Message from @bbgun94

Discord ID: 781723542273523723

2020-11-27 03:28:20 UTC  

I would add pop since it's the only thing on radio

2020-11-27 03:28:27 UTC  

I hate pop ngl

2020-11-27 03:28:34 UTC  

Also I feel like I'm the only person who listens to the radio

2020-11-27 03:28:36 UTC  

Rather listen to shitty rap than pop

2020-11-27 03:28:47 UTC  

Eminem is one of the best

2020-11-27 03:28:51 UTC  

@2Lazy2BeOriginal I listen to Sirius xm

2020-11-27 03:28:51 UTC  

Though shitty rap makes me aggressive lmao

2020-11-27 03:29:00 UTC  

Anything without vocoded singing

2020-11-27 03:29:02 UTC  

Alright I’m going to bed

2020-11-27 03:29:12 UTC  

Night slogs

2020-11-27 03:29:16 UTC  


2020-11-27 03:29:20 UTC  

Later gamer

2020-11-27 03:29:24 UTC  

Imma head to bed too I’m tired

2020-11-27 03:29:29 UTC  


2020-11-27 03:29:30 UTC  


2020-11-27 03:29:32 UTC  

Gotta sleep off the calories <:thinking:726878987837636698>

2020-11-27 03:29:40 UTC  


2020-11-27 03:29:42 UTC  


2020-11-27 03:29:48 UTC  

So much stuffing

2020-11-27 03:29:53 UTC  

I need calories and gaining weight

2020-11-27 03:30:16 UTC  

Im 5ft10 and 145 pounds I could use some weight too πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

2020-11-27 03:30:35 UTC  

Ik 5'5 115 lbs

2020-11-27 03:31:11 UTC  

I was approx. 60 lbs in 5th grade

2020-11-27 03:31:38 UTC  

My whole family is skinny as hell

2020-11-27 03:31:52 UTC  

I’m 5’9-5’10 as well, feel so average :/

2020-11-27 03:31:55 UTC  

Not skinny, just 5% thicc

2020-11-27 03:32:04 UTC  

My whole family is skinny too

2020-11-27 03:32:17 UTC  

I mean it’s easy to squeeze out of ur car in tight parking spots

2020-11-27 03:32:26 UTC  

When your back goes straight to your legs πŸ˜₯

2020-11-27 03:33:37 UTC  

It's funny how my upper proportions are small

2020-11-27 03:33:49 UTC  

Like my arms are *small*

2020-11-27 03:34:18 UTC  

Everything about me screams small

2020-11-27 03:34:50 UTC  

*"You're killing me Smalls!"*

2020-11-27 05:28:18 UTC  

Smalls is dead

2020-11-27 05:32:49 UTC  

...Like this chat.

2020-11-27 05:34:10 UTC  

And on that note, I gotta be out of town in about seven hours.

2020-11-27 05:34:39 UTC  

What are you doing?

2020-11-27 05:34:42 UTC  

See ya in 7 hours

2020-11-27 05:34:42 UTC  


2020-11-27 05:34:50 UTC  


2020-11-27 05:35:13 UTC  

Military food?