Message from @andaelasas

Discord ID: 798223136667598859

2021-01-11 16:10:46 UTC  

Look at Poland xDDDDD

2021-01-11 16:10:49 UTC  

yeah imagine having police no go zones in your own country <:OMEGALUL:505777419043471385>

2021-01-11 16:11:04 UTC  

3 lmao

2021-01-11 16:11:14 UTC  

A map of all terror attacks in recent years*

2021-01-11 16:11:14 UTC  

2 half and 1 whole

2021-01-11 16:11:21 UTC  

Islam’s always been that way, we just know more about it now

2021-01-11 16:11:38 UTC  

Islam has always been a killer religion

2021-01-11 16:11:45 UTC  

My wifi slow as hell today it’s annoying for online school lol😂🤦‍♂️

2021-01-11 16:11:52 UTC  

Islam is slaughtering christians by the thousands in the Middle-east... media is completely silent about it

2021-01-11 16:11:55 UTC  

The Christians only got that killer title fighting the Muslims

2021-01-11 16:12:30 UTC  

Remember the stars apologising to Iran after we killed their general?

2021-01-11 16:12:37 UTC  

@Ivar The Boneless love that name... if you watch Vikings I just finished it and wow what’s good show lol

2021-01-11 16:12:57 UTC  

To be fair Catholicism killed a shit ton of people in the Middle Ages but at least Christianity has had multiple reforms throughout its 2000 year history. All religions need reformation at some point, Islam’s never had one

2021-01-11 16:12:57 UTC  

Also his historical counterpart was amazing

2021-01-11 16:13:03 UTC  

Fucking disgusting.

2021-01-11 16:13:24 UTC  

He’s my favorite historical figure. Guy was a badass

2021-01-11 16:13:27 UTC  

Attacking a US embassy is basically a declaration of war. They should be thankful yall didn't invade their shithole country lol

2021-01-11 16:13:42 UTC  

The Pope Prison is fake news

2021-01-11 16:13:42 UTC  

Alas, that hadn’t cross my mind. Better get started fast. Thank you mate!

2021-01-11 16:13:43 UTC  

this is now a conspiracy theory

2021-01-11 16:13:46 UTC  

It's confirmed

2021-01-11 16:13:50 UTC  

Hahahahah cheers

2021-01-11 16:14:17 UTC  

@Ivar The Boneless ya he was lol I also loved his portrayal in the show. My personal favorite historical figure is Grant he was a badass

2021-01-11 16:14:25 UTC  

I say, tell russia to stay back while we bomb the shit outta them, and give them half of the fields

2021-01-11 16:14:40 UTC  

They just want their oil

2021-01-11 16:14:42 UTC  

I’m a big fan of Grant too. As well as Lee

2021-01-11 16:15:16 UTC  

@Ivar The Boneless I know I’ll get raped for saying this but Lee was also fuckin amazing. He was a genius

2021-01-11 16:15:23 UTC  

Lol one less extemist country on planet earth, won't keep me awake at night

2021-01-11 16:15:55 UTC  

Yep. Iran is the only reason these terror organisations survive

2021-01-11 16:16:01 UTC  

Lee was a brilliant military leader. That doesn’t mean you have to like him as a person, although he’s not nearly as horrible as people make him out to be

2021-01-11 16:16:30 UTC  

@Ivar The Boneless he was a saint compared to most others in history lol

2021-01-11 16:16:30 UTC  


2021-01-11 16:16:30 UTC  

And Iraq, syria, turkey, saudi, etc. It's one big mess that entire continent. All of them murder christians on mass and nobody seems to give a damn

2021-01-11 16:16:39 UTC  

but we're the domestic terrorists amirite?

2021-01-11 16:16:40 UTC  


2021-01-11 16:16:56 UTC  

Fucking turkey is nato... they need to be kicked out

2021-01-11 16:17:06 UTC  

get the armor piercing rounds

2021-01-11 16:17:12 UTC  

Funny how they got riot gear out... whilst they ARE the riot

2021-01-11 16:17:19 UTC  

“BuH ChRiStiAnitY is PriviLeGeD”

2021-01-11 16:17:41 UTC  

Yeah either kick that retard erdogan out or we kick you out.. I'd be happy witht hat