Message from @Citizen Z

Discord ID: 583641296833478676

2019-04-07 19:31:39 UTC  

***Truther:*** A person who disbelieves the government and media narrative of events. (To Obtain verified truther role, you will need to have at least 3 conspiracy roles.)
***Mainstream:*** A person that accepts the government and media narrative of events.
***Questioning:*** A person that questions the main narrative of an event.
***Flat Earther:*** (self-explanatory)
(To obtain verified Flat Earther role, you will need to provide 3 evidences for a Flat Earth) <@&484511709009281037> or <@&486265577829040149> or <@&484511988362510338> to apply for interview.
***Globe Earther:*** (self-explanatory)
***Simulation Earther:*** Believes we live in a computer simulation.
***Undecided Earther:*** Questions the Standard & Alternatives Earth models.
***Concave Earther:*** Believes the Earth is Concave.
***Hollow Earther:*** Believes the Earth is Hollow.

2019-04-07 19:35:39 UTC  

**Role Menu: Earth Roles**
React to give yourself a role.

<:yagpdb:564527756180979724> : `Flat Earther`

❔ : `Undecided Earther`

<:yagpdb:485141702403686403> : `Globe Earther`

🏟 : `Concave Earther`

<:yagpdb:507990858960732162> : `Hollow Earther`

💻 : `Simulation Earther`

2019-04-07 19:40:34 UTC  

**Role Menu: Main Roles**
React to give yourself a role.

<:yagpdb:507995495982170112> : `Truther`

❓ : `Questioning`

🐑 : `Mainstream`

2019-05-30 13:02:08 UTC  

For other roles, go to <#564645027817717760>