Message from @TigBiddyBF

Discord ID: 769381489825546260

2020-10-24 02:06:06 UTC  


2020-10-24 02:06:10 UTC  

"look can we just not bc I dont want to get into this"

2020-10-24 02:06:14 UTC  

Facebook is retarded

2020-10-24 02:06:14 UTC  

Take that down @CrazyHoodlem

2020-10-24 02:06:22 UTC  


2020-10-24 02:06:22 UTC  

That’s not related to this conversation

2020-10-24 02:06:30 UTC  

Read the rules <#719770967542333442>

2020-10-24 02:06:33 UTC  

Joe is a dumbass

2020-10-24 02:06:35 UTC  


2020-10-24 02:06:35 UTC  

Rule 2

2020-10-24 02:06:40 UTC  

You gonna get warned

2020-10-24 02:06:42 UTC  

But yes, he is

2020-10-24 02:06:44 UTC  

Just tell them, ‘I’m on the right side of history” and then hope trump wins lol

2020-10-24 02:06:53 UTC  


2020-10-24 02:06:57 UTC  

.warn @CrazyHoodlem no random images. C’mon man, they tried to warn you

2020-10-24 02:06:58 UTC  

2020-10-24 02:07:00 UTC  


2020-10-24 02:07:10 UTC  

Thanks man

2020-10-24 02:07:18 UTC  

Nadeko looks cute!

2020-10-24 02:07:20 UTC  

Come on man!

2020-10-24 02:07:21 UTC  

@CrazyHoodlem facebook does suck

2020-10-24 02:07:29 UTC  

C'mon man, it was that that guy. Corn pop. I WAS FRAMED

2020-10-24 02:07:30 UTC  

yeah we're still friends but it just kinda bothered me bc I dont wanna be one of those loons who disown friends / family bc of political beliefs

2020-10-24 02:07:52 UTC  

Right on

2020-10-24 02:07:56 UTC  

stuff like that

2020-10-24 02:08:23 UTC  

@CrazyHoodlem if you want to post that picture and talk about it, I’d recommend sending it in general 2 where there isn’t an ongoing topic or conversation

2020-10-24 02:08:39 UTC  

Then you can talk about it to people

2020-10-24 02:08:48 UTC  

The otherside usually does the banning of Trump supporting friends

2020-10-24 02:09:09 UTC  

‘Why do you follow the president of your country on Facebook?’ That question in and of itself is so wrong of you think about it. ITS YOUR PRESIDENT, maybe you just want to see what he says??? Why does it matter to them? 

2020-10-24 02:09:10 UTC  

Yeah I’ve noticed that too lol

2020-10-24 02:09:20 UTC  

Im going to a trump parade, 8,000+ cars all up the highway

2020-10-24 02:09:21 UTC  

Y’all listen to the Zeds too, they’re the equivalent of a helper on most servers.

2020-10-24 02:09:25 UTC  

Imagine being such a snowflake you can't handle what political beliefs someone else has

2020-10-24 02:09:30 UTC  

I'm going to buy a cannon

2020-10-24 02:09:35 UTC  

Lmfao I hate snowflakes

2020-10-24 02:09:55 UTC  

@Clemens can I use the cannon to launch demorats into space?

2020-10-24 02:10:16 UTC  

Just check <#720484562400051201> if you think I'm joking

2020-10-24 02:10:40 UTC  

One of my so called friends literally wrote out a whole sob story essay about why I shouldn’t back trump

2020-10-24 02:10:51 UTC  


2020-10-24 02:10:52 UTC  


2020-10-24 02:10:55 UTC  

That sounds funny