Message from @fuckyourtunes

Discord ID: 759033490699583498

2020-09-25 12:37:15 UTC  

also they are right for the wrong reasons

2020-09-25 12:37:16 UTC  

I don't think police are necessarily more problems. I think more guns is a great solution, but there are some things that the police are necessary for, that guns don't fix.

2020-09-25 12:37:17 UTC  

personally, i agree, but good luck telling most people here that

2020-09-25 12:37:57 UTC  

Police stop you for weed and shit

2020-09-25 12:38:04 UTC  

ive always have a problem with police who believe theyre 1. above the law and 2. not serving the people. corruption is rife

2020-09-25 12:38:52 UTC  

Also yeah police are just mercanaries of the current political regime

2020-09-25 12:39:21 UTC  

yeah but you see, we're not allowed to criticize police any more. since the leftist extremists have already covered that.

2020-09-25 12:39:44 UTC  

@fuckyourtunes this doesnt make much sense

2020-09-25 12:40:00 UTC  

Police don't just stop people for "weed and shit". And just because the left doesn't like police doesn't mean we can't criticize them. That being said, less police isn't the solution.

2020-09-25 12:40:07 UTC  

if you go all anti cop, you're now a BLM activist

2020-09-25 12:40:36 UTC  

police funding should grow within the same margins as the growth of that state/city

2020-09-25 12:40:40 UTC  

currently that does not happen

2020-09-25 12:41:03 UTC  

> Police don't just stop people for "weed and shit". And just because the left doesn't like police doesn't mean we can't criticize them. That being said, less police isn't the solution.
@Froski well Weed was an example but what I am saying is that police enforce laws be it unconstitunional or not

2020-09-25 12:42:48 UTC  

What laws are you saying are unconstitutional? Cops jobs isn't to decide the law. Their job is to enforce the law. If you have an issue with the laws they are enforcing, look to the legislative branch.

2020-09-25 12:43:23 UTC  

yeah like legislature is not law either. you have to remember that

2020-09-25 12:43:37 UTC  

> What laws are you saying are unconstitutional? Cops jobs isn't to decide the law. Their job is to enforce the law. If you have an issue with the laws they are enforcing, look to the legislative branch.
@Froski thats exactly my problen

2020-09-25 12:43:45 UTC  

"I just enforce the law"

2020-09-25 12:43:55 UTC  

heard that excuse at the nuremburg trial too

2020-09-25 12:45:28 UTC  

Okay, that is a false equivalency. You had people committing mass genocide in that scenario. Police are not committing a mass genocide. If you'd like to discuss this, great. But please, use actual facts and not compare police to Nazis as an argument.

2020-09-25 12:46:02 UTC  

This isnt false its the same principle if it was carried out to the extreme

2020-09-25 12:48:06 UTC  

the question is where do you draw the line. when will a police officer go against the force and stand up for his morals and say 'no, i will not do this'?

2020-09-25 12:48:56 UTC  

> the question is where do you draw the line. when will a police officer go against the force and stand up for his morals and say 'no, i will not do this'?
@fuckyourtunes this didnt happen in most regimes

2020-09-25 12:49:00 UTC  

hey it's froski! how you doing man?

2020-09-25 12:49:02 UTC  

not any I can think of

2020-09-25 12:49:04 UTC  

Dude, the argument is an extremely false equivalency. Cops are not arresting people for the purposes of genocide. Cops are arresting people for the purposes of a legal system to determine whether they are going to charge a person.

There are plenty of officers who don't stand charge on things.

2020-09-25 12:49:36 UTC  

Yep and germany outlawed beeing jewish

2020-09-25 12:49:40 UTC  

That being said, please, if you are going to make the argument that certain laws that they enforce are unconstitutional, please tell me those unconstitutional laws.

2020-09-25 12:49:41 UTC  

so police got en

2020-09-25 12:49:46 UTC  

froski soon it might be illegal to post information online that doesn't align with MSM narrative.

2020-09-25 12:49:51 UTC  

do you think the police will enforce that?

2020-09-25 12:50:12 UTC  

Police in germany will arrest you for hate speech and not wearing masks in us too

2020-09-25 12:50:21 UTC  

No. (1) it'll be ruled unconstitutional by the supreme court under the 1st amendment.

2020-09-25 12:50:46 UTC  

The line has been stretched already and it is clear police are just the regime mercanaries

2020-09-25 12:50:52 UTC  

california is already issuing fines for people who spread information about mail in ballots

2020-09-25 12:51:30 UTC  

and im sure they will find some loophole they can exploit

2020-09-25 12:51:41 UTC  

#biden2020- George Floyd

2020-09-25 12:51:44 UTC  

to subvert from the constitution. like hate speech or something

2020-09-25 12:52:16 UTC  

Hate Speech has already been discussed by the Supreme Court. It isn't a legally cognizable harm.

2020-09-25 12:52:51 UTC  

why do the secret service show up at peoples doorsteps when they threaten a president then? isnt that 1st amendment

2020-09-25 12:53:05 UTC  

in germany there are unconstitional hatespeech laws and police enforce them

2020-09-25 12:54:10 UTC  

theyre slowly but surely chipping away at your rights, with the help of the public servants or police.