Message from @Isabella Locke-MT

Discord ID: 514168452219666454

2018-11-19 19:46:28 UTC  

fiction, or fortune-teller?

2018-11-19 19:48:06 UTC  

I agree it's probably best to remain pragmatic, @Jacob but we've had a good amount of negativitytoday. While there are no doubt some people who are inspired to take action by bad news, I think you'll find most people respond to success.

2018-11-19 19:48:56 UTC  

Cautiously optimistic, but eternally wary

2018-11-19 19:49:28 UTC  

tbh i'm only negative because i want @Papa Pizzagate to suplex me while JT refs

2018-11-19 19:50:41 UTC  

Success begets success. People want to see and achieve winnable battles. We're never going to "ban blackpills and bad news" that's just silly, but our organizational culture has to be one where optimism and positive self-affirmation of ourselves and our people take precedence over hatred of others and negativity.

2018-11-19 19:52:56 UTC  

@Asatru Artist - MD it's just a prank bro

2018-11-19 19:54:31 UTC  

@Asatru Artist - MD
You were at the dinner where mister Taylor spoke. Do you disagree with his assessment?

Nationalism is Rising
Globalism is falling
Neoliberalism is on it's way out
Trump taught the American public to hate the media, and they do.
People are seeking other answers to the truths of our broken society and system
White Identity is in the air.

Sure, there's plenty to be glum about, but there is also alot to be optimistic about too.

2018-11-19 19:55:09 UTC  

Yeah may as well give up I guess (?)

2018-11-19 19:55:28 UTC  

Not really, of course.

2018-11-19 19:55:46 UTC  

But we already know things are bad. No need to dwell on it.

2018-11-19 19:56:12 UTC  

Didn’t claim that you had!

2018-11-19 19:56:31 UTC  

@Asatru Artist - MD you do nothing for us. back to the shed with you!

2018-11-19 19:56:55 UTC  

@Papa Pizzagate I don't have a problem with intentionally seeking out positive news. I was literally one of the people who suggested we have a whitepill channel. I think it's great that Patrick does a whitepill of the week. I'm not just saying this to be agreeable, I absolutely believe there's a time and place for this stuff.

However, we still need to keep a realistic worldview. I propose that we let people post whatever facts they want, as long as they're true. That's the only way to assess our situation.

In addition, we need to have a knowledge of our problems so we know why we're fighting. Seeking out positive news helps periodically, but knowing what is at stake and what obstacles we face is also beneficial.

2018-11-19 19:58:11 UTC  

blackpill: i moved across the street from liberal lesbians
whitepill: i invaded a gay liberal block <:teehee:381917632359563264>

2018-11-19 19:59:05 UTC  

You can always find a problem or a blackpill if you try hard enough, @Jacob. There's never going to be a ban on "bad news", but I can say with great certainty that an obsession with "the Blackpill" has caused people to leave this organization.

2018-11-19 19:59:36 UTC  

By all means, be pragmatic, but people do not respond positively to constant pessimism.

2018-11-19 20:00:24 UTC  

It’s only hopeless if we do nothing

2018-11-19 20:00:37 UTC  

i'm a self-confessed hate reader/watcher.
that being said, the weekend of DTR i didn't look at any social media and i felt great

2018-11-19 20:01:37 UTC  

I plan on raising 4-5 white babies who are proud of their people and history.

2018-11-19 20:01:42 UTC  

No white guilt here

2018-11-19 20:01:51 UTC  

They will have a strong sense of identity

2018-11-19 20:02:54 UTC  


2018-11-19 20:05:20 UTC  

@Goose I consume effectively zero "alt-Right" content and I feel my life has improved dramatically as a result. I still stay informed though, read stuff online from both the mainstream and dissident sectors of the right. I encourage people to move away from that sort of content, gradually. That boolean, all or nothing. race-obsessed mindset is pretty destructive to your psyche and soul.

Our people have been in much worse situations throughout history, overcame, and thrived. And we will too.

2018-11-19 20:05:22 UTC  

My <:whitepill:439924104406106113> was meeting ASATRU ARTIST IN THE FLESH

2018-11-19 20:05:39 UTC  


2018-11-19 20:05:59 UTC  

My whitepill was doing the "floss" dance to nate behind his back without him noticing.

2018-11-19 20:06:08 UTC  

@Papa Pizzagate I'm well aware that people have left because of their extreme pessimism. I know because I used to argue with those people in the past. A common theme was their attitude, it wasn't so much that they read bad news. The problem is the attitude that we can't do anything about it.

There's also people who don't do activism because they're complacent. They think everything is fine so might as well not do anything.

Sure, you can find problems if you look hard enough. Those are minor problems. The truth is we do have setbacks we don't need to look hard for. They're there. We should acknowledge them. We won't fix them without acknowledging them, and we'll get complacent if we never acknowledge them.

2018-11-19 20:07:22 UTC  

@Jacob Oh, it's not just because of *their* pessimism. It's because of the content and attitude that some of our members insist on cultivating on this server.

2018-11-19 20:08:06 UTC  

Obviously people know how bad things are. Why else would they join?

2018-11-19 20:08:40 UTC  

If that's the only reason why someone would join, is it really wise for them to forget that reason?

2018-11-19 20:08:49 UTC  

@Sam Anderson possibly.

2018-11-19 20:09:12 UTC  

Who is saying they should forget?

2018-11-19 20:09:41 UTC  

People who get mad whenever someone posts a news article that isn't positive

2018-11-19 20:10:51 UTC  

Again, the issue isn't "getting mad over a negative news article". It's the attitude that a some of our members cultivate. Probably unintentionally.

2018-11-19 20:13:48 UTC  

@Papa Pizzagate Well, I guess whether I agree with you on that statement would depend how you define cultivating that attitude.

2018-11-19 20:13:59 UTC  

For those prone to blackpillitis, it's probably very troubling to come in here and see rampant doomposting, even if the doomposters themselves aren't badly affected.

2018-11-19 20:15:06 UTC  

i think there's a cream for blackpillitis

2018-11-19 20:15:25 UTC

2018-11-19 20:16:00 UTC  

"Boy, If America doesn't fix things, we're going to be Sweden in a few years <:sad:366743316475281408>"

"Gosh, everyone has rights - except for white people, right fellas <:sad:366743316475281408> "

"I guess freedom of speech really is dead, huh <:sad:366743316475281408>"

"I'm already Tracer <:sad:366743316475281408>"

"We've already lost the demographic game <:sad:366743316475281408>"

It's only a handful of people doing it, perhaps less than ten but it's really off-putting and unnecessary. I'm sure it's not entirely intentional, but I can say with great certainty that just about nobody likes or appreciates it.

2018-11-19 20:16:39 UTC  

I understand that misery loves company, and we all need a place to talk about the issues effecting our people.

2018-11-19 20:16:48 UTC  

It's important that we have that.