Message from @ThiccSpicyGenderRevealParty

Discord ID: 807074839378657290

2021-02-05 02:06:35 UTC  

Don't get me wrong, 7-1 K/D spread is always a win in my book. But it would have been much easier to let them kick out the French, wait it out, and join them when the Chinese began their invasion.

2021-02-05 02:07:21 UTC  

Or even better, we could have continued the Korean War once the Chinese had fully engaged with 'Nam.

2021-02-05 02:07:50 UTC  

We probably should have just done the korean option

2021-02-05 02:08:25 UTC  

because with the Vietnamese, they at least stuck to the idea of the politics not mattering as long as it ended with the independence of Vietnam

2021-02-05 02:08:53 UTC  

Korea on the other hand, they're an entirely different story

2021-02-05 02:11:06 UTC  

Well, the politics wouldn't matter to *us*. I think the Hmong might have a different opinion, however.

2021-02-05 02:12:39 UTC  

Also, what do people think of the idea of Japan getting it's balls back? Should we petition King Biden to let the Japanese have Aircraft Carriers?

2021-02-05 02:13:05 UTC  

depends on what Japan decides to set their gunsights on

2021-02-05 02:13:27 UTC  

if they start pulling the same shit as in the 30s then absolutely not

2021-02-05 02:15:39 UTC  

Do they have a choice? Given that China is currently running constant "Landing Operation" drills for its army, and everyone's wondering when Taiwan (Or as I like to call them, the RRC) is going to get invaded, they won't have a chance to start imagining any Imperial fantasies.

2021-02-05 02:15:56 UTC  

which is why i dont think itll be a problem

2021-02-05 02:16:15 UTC  

only this time, China isnt fighting a bunch of smaller versions of itself

2021-02-05 02:18:47 UTC  

I agree that Japan's done some pretty heinous stuff. Their human experimentation made the Nazi's blush. And they still refuse to apologize for it.

But it's been 75 years now, I think? Pretty close to that. I think it's in the past.

2021-02-05 02:19:06 UTC  


2021-02-05 02:19:47 UTC  

Not to mention, China is the one constantly demanding apologies. The gall of that is just astounding.

2021-02-05 02:20:16 UTC  

speaking of the vietnamese, i heard that they, along with countries like Laos, Cambodia, and Thailand have been butting heads with the Chinese behind closed doors

2021-02-05 02:20:44 UTC  

Oh, yeah, absolutely.

2021-02-05 02:21:01 UTC  

it was fine the first few years before we rooted out the Japanese Imperial coomers, but now its just kind of annoying

2021-02-05 02:26:02 UTC  

Fun fact, what we know as the Chinese Culture, it's actually *Han* culture. China had a great number of different types of subculture before the Han took over. But once they did, they were absolutely pretentious and constantly bullied their smaller neighbors. When the British Empire came knocking, the Chinese spoke Latin to them. The Brits said "We kind of speak English now."

The Chinese gave them a long and pretty version of the following:
"Be glad we're not forcing you to speak Chinese, it's a sign of our graciousness that we bothered to learn Western language at all. We will accept your silver in return for our products. What can we say except *You're Welcome.*"

That's when the Brits told them to get stuffed and began firing cannons at them.

2021-02-05 02:27:11 UTC  

And then drugged the shit out of them

2021-02-05 02:27:16 UTC  

and then shot at them some more

2021-02-05 02:28:33 UTC  

Point being, the Vietnamese, the Koreans, the Philippines, and *especially* the Japanese have never forgotten what kind of imperialistic pricks the Chinese have always been. They didn't need a communist dictatorship for everyone to hate them, they were hated to begin with.

2021-02-05 02:29:42 UTC  

The Han were pretty good businessmen to begin with but shit militants

2021-02-05 02:31:37 UTC  

It was all the nepotistic backstabbing, I think.
China has enough natural borders that they didn't really need to be worried about being invaded by foreigners. And because of that, the court politics were an absolute nightmare.

2021-02-05 02:32:22 UTC  

i said that the Han (chinese) were shit militants, hence why they were crushed by literally everyone else

2021-02-05 02:32:41 UTC  

and one dumbshit had the gall to say "But what about Sun Tzu?" to me

2021-02-05 02:33:35 UTC  

Fun fact: Sun Tzu served the Kingdom of Wu, who im pretty sure were not the Han

2021-02-05 02:35:06 UTC  

Cao Cao knew wtf he was doing, and he hired the right people for the jobs he had them doing.

2021-02-05 02:36:39 UTC  

shit my asian history isnt that good

2021-02-05 02:37:00 UTC  

Is he a Han Leader?

2021-02-05 02:37:44 UTC  

No, I had *my* history wrong. I had the wrong Kindom of Wu.

2021-02-05 02:38:31 UTC  

hold on lemme look him up

2021-02-05 02:38:39 UTC  

oh shit i got it right

2021-02-05 02:38:44 UTC  

Cao Cao was a Han leader

2021-02-05 02:38:54 UTC  


2021-02-05 02:38:57 UTC  

oh dear

2021-02-05 02:39:37 UTC  

No, what I'm saying is that I found out, Sun Tzu didn't serve under cao cao.

2021-02-05 02:39:49 UTC  

He served in an entirely different time period.

2021-02-05 02:40:27 UTC  

Hence, wrong Wu.

2021-02-05 02:40:30 UTC  

he served King Ho-Lu

2021-02-05 02:40:35 UTC  

yeah i got it