Message from @Draconem_Dominus

Discord ID: 772516442615971861

2020-11-01 17:42:21 UTC  

I will take on China and garbage trade deals by getting rid of NAFTA and replacing it, DONE

2020-11-01 17:42:24 UTC  

Does anyone have that Joe Biden incomprehensible sentence video?

2020-11-01 17:42:28 UTC  

Cuz i went to college there, little red telephones you order your food on?

2020-11-01 17:42:36 UTC  

Trump has done everything he has said

2020-11-01 17:43:01 UTC  

So a truck with a crap ton of trump flags drove by my mom and I earlier and my mom said "that's not scary" sarcastically

2020-11-01 17:43:01 UTC  

Trump has done more positive than what he promised

2020-11-01 17:43:23 UTC  


2020-11-01 17:43:24 UTC  

So I said "if it had spikes I'd be scary"

2020-11-01 17:43:28 UTC  

We keep getting bonuses we didn't vote for because he's so awesome

2020-11-01 17:43:31 UTC  

Trumps a solid B tier president

2020-11-01 17:43:36 UTC  

Just like me

2020-11-01 17:43:41 UTC  

Trump will be A tier by the end.

2020-11-01 17:43:45 UTC  


2020-11-01 17:43:54 UTC  

Trump truly boosted Americans

2020-11-01 17:43:57 UTC  

S tier is obv george washington

2020-11-01 17:44:15 UTC  

Obama is D tier

2020-11-01 17:44:22 UTC  

Obama didn’t do much good

2020-11-01 17:44:22 UTC  

Lincoln, even though he was kind of timid and could have been more of an asshole

2020-11-01 17:44:24 UTC  

And people thought covefefe was weird, now we have truinatiolivepurzure...

2020-11-01 17:44:32 UTC  

Obama was garbage.

2020-11-01 17:44:32 UTC  

Hamilton would have been s tier 😔

2020-11-01 17:44:43 UTC  

George W was garbage

2020-11-01 17:44:44 UTC  

I only say that bc of the play lmao

2020-11-01 17:44:57 UTC  

Clinton was the benefactor of computers and the internet coming along

2020-11-01 17:45:12 UTC  

Obama was a 3/10 president

2020-11-01 17:45:17 UTC  


2020-11-01 17:45:21 UTC  


2020-11-01 17:45:24 UTC  

Also I essentially told my mom I support trump and she didn't throw a hissy fit

2020-11-01 17:45:26 UTC  

Obama killed Bin Laden, I will give him that

2020-11-01 17:45:39 UTC  

When I watched the video of him pronouncing it, I was dumbstruck. I didn't know it was that bad lmao.

2020-11-01 17:45:42 UTC  

He didn’t do anything good really, except for killing laden and maybe 1 other good thing

2020-11-01 17:45:54 UTC  

Remember my mom calls trump supporters racist and crazy

2020-11-01 17:46:08 UTC  

other than that, the cages and high taxes and record black welfare

2020-11-01 17:46:17 UTC  

Otherwise, he gutted the military, destabilized the Middle East, put more people on food stamps and government welfare than ever, divided the nation by supporting criminals instead of the cops, he gutted NASA.

2020-11-01 17:46:24 UTC  


2020-11-01 17:46:26 UTC  

Shit, Obama was awful

2020-11-01 17:46:30 UTC  


2020-11-01 17:46:42 UTC  


2020-11-01 17:46:50 UTC  

Obama was carried by being a good speaker and by being black

2020-11-01 17:47:04 UTC  

And then by having to face Romney in 2012

2020-11-01 17:47:18 UTC  

He gave a nice speech. People who love fluff and sugary words loved the guy. But anyone with a brain saw right through him like "are you going to say anything that means something?"