Message from @MrBland - VA

Discord ID: 528925837496680478

2018-12-30 05:46:26 UTC  

On these points, I'm reminded of the video I just watched tonight of Millenial Woes speaking to the Traditional Britain Group. Definitely worth a watch, not too long:

2018-12-30 05:51:45 UTC  

Good talk. But he's still a slob! lol

2018-12-30 05:52:37 UTC  

He talks a bit about how we imitate the caricatures crafted for us. The whole talk struck a strong chord with me for personal renewal.

2018-12-30 05:52:44 UTC  

And he at least looks better than he did!

2018-12-30 05:53:08 UTC  

True. Slimmer and dressed a bit better.

2018-12-30 06:07:56 UTC  

Jewish organizations DID write the Civil Rights Act and the 1965 immigration disaster. It only sounds insane if your are content to ignore reality and continue to be marginalized as a fringe lunatic. The Jews do, in fact, use third-world races as their foot soldiers. All of these things are established facts, even though the MSM treats these facts as if they are so much the ravings of lunatics. That's been their tactic for decades. I personally don't care if we come across as insane to Leftists. They are the ones totally, willfully out of touch with any kind of reality.

2018-12-30 06:10:06 UTC  

Yes, positive messages can go much farther and get to the heart of things much faster in some cases.
guy: "Current demographic changes are inevitable"
me: "No, they're not, they're the result of political policy and cultural changes, which can be reversed"
guy: "Okay, but no one is going to reverse them"
me: "Yes, we can, and we will. You should help us"
**shocked silence**

2018-12-30 06:12:41 UTC  

It's not the Marxists we're appealing to. It's similar to our activism policies..."Don't go posturing or stickering in a place where there is no one to appeal to". Say I put up posters in an all black neighborhood....what is the purpose?

2018-12-30 06:12:44 UTC  

I run into that attitude a lot, either that or "I'll be dead one day anyway so what's the point"

2018-12-30 06:15:23 UTC  

Blackpills are for the weak. "There will be no watershed moment". This fight for our blood/soil is not for us to see results, it is for the generations of Europeans beyond us. This is not a hobby, this is duty. Duty brings meaning to life.

2018-12-30 06:28:42 UTC  

So where is Nico, the coordinator for Washington

2018-12-30 06:29:00 UTC  

What’s his handle

2018-12-30 06:31:29 UTC  
2018-12-30 06:50:01 UTC  

Thanks guys. I apologize for the delay.

2018-12-30 06:51:14 UTC  

@OttoVonBismarck I'll shoot you a dm tomorrow and we'll get this all taken care of.

2018-12-30 08:06:27 UTC  

Today I saw a black psyche patient drop to his knees crying "I was trapped in a maze for two years AND I'VE FINALLY WOKE UP". Then starts sobbing like crazy. I really felt for the guy, some people are completely unfixable. He looked totally normal too.

2018-12-30 08:11:36 UTC  
2018-12-30 08:43:12 UTC  

@OMGDwayne All of the problems that the West is facing today go far beyond the effects of Jewish influence. We all know that Jews are over represented in left-wing circles, but all of the laws you mentioned could never have passed without the support of White leftists, liberals, and in some cases, even conservatives. If you become obsessed with blaming one group of people for issues that they only played a part in, you risk alienating the types of people we’d like to appeal to.

It’s a very 1.0 approach to things. As Identitarians (and Identitarian isn’t just a new word for WN), we have to focus on leading by positive example, developing healthy, Identitarian instincts within our people, and crafting sound Identitarian philosophy and political solutions. Even if everyone were “Jew-aware” tomorrow, and there were no Jewish representation or influence in the US govt, we’d still have the average sociopathic White US politician to deal with.

2018-12-30 13:16:06 UTC  

Good morning. ☕️

2018-12-30 13:45:18 UTC

2018-12-30 13:56:13 UTC  

@Lily Lee - NJ
wow that's an interesting article. Apparently the women's march organizers are anti-Semitic wignats we don't want to associate with. They march in the street wearing pink stalhelms. Bad optics! @MrBland - VA

2018-12-30 14:21:15 UTC  

^ I’ve had enough “news” for today, and it’s not even 10am.

2018-12-30 16:58:18 UTC  

That doesn't seem very..."lady like" acting like that in a store. 🤔

2018-12-30 17:09:08 UTC  

These types of degenerate leftist outbursts are the perfect opportunity for us to shine light into the darkness and change the conversation. Pop culture support of legitimate mental illness / disorders are immoral. Advocates of diversity have done the person in this video a tragic disservice. They’ve created a weird world that enables the mentally disturbed to self immolate. Appeal to the masses on their level. Make it a moral discussion.

2018-12-30 17:09:35 UTC  

@TV But can she stand up at all?

2018-12-30 17:15:31 UTC  

We should get together a bunch of people in our movement who have experience talking to people about our views, and make a computer simulator of a left winger who you have to try to sway, with realistic programmed responses. Obviously very limited medium, but could make good "basic training" for activists.

2018-12-30 17:15:45 UTC  

At least teach people basic mistakes to avoid.

2018-12-30 17:21:05 UTC  

I'm working on a bot that detects pro-immigration Reddit posts and suggests responses

2018-12-30 17:21:22 UTC  

that's kinda similar to what you're talking about

2018-12-30 17:23:50 UTC  

@sigruna14 Good idea.

2018-12-30 17:36:13 UTC  

@sigruna14 Rhetorical practice aimed at swaying an audience could be useful.

2018-12-30 17:46:13 UTC  

It's not just about avoiding mistakes, though. It's about a genuine understanding of the issues. It's very easy to blame everything on one group. It's much more of a challenge to take responsibility for our circumstances and to figure out how to best position ourselves to take full advantage of them. Groups playing the blame game go nowhere. A group that understands how to mobilize our people to achieve what we desire is a true movement.

2018-12-30 17:59:45 UTC  

The Chad Gamer Soyboy vs the Virgin Berserk Tranny

2018-12-30 18:10:23 UTC  

That Tranny was a <:chad:359013583469805568>

2018-12-30 18:29:22 UTC  

I'm thinking it would still be a good idea just to have some kind of FAQ style document that could have arguments to our positions and counterarguments to them. This could help with rounding out some of our members and pledges with some basics of ideology representation.

2018-12-30 18:32:40 UTC  
2018-12-30 18:32:57 UTC  

This one is for the BUGS Swarm/white genocide people, but in principle, that's what you're talking about.

2018-12-30 18:33:04 UTC  

Something like that geared towards Identitarians.