Message from @Hanimikyu

Discord ID: 731885607646658581

2020-07-12 10:04:59 UTC  


2020-07-12 10:05:03 UTC  

This sounds like the buzzwords a self-help, pseudo-science juicing vegan uses

2020-07-12 10:05:16 UTC  

That's BS can't make baseless claims about toxins

2020-07-12 10:05:26 UTC  

Just from experience

2020-07-12 10:05:50 UTC  

i smoke ...but i also like green tea.....i do notice shit alot quicker ..i felt run down even tho i was on green tea

2020-07-12 10:06:02 UTC  

1.) People who think green tea detoxes you are largely just buying into popular phads

2020-07-12 10:06:23 UTC  

the only proven things to "detox" are large amounts of fiber and lots of fluid

2020-07-12 10:06:27 UTC  

i switched out from green tea then i started to feel better in the long run when i learned to manage my toxin levels

2020-07-12 10:06:39 UTC  

How the fuck do you know your "toxin" levels

2020-07-12 10:06:44 UTC  

well that and sweat

2020-07-12 10:06:53 UTC  

> well that and sweat
@Deleted User with fluids

2020-07-12 10:07:03 UTC  

Dude stop buying into buzzword, pseudo-science bullshit

2020-07-12 10:07:17 UTC  

Learn some science, pick up a book, and read Pub-med (actual scientific research)

2020-07-12 10:07:27 UTC  

Please tell me how you've measured the toxin levels in your body

2020-07-12 10:07:42 UTC  

Other than putting some baseless faith into "I feel this way so what I think must be true"

2020-07-12 10:08:19 UTC  

Regardless...this has nothing to do with your original statement about pandemics and what did you mean?

2020-07-12 10:12:37 UTC  

...buying into things just because you feel something (without any evidence) is the same nonsense the modern left buys into.

2020-07-12 10:13:16 UTC  

I still don't see how this relates to the pandemic. I'll read anything you say, but I have to get back to my stuff. Later.

2020-07-12 14:16:35 UTC  

Just told someone that having conservative values does not equal being homophobic and there are gay conservatives out there and she said "homophobia derives from those values imo. but just because one's gay doesn't mean they're not bigots or misogynists *etc" LOL I can't. So we are all bigots and misogynists now

2020-07-12 14:30:28 UTC  

The left got that pea brain

2020-07-12 14:52:06 UTC  

Morning peeps

2020-07-12 14:52:19 UTC  

You guys are anwesome$

2020-07-12 14:52:21 UTC  


2020-07-12 15:04:27 UTC  

Good Morning America how are ya?

2020-07-12 15:59:25 UTC  

I just watched the new Zeducation video and yes, I can confirm Pleasanton is in California. It’s just over the hills where I’m from.

2020-07-12 16:02:37 UTC  

It’s okay there but based on the area it’s probably very liberal.

2020-07-12 19:15:56 UTC  

Yea, I know exactly how that feels @celivvia, don’t know how many times I have been called transphobic or homophobic or whatever nonsense.

2020-07-12 22:28:37 UTC  

@Tyler Zed, I watched a Blaire white stream recently and she said that she probably won’t do any collabs with anyone because she is trying I deal with enough at the moment.

2020-07-12 22:31:58 UTC  

Also, she does plan on doing a tour in the fall so you probably will have to wait till 2021 if you wanted to make any videos with her.

2020-07-12 22:32:24 UTC  

Maybe in the future! Collabs are always tough, I generally hesitate when people ask. Not that I don't like the other person, but I feel like there is an abundance of collaborations out there. Everyone goes on eachother's shows and they talk about the same things and it almost devalues all of the previous appearances with every new appearance talking about the same thing. I wish some creators were more selective about their collabs... So I definitely appreciate and respect her decision

2020-07-12 22:33:01 UTC  


2020-07-12 22:33:29 UTC  

I tried to ask her what she thought of you but she wasn’t able to see it.

2020-07-12 22:38:28 UTC  

glad you asked that's awesome!

2020-07-12 22:39:02 UTC  

Her chat surprised me a lot, there are a lot of liberals and conservatives who watch her channel.

2020-07-12 22:39:32 UTC  

I think Blaire is actually really smart and I think her ideas on the transgender topic really are the most sensible out of anyone out there

2020-07-12 22:40:06 UTC  

Sadly she doesn’t make as much political content as she used to.

2020-07-12 22:40:29 UTC  

Yeah I think now she mostly deals with like child predators and stuff like that

2020-07-12 22:40:36 UTC  

She has already been doxxed and lives in LA so that is why she doesn’t make the content anymore

2020-07-12 22:41:06 UTC  

Trans issues and predators are what she does best

2020-07-12 22:41:29 UTC  

Don’t know how many of them she has exposed.

2020-07-12 22:43:09 UTC  

I think people like Blaire and you have certainly changed by overall view of trans people, I think that in the past I was more skeptical of transgenderism and the reasoning behind it, and the trans activists had made be begin to associate transgenderism with the left. I really appreciate that you have taken the time to explain what gender dysphoria is and how trans people go about life.