Message from @lmbd

Discord ID: 574944658468110368

2019-05-06 04:16:57 UTC  

@Dustin Nemos I'm all for busting Censorship, and I'll join you on that. I have to wonder, though, do these mega platforms not have the right to dictate their own content criteria? They are now exposing their biases, For All to See, with their actions (banning, censorship). Hey, might be an opportune time to consider getting off their corporate tit and seek out/create alternate platforms, while continuing to call them out for what they are. Just a thought.

2019-05-06 04:18:42 UTC  

can they kick blacks off the bus/out of the restaurant because its a private establishment? Why is this legal question only still in question for free speech and conservatives?

2019-05-06 04:18:46 UTC  

Discrimination is Illegal

2019-05-06 04:18:59 UTC  

but my method does not involve relying on the law or government to save us.

2019-05-06 04:19:04 UTC  

This method we save ourselves, legally

2019-05-06 04:19:26 UTC  

put out the call to every influencer out there. If you know someone with 1000+ subs, get them to reach out to me

2019-05-06 04:19:45 UTC  

we can break censorship. But I need the might of pro free speech voices behind me, before I go public/strike

2019-05-06 04:20:12 UTC  

I need many voices saying WE STAND FOR FREE SPEECH and committed to defending EACH OTHER from censorship. And It's already too big to stop, by the way. Shills/Spies. We already have millions.

2019-05-06 04:29:36 UTC  

Not to be snarky, and this is on a much smaller scale, but what about that independent small businessman baker who refused to create a gay marriage cake for a couple who insisted that he do so. Believe the courts sided on the side of the service provider.

2019-05-06 04:38:03 UTC  

I'm all for Free Speech 100%, just on 100% public platforms. (Privately owned platforms have the right to control content expressed on their platforms).

2019-05-06 06:44:23 UTC  

^^^Oh so this is the spin now lol

2019-05-06 12:36:57 UTC

2019-05-06 12:37:04 UTC  


2019-05-06 13:00:33 UTC  

Name of note: Norcross.(powerful in southern Jersey(?)2014). What also comes across is the ability of corporations to operate without any social/environmental/economic consequences, and their movement from US to other parts of the world.

2019-05-06 13:04:48 UTC  

Interesting interview about poverty and exploitation. Chris Hedges: Sacrifice Zones of America

2019-05-06 16:53:25 UTC  

also on Joy Reid show, partially based on Feb comments by Michael Cohen...

2019-05-06 16:56:41 UTC  

lol mirroring like crazy

2019-05-06 16:57:29 UTC  

so it's the dictator and his axis of extremists

2019-05-06 16:57:41 UTC  


2019-05-06 19:54:08 UTC  

@Relic 1776 the case of the baker - it was religious freedom. He did not refuse to serve gays. Just would not do cakes for gay weddings. He also would not to divorce cakes btw.

2019-05-06 20:38:45 UTC  

Can Dustin do a brief video or something that we can post and share and other people can grab it so he gets as good a response for his call to help with censorship as possible?

2019-05-06 21:20:28 UTC  

@Maga gal @Relic 1776 actually he was asked to service the wedding by the gay couple and he refused...he also refused to make a custom gay cake for them, but told them they could buy any cake already pre made or ask somebody else in the shop to do the cake for them or service the wedding

2019-05-07 00:04:39 UTC

2019-05-07 00:55:34 UTC  

Biden Foundation Coffers Filled by Democracy Alliance Members

Funding sources:

2019-05-07 01:38:55 UTC  

Good get. Nothing revealed is surprising though. Cool that it's easily being brought to the surface in this free info age

2019-05-07 01:39:33 UTC  

Fantastic times to be alive and aware.

2019-05-07 03:01:22 UTC  

i think i'd be more worried if republicans filled the coffers