Message from @Borb
Discord ID: 472275560823783436
What do you want?
Hi is this the FBI honeypot?
Quick Schlomo, get the neuralyzer
o y v e y
So what got V1 taken down?
Siegeposting and people sharing bomb making plans
should consider using telegram or something less cucked than discord tbh
won't get zucced for sharing wrongthink at least
Why did Discord have to work with the SPLC out of all organizations?
because they sell out right-wing users
There were a few articles about this after the battle of berkely iirc
true story
Commies r bad
Hey @Borb political ideology and location?
Can I have Nationalist Role?
@Esdeath Partas Azazel u got it bruv
Thx love.
is that sexual harassment
Not sure how it’s sexual haha
lol i only joke
this place is growing very quickly and i like that a lot
im sure reptile is very pleased that he doesnt have to be part of an anticom server run by a dumbass
I‘m just curious
Did you also give me the classical liberal role?
no i assume rep gave it to you
are you a classical liberal or do you want me to change?
It’s fine, I was just wondering how they came to that conclusion, seeing I haven’t been too active yet haha, I’d have to look at some sort of Role list.
Do you have a Role list?
im a mod here so i can access the roles lol