Message from @[TDE] Smokie

Discord ID: 809210197867626517

2021-02-10 23:48:23 UTC  

Technically: If your businesses is 100% guaranteed to kill its employees it should not be a business. Fucking simple math. Basic business not even 101 level

2021-02-10 23:48:34 UTC  

@Variss @[TDE] Smokie @mightytrump So, regarding the issue of paying a living wage, I disagree with the notion that a business owner must provide a living wage.

Some people work multiple gig style jobs and prefer it that way. They work Jimmy Johns lunch rush in the business district, drive for Amazon in the mornings before that, and drive Uber in the evenings for drunks at the bar.

2021-02-10 23:48:39 UTC  

Like business for elementary school

2021-02-10 23:48:50 UTC  

if its 100% its probably illegal anyway lol

2021-02-10 23:49:02 UTC  

Thank you

2021-02-10 23:49:04 UTC  

A job is not required to pay a full living wage.

2021-02-10 23:49:09 UTC  

Thank you

2021-02-10 23:49:11 UTC  


2021-02-10 23:49:36 UTC  

I don't have to flip my position to have a conversation 🙄

2021-02-10 23:49:59 UTC  

My question would be for @[TDE] Smokie

2021-02-10 23:50:27 UTC  

This is how it should work. Businesses should only provide market value compensation, it's all they can reasonably afford too

2021-02-10 23:50:30 UTC  

Why do you think a job must pay a living wage? Is it because you cannot imagine alternative life arrangements that would work out with that?

2021-02-10 23:50:37 UTC  

I don't think it should.

2021-02-10 23:50:44 UTC  

I never said it should

2021-02-10 23:51:09 UTC  

What if I’m semi retired and have partial retirement income and don’t need a full working income?

2021-02-10 23:51:18 UTC  

That job may be for me

2021-02-10 23:51:27 UTC  

And now that I’ve gone and read back...

2021-02-10 23:51:36 UTC  

Smokie , you’re a dope.

2021-02-10 23:51:58 UTC  

And no one mentioned the term "Living wage" which is definitely different than "A wage you can live off". One is a term used by people to say they want to live comfortably and like every other communist brother, the other says you pay someone and they say alive

2021-02-10 23:52:25 UTC  

Potato podildo

2021-02-10 23:52:25 UTC  

Lol. Name calling now huh? @Rev

2021-02-10 23:52:37 UTC  

> Hypothetical: someone tells you "If you run a business and cannot afford to pay your employees a wage they can live off, you should not be in business." What do you respond with?

2021-02-10 23:52:59 UTC  

The question has a very simple answer, and the answer is the assertion is wrong.

2021-02-10 23:53:11 UTC  


2021-02-10 23:53:38 UTC  

It makes a blanket judgement. On the basic principle that absolutes are almost always wrong, the assertion is wrong.

2021-02-10 23:53:54 UTC  

What assertion is wrong?

2021-02-10 23:54:16 UTC  

The assertion that the business owner should not be in business

2021-02-10 23:54:33 UTC  

The proposed hypothetical that I quoted, that Redbird quoted

2021-02-10 23:54:43 UTC  

I hate being mobile only. UGH

2021-02-10 23:54:48 UTC  

So back to what I said, how can a business be open if people die because they work there?

2021-02-10 23:54:57 UTC  

That’s a false dichotomy

2021-02-10 23:55:08 UTC  

You’re literally just trying to be a contrarian

2021-02-10 23:55:18 UTC  

I'm no bird!

2021-02-10 23:55:21 UTC  

How dare you!

2021-02-10 23:55:28 UTC  


2021-02-10 23:55:29 UTC  


2021-02-10 23:56:25 UTC  


2021-02-10 23:56:33 UTC  

Just because a business doesn’t pay an employee enough money to survive doesn’t mean the employee will die

2021-02-10 23:56:38 UTC  

*contrarian noises*

2021-02-10 23:56:53 UTC  

Multiple jobs, passive income streams, partial retirement

2021-02-10 23:56:54 UTC  

So you're assuming things outside the scope of the original question?