Message from @M4Gunner

Discord ID: 437683873787150358

2018-04-22 18:31:41 UTC  

Dali was a clean surrealist. He came up with a concept and completed the work. Surrealism was about play.

2018-04-22 18:31:55 UTC  

his work is plenty playful

2018-04-22 18:32:19 UTC  

its much more palateable than many other surrealist artists who discredited him

2018-04-22 18:32:40 UTC  

iirc they were also annoyed he wouldnt join them in their various political leanings

2018-04-22 18:32:53 UTC  


2018-04-22 18:33:14 UTC  

Surrealism wasn't political until the second maniphesto.

2018-04-22 18:33:24 UTC  

Which a lot rejected.

2018-04-22 18:33:30 UTC  

Why would an artist prescribe to an opinion rather than his own?

2018-04-22 18:34:32 UTC  

what's going on?

2018-04-22 18:34:40 UTC  

Breton said some s†††

2018-04-22 18:34:53 UTC  

but his work just aint as good

2018-04-22 18:35:21 UTC  

Breton was interesting, but the surrealist "movement" was like "grundge"... it was there before people tried to name it.

2018-04-22 18:35:45 UTC  

Ernst is a much better example, but he came from Dadaist stock.

2018-04-22 18:37:22 UTC  

I dont like the actual dadaist works that much because its just trolling

2018-04-22 18:37:52 UTC  

its funny and interesting but buying into it was just getting yourself trolled

2018-04-22 18:38:11 UTC  

That's what I liked about Dadaism.

2018-04-22 18:38:25 UTC  

yeah but would you pay money for a signed toilet

2018-04-22 18:38:48 UTC  

You mean post modernism?

2018-04-22 18:39:00 UTC  

Du-shamp or whatever?

2018-04-22 18:39:10 UTC  

pretty sure the r. mutt toilet was squarely in the realm of dadaists

2018-04-22 18:39:27 UTC  

Marcel Duchamp i think

2018-04-22 18:40:31 UTC  

It's a bit more complicated than that, but yeah, it was inspired by the dadaist concepts. Like most things, the prelude to trolling and shitposting extended the liberties we take for granted.

2018-04-22 18:44:47 UTC  

gotta have some wierd games too

2018-04-22 18:46:23 UTC  

as far as local music goes most of the hard/abstract/electronics/noise scene is like aggressively political anarchist gendergays, so im kinda over it

2018-04-22 18:47:12 UTC  

i just feel like if i go to a show i cant talk how i normally would, although thats turning into everywhere lately

2018-04-22 18:48:34 UTC  

going to shows used to be about drinking beer and talking s†††

2018-04-22 18:49:27 UTC  

That reminds me of how over here, they shut down "metal", "rock" and "punk"-clubs (read; bars with live music), but kept dance clubs open because of "voilence".... I hate voilent clubs... so I went to bars... it was fucked up.

2018-04-22 18:50:50 UTC  

ill be honest ive seen and been involved with plenty violence at punk and metal shows

2018-04-22 18:51:17 UTC  

but raves have their own set of problems

2018-04-22 18:51:34 UTC  

its better for people to have a nice fistfight than OD 😄

2018-04-22 18:52:02 UTC  

I've had a few small incodents (rarley), but date rape was running wild in dance clubs, and the fights made no sence... you couldn't talk your way out of it.

2018-04-22 18:53:11 UTC  

Have you seen the video with Asian warski?

2018-04-22 18:54:17 UTC  

date rape is hard to police when girls are rolled outta their heads

2018-04-22 18:54:45 UTC  

also scene scum always rise to the top

2018-04-22 18:55:57 UTC  

All I can say is those clubs were nasty... just people looking to fight or fuck... at least I could meet people to chat about music in metal/rock bars.

2018-04-22 18:56:07 UTC  

"dare rape" <:think_woke:378717098681171988>

2018-04-22 18:56:19 UTC  

metal shows are not reall as violent as rap shows because metalheads dont generally pack heat to clubs

2018-04-22 18:56:46 UTC  

I wouldn't know... never went to a rap gig :/

2018-04-22 18:57:28 UTC  

theres nowhere else you can get the raw vocal prowess of good technical rap

2018-04-22 18:57:45 UTC  

I remember moshing at a Static X show