Message from @Squeekups

Discord ID: 628973043225722903

2019-10-01 12:05:19 UTC  

@Michael Bone 2 Electric Boogaloo#5998 They falsely reported Omnis for being a BOT?? He's banned and his biz server yeeted for being a bot.... No one ever listened to him for a week. He just waited to face his accusers hoping there would be a sane person to make a conversation happen at some point and most fair orgs and people have looked at both sides... All the ones that did then quickly took omnis's side because they could clearly see that they were being manipulated.. Now some one has resorted to actual censorship and deplatforming.. MK is the one that refuses to deescalate the situation.. and even mike don't see it...??? Really??? Shame on you.. I thought you were a fair person and a good actor.. He is doing a video response.. Because it is clear there will be no chance for him to speak the truth and face these accusations otherwise.. He ran in the garage to do a recording of "the partisan hacks" and "discord bias".. Why couldn't you have just let him respond to his accusers by talking to him or you in vc wtf is wrong with you guys man?? Why no communication.. Just emotional vague accusations, threats, then doxing, false report, then run away, without listening.. Seems KINDA like group we all know doesn't it... That doesn't allow people to speak to them directly.. You know what the worst kind of friend or biz partner is? Its people with communication issues, like when they hear something then believe it with out confronting their friends and partners directly and giving them any reasonable chance to COMMUNICATE with them instead of just trying to slander him. They take the side of people slandering and DOXXING and harassing you because they can't critical think about how the information they see may be false or out of context. @D_Swag @Carne Asava#9568 @unicornpoo

2019-10-01 12:05:43 UTC  

in vc if anyone wants to have an actual conversation

2019-10-02 15:00:00 UTC  

Omnis is going to attempt to adress some of the acusations that we finnally have from on his instagram.. dramaqueen. just trying to get famous off of drama.. he clearly states it in this vids"make me famous"...

2019-10-02 15:02:16 UTC  

@Squeekups You are welcome to post in this channel

2019-10-02 15:03:14 UTC  


2019-10-02 15:03:44 UTC  

he tried to tell people that omnis is azreal

2019-10-02 15:04:19 UTC  

and actually has people lieing for him

2019-10-02 15:04:52 UTC  

Asriel has disappered again

2019-10-02 15:05:39 UTC  

and is not returning DMs

2019-10-02 15:06:59 UTC

2019-10-02 15:09:29 UTC  

omnis is the leader of SOB-gaming and a totally seperate person.. There are entire servers of people that have heard them bolth in vc they sound nothing alike..

2019-10-02 15:14:19 UTC  

"If i dont do what some one says" that what being LEAVE US ALONE, STOP MAKING THREATS, GANG STALKING, US AND SLANDERING OMNIS SOB and HIS BIZ... "Stop breaking the law" does not constitute "Coercion"..

2019-10-02 15:15:08 UTC  


2019-10-02 15:17:20 UTC  

blabla apeal to authority on music.. we said we demand that any music being made for Omnis's biz needs to be 100% origional .. not just 10% BECAUSE we don't want to get sued and need to argue in court that its 10% different from the ORIGIONAL artist.. fuck your apeal to authority..

2019-10-02 15:17:27 UTC  


2019-10-02 15:26:01 UTC  

"they take illegal illicit recordings of me" We have a recording where you state clearly at the start, that you agnowlage there is a recording taking place.. you then say in the recording "we should record everything in teamspeak" 'incase something funny happens..' We responded clearly we reserve the right to record in our own server.. If a biz or org posts clearly that they are recording thier building, server, or private property, what ever it is.. thats it by you still being there its concent.. we don't need anything in writing it just needs to be clearly posted to make people reasonably aware..

2019-10-02 15:34:51 UTC  


2019-10-02 15:42:36 UTC  

"this guy is going to make a big wiki on me and dox me" no one ever threatened to dox your personal info... Why would anyone ever need to do that when your info is already wildly public? Omnis said that he would post a wiki about this incident, the lies that you have told, and show proof of those lies only.. Not any of your personal info.. On the spare domain name that he had purchased for you originally to help you I believe.

2019-10-02 15:45:59 UTC  


2019-10-02 16:01:16 UTC  

He has also made the clam to others Omnis is trying to get famous off other peoples work..

2019-10-02 16:01:30 UTC  

Now this one is really funny because omnis is a 100% original artist... HE DOESN'T JUST MIX OTHER PEOPLES MUSIC... He designs and engineers machines, robots, and PC'S from scratch, then programs them, builds custom operating systems, populates circuit boards, designs and engineers products for his machines to produce, live streams and multicasts it. He's his own sound, camera, and broadcast crew, He works with 3d software for animations. He welds and fabricates, cars, boats and motor toys, Is his own mechanic. He's fully self taught and self achieved.. wtf did you and unicorn bring to the party unoriginal music and Shiite wix sites? I Built Omnis's site with wordpress and active SSL like pros do.. Unicorn did NOTHING. She wanted to help but, we got it, so we told her to help others instead.(asava)

2019-10-02 16:03:50 UTC  

Omnis built his bis long long before you came along. How the fuck do you think you can claim hes taking credit for your work?

2019-10-02 16:06:06 UTC  


2019-10-02 16:11:21 UTC  

He has taken out of context what Omnis said and is now trying to convince proudboys that He is going to sue them and that me and ana are trying to doxx him.

2019-10-02 16:12:46 UTC  

Looks like a whole lot of wasted energy. Go start a family it's actually fun to make babies.

2019-10-02 16:20:14 UTC  

@Squeekups who is?

2019-10-02 16:20:33 UTC  


2019-10-02 16:20:34 UTC  

this channel is to sort out a very seroius issue can you guys please del all this extra shit

2019-10-02 16:21:05 UTC  
2019-10-02 16:22:09 UTC  


2019-10-02 16:23:10 UTC  

thank you

2019-10-02 16:37:39 UTC