Message from @Papa Pizzagate

Discord ID: 509800643922231296

2018-11-07 18:32:26 UTC  

Trump just kicked some serious ass in that last press conference ten minutes ago.

2018-11-07 18:32:45 UTC  

While chronic pessimism is unproductive, it's also unproductive to dismiss genuine concerns. There's a huge difference between being a defeatist and acknowledging legitimate obstacles that we have. When someone mentions that historically Republican states were won by small margins, the correct response isn't to dismiss this person and point out the obvious, that we won it this time at least, the correct response is to talk about what we can do to solve the problem. Yes, we've seen a lot of positive developments recently. That doesn't mean we can't discuss negative developments. When someone brings up a negative development, the correct response isn't to yell at them about how cool it is that birthright citizenship is going away. You can acknowledge setbacks. We're all adults here and we can handle it.

The truth is, it *does* suck that we lost the house. However, there's no need to create a false dichotomy on how to respond. It's not a choice between ignoring it and overdosing on whitepills or becoming a defeatist. You can acknowledge the problem and discuss it.

2018-11-07 18:32:56 UTC  

Plus with SJW nonsense the Ivy League is increasingly a meme and liability for anyone who isn't deep state

2018-11-07 18:32:56 UTC  

@Axel that was really interesting to watch

2018-11-07 18:33:16 UTC  

I haven’t seen trump that angry since the campaign

2018-11-07 18:33:50 UTC  

@Nemets First Generation Asians are shop owners, second generation and on are Sarah Jeongs

2018-11-07 18:34:10 UTC  

When is Jim Acosta going get removed from the press room? I thought for sure it was about to happen today

2018-11-07 18:35:42 UTC  

@Jacob THANK YOU. That's what I was trying to say this morning while people were basically mocking anyone with less false hope than a Q-posting boomer

2018-11-07 18:36:03 UTC  

@Wood-Ape - OK/MN correct. I've almost never disagreed politically with first generation asians on anything, across all nationalities, but second gen and beyond are very lame.

2018-11-07 18:36:44 UTC  

@Nemets Poland only exists because ZOG needs it as a bulwark/buffer against Diet-ZOG (Russia)

2018-11-07 18:37:01 UTC  

I know and work with a lot of Filipinos who are very based and redpilled. It sucks they dont actively work against their progeny ruining everything.

2018-11-07 18:37:40 UTC  

@DeusVolk The most anti white coworker I have had was a Chinese descendents 2nd gen "non binary" bitch lesbo

2018-11-07 18:39:04 UTC  

She was mad at me for being proud of being Oklahoman, because muh displaced indigenous. So I pretty much said "fine can I get a ride to Eurasia with you, bexause this isn't your shit either, Wong (actual last name)!" This was when I was still leftist too lol

2018-11-07 18:39:34 UTC  

@Nemets Rest well, sir

2018-11-07 18:39:40 UTC  

@Nemets Night

2018-11-07 18:40:07 UTC  
2018-11-07 18:40:25 UTC  

Also, it's incredibly unproductive to tell ourselves that civic nationalism is more than what it is. No, if civnats succeed it's not going to make the world 10 times better. I know this might make some people strawman me and say that I just want us to isolate ourselves or whatever. No, I totally support voting for civnats over the alternative. I totally support joining their clubs and blending in.

However, civic nationalism is not going to solve absolutely anything in the long term. I know it sounds cool to say that civnats want to deport illegals. You have to remember, though, that they still support turning you into a minority and flooding your labor market through legal immigration, just slightly slower than liberals.

So, yes, vote for them, help them defeat the liberals, but don't act like civic nationalism is actually going to solve absolutely anything on it's own.

2018-11-07 18:41:16 UTC  

I support Maxine Waters for Speaker of the House

2018-11-07 18:42:09 UTC  

@missliterallywho "Impeach fowty faive!"

2018-11-07 18:43:30 UTC  

Civic nationalists aren't 80% there, they're maybe 20% there.

These guys literally just spent months idolizing Kanye, a self proclaimed fan of BLACKED porn.

If that's what "80% there" looks like, I'm worried.

2018-11-07 18:45:45 UTC  

@Jacob Not a soul in here believes civic nationalism to be a solution.

2018-11-07 18:46:41 UTC  

Civnat is actually worse than out in the open turbulent multicult

2018-11-07 18:50:42 UTC  

The kids of immigrants are worse then their parents who were tame. For some reason second gen Muslims always find allah

2018-11-07 18:51:00 UTC  

After they’ve adopted a white or urban identity

2018-11-07 18:51:19 UTC  

Because they know they don't fit in here

2018-11-07 18:51:29 UTC  

The hard limit to assimilation is race

2018-11-07 18:51:37 UTC  


2018-11-07 18:51:51 UTC  

I just find the "10 times better", "80 percent there" rhetoric to be worrying and something that could lead to complacency. Yes, we should absolutely be glad that we're not under President Clinton right now. But we also have a tremendous amount of work to do. It's not a matter of just 20% there and we win. If we really care about a better future, it's going to be a lot more hard work than we might think. @Papa Pizzagate

2018-11-07 18:52:43 UTC  

White conservatives need to be thinking explicitly about racial purity going forward in a wildly diverse country, not allowing interracial relations etc

2018-11-07 18:53:02 UTC  

Or else we *will truly* become 52% face in time

2018-11-07 18:53:40 UTC  

It's important to take a nuanced view on things. The average civnat is probably slightly better than the average liberal. However, there are definitely some civnats who outright harm us more than they help us. If someone is saying things like, "I just want to end illegal immigration, I want *more* legal immigration", that person is actively working against me.

At the same time, there's guys like Tucker Carlson or Steve King that do much more good than the average civnat.

2018-11-07 18:54:35 UTC  

Explicitly talking about stuff like "racial purity" is going to drive people away. That's too far to go around the public.

2018-11-07 18:54:37 UTC  

Tuckers somewhere in between us and Trump

2018-11-07 18:55:26 UTC  

Regardless of what happens politically the White conservative culture needs to shift to explicit White identity

2018-11-07 18:55:32 UTC  

The fact of the matter is millions of people love tucker Carlson and Anne Coulter and these more “America first” people. Theyre on tv, they have book sales, they’re loved. We’re revolted and hunted down. I’d rather be the former personally. And I think we can do that without actually sacrificing our views

2018-11-07 18:55:38 UTC  

That's a tall order but it's the only choice

2018-11-07 18:55:54 UTC  

We need to DEFEND THE ROCKIES more than ever now! <:deye:359010025223618570>

2018-11-07 18:56:04 UTC  

I disagree entirely. an American nationalist identity has to come before a white identity

2018-11-07 18:56:12 UTC  

Oh gwaawd!

2018-11-07 18:56:17 UTC  

We can’t normalize white identity before we normalize trump populism

2018-11-07 18:56:30 UTC  

Nebraska, Idaho, and Utah all voted to expand Medicaid. Hopefully that will help stem the opioid crisis.