Message from @Chad Memerman
Discord ID: 487058341701615616
what's poppin brother
rise up, heymen
hey man
Brother may I have some burger?
Try the Borther burger
oy vey 👃
oh gwad
bleep, bloop, bleep
I prefer the term 'Huwhite', thank you very much.
@Reinhard Wolff says we should wait approximately two minutes before entering the chat, so he can enjoy the sound of our entrance...
Koba was never gone. His goggles are omniscient and watch over IE at all times
Beeps out for Patrick.
Sup boss
quick, everyone leave and rejoin!
beep gang
is Patrick talking yet?
Yeah my kids always scream when I cook them
Ice free zone!
Que nagging wife
Beat me to it @ThisIsChris
The counter protest was funded by Coca Cola
I'm Germanic
Huwhites need to stand together
Chemnitz was great. Wir sind das volk.
I'm 1/8th German
@Reinhard Wolff you can disable the beeps
Colorado Rockies crown of the continent
I/60th German Shepard
who /french/ here?
<:deye:359010025223618570> 🖌
I'm completely of British ancestry and I think I have a bit of Norman.
I'm an evil eternal anglo.
So a little French in that sense.