Message from @Livingstone

Discord ID: 796280976833511454

2021-01-06 07:24:30 UTC  


2021-01-06 07:26:11 UTC  

Robert Gruler

2021-01-06 07:26:25 UTC  

@RobertGrulerEsq you need to cover the audio evidence just submitted on your YouTube Channel! Italy did it! Along with Obama. Italy is cooperating

2021-01-06 07:26:25 UTC  

@deMontfort, you just advanced to level 2!

2021-01-06 07:26:55 UTC  

"Donald Trump has privately acknowledged he lost the presidency. He knows Joe Biden will replace him. He recognizes Congress will formally certify the results on Wednesday."

2021-01-06 07:27:24 UTC  

@RobertGrulerEsq Breaking evidence! Needs to be covered in your YouTube

2021-01-06 07:29:17 UTC  

Obama the devil

2021-01-06 07:29:17 UTC  

@PatriotPlaya, you just advanced to level 13!

2021-01-06 07:31:20 UTC  

#italy did it

2021-01-06 07:32:40 UTC  

Is this real?

2021-01-06 07:32:47 UTC  

Absolutely hilarious... This is almost as funny as Melissa Carone.

2021-01-06 07:32:53 UTC  

Seriously? Is this what we have been waiting for?

2021-01-06 07:33:12 UTC  

It’s real this is the kraken

2021-01-06 07:34:04 UTC  

can anyone tell me what time this whole thing is going on tomorrow?

2021-01-06 07:34:05 UTC  

An absolutely perfect plan... Except electronically flipping votes, even if it was possible, can't change paper ballots.

2021-01-06 07:34:36 UTC  

#Save America #kraken #Trump #Trumpwasright

2021-01-06 07:34:42 UTC  

One pm EST

2021-01-06 07:35:25 UTC  

Talon this is the what weve been waiting for

2021-01-06 07:36:10 UTC  

and then there's live stream coverage?

2021-01-06 07:36:18 UTC  

is it worth while watching is would it be a snooze fest?

2021-01-06 07:36:19 UTC  

But dude. What if it is true. What if this is why the ballots were misaligned or had a higher than normal adjudication rate?

2021-01-06 07:36:34 UTC  

I'm so glad that you can look at it objectively... Seriously, it's a farce. You shouldn't get your hopes up.

2021-01-06 07:36:58 UTC  

Livingston your a patriot

2021-01-06 07:37:41 UTC  

Talon this is exactly what trump said would happen it’s unfolding in front of our eyes

2021-01-06 07:37:55 UTC  

@TaLoN132 It’s just as easy to wait and see. It is quite presumptuous to not even wait before declaring it bunk

2021-01-06 07:38:38 UTC  

Trump our president makes moves in 4d we’ve been distracted and he made the moves

2021-01-06 07:38:45 UTC  


2021-01-06 07:39:54 UTC  

More like I love the freedom to live alone with my dog and three cats. Freedom loving, social media avoiding, star wars and Star Trek binging cat lady.

2021-01-06 07:40:13 UTC  

so it it worth watching some stream

2021-01-06 07:40:16 UTC  

at 1pm?

2021-01-06 07:40:48 UTC  

Sorry to damper what makes anyone think this is going to make a difference? Everything they have give has been dismissed. I want it to be a big deal I just don't think it will matter. Fingers crossed but like doubtful .

2021-01-06 07:40:52 UTC  

Think about it logically... All battleground states use paper ballots. If they remotely hacked in from Italy and electronically flipped the votes, they would have to have somebody on the ground who could swap out the votes secretly - breaking seals, replacing Trump ballots with Biden ballots, then resealing the packs without leaving a trace. And they would have to do this in every precinct - with the correct ballot configuration in each precinct. All in the middle of the counting with nobody noticing.

2021-01-06 07:40:59 UTC  

Most news channels will be live streaming. If all else fails I bet we can watch it in cspan

2021-01-06 07:41:22 UTC  

Your a true patriot keep up the good work patriot Livingston

2021-01-06 07:42:15 UTC  

Yeah but it is worth watching in live, like, it is something that i can watch for 30 min or would there be blabla for 5 hours

2021-01-06 07:42:22 UTC  

We don’t have to “think about it”... because you have just as little information to think about as we do. You’re too quick to jump to snap conclusions without more information

2021-01-06 07:42:25 UTC  

That's because I can be objective and there is no way in the world that votes can be remotely flipped and it still be able to pass recounts and/or risk limiting audits.

2021-01-06 07:43:30 UTC  

Sorry to inform... that’s the opposite of objective. Reserving final judgement in the face of partial information that is currently in development... that is objective

2021-01-06 07:43:33 UTC  

You don't want to think about... That's your prerogative. I choose to think for myself.

2021-01-06 07:43:37 UTC  

But paper ballots are not counted by hand, right? It’s by a machine. I don’t think it would have to be every precinct. Just in the areas that are large enough to make a difference. If a state is half and half split then it’s less that needs manipulation.

2021-01-06 07:44:10 UTC  

You can think for yourself.... right into a false conclusion with lack of information.