Message from @Nikiek2020
Discord ID: 798249204296318987
Should be in settings
There are literal Disney coffins. That’s weird.
Nah, that's just parents giving them what they think is a nice coffin
It’s after the Alex Jones video
Figured it out lol
Yes he does.
Are y’all watching newsmax? This is BS.
IMHO 😎🚬💨
This that we're watching about impeachment is only 'POLITICAL THEATER" 🎭
The Great Awakening of showing the World how demonic and Corrupt these Politicians are and have been for decades....
This is all part of their roles in the movie 🎥🍿🍿🍿
Once the IA was signed/enacted as legal document Sat night it made Congress/Senate illegitimate, they no longer exist....
Trump now sits back and Watches The Military take command, it's all in the Militarys Control now 🇺🇸💯
💪 😎 🇺🇲 💯
Everyone who is conservative who thinks Trump is done and Biden is president or says, oh, Trump will just run in 2024 is ignorant. I like Steve Bannon but he fails to understand the full scope(he thinks its just going back to pre-Trump days but is troubled by the talk of punishing Trump supporters).
Great Reset Means: All those who don't go along with the program, whether it be vaccinations or reaching a low enough s,credit score will be put in camps. People will no longer have priviate property, all your possesions will be government owned, and taken if your priviledges go low enough. You will have to take a vaccine to be granted the right to live normally. But eventually all anti-vaxxers and others will be going to camps
That is the Great Reset, part of Agenda 30
I have said that all along.
Trump knows this. He knew it going into the WH, the Military knows it, they aren't going to let that happen. Also, Trump spoke by letters to the former Vatican ambassidor, a Arch-Bishop who is part of the traditional Catholics who have broken away from the main RCC, rejected Vatican 1(Papal infallibility) and Vatican 2. They hold the Bible in hey esteem, listening to him is like listening to any born again Christian
Was there anything leaked from sep 11 more than wikileaks has?
I don't think so.... Is the C I A document saying Tim Osman was OBL... was that a wikileak doc?
Yeah there's soooooo much
My computer is probably mad I’ve been overworking it lol
Everyone is saying that wiki leaks dump is new, I had those files months ago.
Yeah,every few months Ppl start saying that
I can prob get the exact date I got them if I dig into my texts far enough.
It’s not information I’m hearing.
I’m telling you, I had those files months ago 100% exact same ones. They’re not new.
Doesn’t mean they’re not important, just not new
Exactly, there's always new eyes looking
Didn’t he just give Nunez the medal of freedom for the Obama gate stuff?
Yeah he got it last week
Did you know mnuchin was a major Hollywood producer?
When I try to post pictures here it just says “compressing files” and won’t post.
I'll have to adjust your settings 😉
I'm leary of trolls posting bad stuff and can jeopardize this server 👍
Or sry 🤣 @Swordx will
Pompeo to speak soon, I think... Can't get a definite time
Another link in case
Fox tricked us, it's fricken Biden.