Message from @woodrow523

Discord ID: 799134145435140176

2021-01-14 02:47:47 UTC  

Maybe he is recording a podcast

2021-01-14 03:31:00 UTC  

Lol I just made a New twitter and not even a minute in I got banned again

2021-01-14 03:31:05 UTC  


2021-01-14 03:31:16 UTC  


2021-01-14 03:31:37 UTC  

They know it’s you from your IP address .... get a vpn

2021-01-14 03:31:47 UTC  

I have a VPN

2021-01-14 03:32:02 UTC  

I use Express VPN because I am over seas right now

2021-01-14 03:33:43 UTC  

Try creating at a public cafe?

2021-01-14 03:34:07 UTC  

I am good with Texit, I hope my state Leaves this Garbage Union.

2021-01-14 03:34:27 UTC  

I kinda can not do that because I am stuck on the ship right now.

2021-01-14 03:36:29 UTC  

1984 is being banned on Twitter

2021-01-14 03:37:17 UTC  

Lol they know they are in the wrong.

2021-01-14 03:56:05 UTC

2021-01-14 04:13:05 UTC  

Ohhh damn. U got a GS slot?

2021-01-14 04:20:20 UTC  

Canada is in a bad way .... people aren’t getting support and getting shut down

2021-01-14 04:31:29 UTC  

Nice revival. The rhetoric is definitely overblown and way out of proportion when comparing the capital invasion to the 2017 Inauguration.

2021-01-14 04:32:24 UTC  

That’s why I keep saying this is propaganda. It’s very ideologically similar to any pre-socialist/communist/fascist over taking.

2021-01-14 04:33:47 UTC  

I think Trump had many chances to sign the insurection act over the years. Does anyone agree? The left have been calling for violence for a while.

2021-01-14 04:34:20 UTC  

Yep. Every chance he had he refused to give in

2021-01-14 04:34:55 UTC  

So... it makes no sense with them pushing that he is some dictator.

2021-01-14 04:34:56 UTC  

Trump had the chance to not hold an election.
MONTHS before he was going on & on about how they were gonna use mail in voting to cheat.
This wasn't an election, it was a setup.

2021-01-14 04:35:14 UTC  

I believe so too.

2021-01-14 04:36:07 UTC  

Can't wait for it all to be revealed, I'm still hopefull anyways.

2021-01-14 04:36:10 UTC  

How is it possible to not hold an election?

2021-01-14 04:54:25 UTC  

How is it possible to have an election where election witnesses are not allowed to witness an election?

2021-01-14 04:55:57 UTC  

Were bureaucrats with no legal standing not able to manufacture excuses?
"Well we can't have witnesses witnessing the election, could spread the coof"

2021-01-14 04:56:40 UTC  

Did Trump not also have the coof card to play?

2021-01-14 04:57:06 UTC  

Is the POTUS some low level bureaucrat?

2021-01-14 04:57:41 UTC  

Did Trump not already have National Emergencies Act, Stafford Act, & Patriot act, already up & running with plenty of legal standing to cancel the election?

2021-01-14 05:01:01 UTC  

None of this makes any logical sense if Trump's goal was winning/staying in office.

2021-01-14 05:23:37 UTC  

@everyone Then there is this! Just saying, we shall see, it isn't over yet!

2021-01-14 05:25:32 UTC  

I don't see how that helps NOW. It's a good preventative measure to stop or possibly expose Biden should it be redacted, but how does it help NOW?

2021-01-14 05:25:51 UTC  

Cut off some income to millionaires in congress?

2021-01-14 05:27:21 UTC  

Nope it is a reactive measure, funny how it gets amended when this happens!

2021-01-14 05:28:18 UTC  

I am looking for one other picture to go with it

2021-01-14 05:28:30 UTC  

...somehow, someway to connect China to election shenanigans? Give cause for MIL takeover?

2021-01-14 05:28:49 UTC  

And then this comes out

2021-01-14 05:29:07 UTC