

2021-03-07 12:25:02 UTC  

people can't believe they have been lied to by the 'news media' and also won't admit their ignorance... too embarassed or just plain dense....

2021-03-07 12:25:32 UTC  


2021-03-07 12:25:34 UTC  


2021-03-07 12:25:40 UTC
Andrew Cuomo made Trump look bad. Now, maybe we'll see the governor for what he really is
Opinion: New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo must be confused at his sudden reversal of fortune. He shouldn't be. The media no longer needs him now that Trump is out of office.
Jon Gabriel
opinion contributor

Andrew Cuomo was never known as a media sweetheart. In his decade as New York’s governor, he was considered a bully, a braggart and the chief cog in the corrupt Albany machine. COVID-19 changed all that.

The state was ravaged by the novel coronavirus but the governor’s daily pressers won over a swooning media. His brother Chris regularly featured him on his prime-time CNN show where sibling rivalry jokes degenerated into prop comedy.

Pop culture also fell in love. Ellen DeGeneres, Stephen Colbert and Trevor Noah outed themselves as “Cuomosexuals.” The governor wrote a best seller mid-pandemic and won an Emmy for his televised briefings. Cuomo’s legendary journalist-bashing was hardly mentioned.

It’s not as if the governor became lovable or competent in March 2020. He was just a convenient tool to bludgeon a president the news and entertainment worlds despised. If Cuomo looked good, then Trump would look bad. The fact they both were problematic was beside the point.
Cuomo was a useful idiot to foil Trump

2021-03-07 12:27:31 UTC  

Right so fuckem, my friend is just like that believing the whole "good man on both sides" and "sucjers and losers" bullshit. I showed him quotes and citations debunking that manufactured outrage and his response? "U cant change my mind" and "lets agree to disagree".

2021-03-07 12:27:55 UTC  

Keep in mind he proclaims himself as a "moderate" democrat

2021-03-07 12:29:04 UTC  

I should have went off on his ignorant ass, these people need to confront reality face first by looking beyond the propaganda and just reading the fine print.

2021-03-07 19:15:28 UTC  

if any changes were made to it, then approved by the goes back to house of reps for approval or deny for restoration to original ...if restored to original..then sent back to the senate, but if approved senate's version..then they pass it and on to potus

2021-03-08 08:30:51 UTC
they do something right for once, I was honestly surprised by this move.

2021-03-08 12:15:04 UTC  

They do it to further trick Americans

2021-03-08 12:25:46 UTC  

I don't know man

2021-03-08 12:26:10 UTC  

It's probably real but overall the proof is in the people

2021-03-08 12:27:35 UTC  

If an overwhelming amount of people express that this is working then we'll know it's real

2021-03-08 12:28:37 UTC  

Something I just kind of fear is that Biden is gonna turn into an FDR type where he was actually a really bad president but is made out to be better

2021-03-08 12:28:57 UTC  

Bruh this is the same media that thinks 1400$ is gonna lift people out of poverty.

2021-03-08 12:29:13 UTC  

That's stupid

2021-03-08 12:29:22 UTC  

I wouldnt trust them for a second when they say something good for biden

2021-03-08 12:30:31 UTC  

I don't think we should treat everything biden does as bad

2021-03-08 13:55:40 UTC  

$1400 barely covers two months rent and basic expenses in the worst place in town.

2021-03-08 14:21:14 UTC  

we should being that is what the dems did for trump during his administration, now we are going to do the same.

2021-03-08 14:21:45 UTC  

I don't feel like that's right

2021-03-08 14:22:06 UTC  

I don't feel like it was right then and I don't think it's right now