Message from @Briar
Discord ID: 795459353695223868
Always to the outgroup
not even that having domestic forced labor in outgroups you move in devalues ur host labor
so u should locate that shit to a foreign area or whatever
So what
if you wanna maximuze efficiency you're better off having forced labor outside of the core territory unless you have excessive efficiency and its redundant
if you want to maximize efficiency and production, use machines
Just make the outgroup work ffs
ya true but even then the point of forced labor is moreso to put the outgroup out of any real organizational capacity
How difficult is it
yes i agree
Then why all these slavery bad fags
who said slavery was bad lol
A lot
Bc adam smith said so or something
yeah just basically not worth the effort, not that it's bad
it's pretty obvious that it's not worth the effort. if you're unhappy that a bangladeshi widow in a sweatshop or some other third world sweated labour aren't *technically* slaves then i'm not sure what to say.
Im not referring tl that
If america today went wignat for example
Why shouldnt it put blacks in camps?
Why should it not enslave them
Im not talking about going to other continents strictly to enslave
are they more efficient than machines? you need to feed them and treat them fairly decently. what value is there in doing that? what exactly is it you're having them doing?
They'll be living in mud huts or shacks cramped together and they'll eat porridge or watered down soup for meals most of the time, not to mention that the weak/old ones will be disposed of once they become liabilities
Moving boxes, being in production lines(like the jews in nazi germany), in mines, etc
The point isnt long term labor anyway, its to windle down their numbers while putting them to some use
slavery isnt profitable lol
it is
Here, see this kinds of people
Say why
smaller consumer base
"muh wealth of nations"
You spend little on them and get a large workforce