Message from @DOAN
Discord ID: 462945603413082113
I don't think the Pope has ever said anything untrue about migration (be welcoming, extend charity yadda yadda) just things which do not signal toward an anti migration stance which is the stance I think is correct in our current situation.
RSVCE best V
@Scooter2000 The pope condemned Salvini for sending ships back. He said we should demolish all walls
@DOAN Post
I've been told the "Pope said.." a lot of things
the popes politcal opinions are completly irralevent
and in no way represent catholic doctrine
no one cares this has no bearing on anything only fools and fedora tipping atheists think his politcal opinions matter
@DOAN Dude this is old as fuck. He flippantly said people should build walls not bridges when a reporter asked for comment on the Trump/wall situation. He didn't say "TEAR DOWN EVERY WALL AND BORDER NOW RACE MIX YOU SHEEPLE 666!"
2. I don't read Italian
But @Joe the boomer Is also correct. We are not obligated to agree with any given Pope on any political matter (so long as it is not a clear violation of the moral law.) Dante put Pope Boniface 8 (who was a living Pope) in Hell because of his expansionistic ambitions. You don't get to just take up Catholicism because you get a Based Blessed Pius 12 and then give it all up when he dies and we get a less pleasing Pope. The Pope is who The Pope needs to be at this time for whatever reason that fulfills God's providential ends. He is our sovereign Pontiff and we at the very least have to respect him in matters of discipline, faith and morals.
We have two problems here.
1. Uncharitable and biased reporting on The Holy Father
2. A fundamental misunderstanding on just what his authority is, what his ministry is and what Christians owe him
Google has a cool thing called "translator" that translates things for you
"Migrants are not numbers. We must break down every wall"
I never said that he said "Race mix sheeple" nor did I say that he ever in his life mentioned the numbers 666 in a positive way, I'm not sure where you get that from; I'm sure you're not trying to strawman my argument now
@Joe the boomer The reason why I ask is because a lot of Catholics think the Pope is literally chosen divinely to represent the Church and is a vessel of divine messaging. Some Catholics you'd consider redpilled have clearly stated this. So you personally believe that the Pope's political opinion doesn't matter? What do you think about the Pope in general
sadly i know a few catholics who when i asked them about coming back they expressed concern about his nonsense opinions theres a huge mis communication about what his role really is
The Orthodox church would gladly take your friends
Yeah but the orthodox church aint the truth
*ATHEISM* is the truth
@DOAN "I never said that he said "Race mix sheeple" nor did I say that he ever in his life mentioned the numbers 666 in a positive way, I'm not sure where you get that from; I'm sure you're not trying to strawman my argument now"
I'm making fun of you
@Brother Basil you mean the bitching cirlce
I'm unfamiliar with the form of autism you are trying to convey, please explain.
You guys are like a jealous ex wife
*The Latin Church haha we don't care about those heretics. Did you hear about what they did in Constantinople though?*
Are we going to do the bit or are we being serious. Want to know before effort post.
*We totally don't care. But did you know what they say about the Bishop of Rome? Universal ministry pfff, I could tell you a few stories about that...*
*The massacre of the Latins? He totally provoked me ok!?*
I-I'm making fun of you
Orthodoxy seems cool
So first of all the most important thing is the salvation of man. Nothing is more important. If there are Catholics that have fallen away from the church their soul is imperiled. This is bad, very bad. If they can find a home in the Orthodox Church and regain a relationship with God, of which the Catholic Church recognizes as valid, then this is joyous for all.
I'm a recovering atheist and looking for a denomiation to dedicate mylife to
@DOAN What is your specific objection here.