Message from @james j

Discord ID: 781666552344215572

2020-11-26 23:38:32 UTC  

@Doc I have no idea about what your are talking about

2020-11-26 23:38:50 UTC  

How does a physician know what gender is best for your child?

2020-11-26 23:38:54 UTC  

Answer me that, honestly.

2020-11-26 23:39:07 UTC  

@james j the primary school curriculum in europe now contains sessions in which adults talk to 7 and 8 year olds about their masturbation habits.

2020-11-26 23:39:57 UTC  

@Maw If you are asking me, I dont know what is best for anyone. Which is why I approach healthcare like a steward on a plane. This is the menu, what do you want?

2020-11-26 23:40:07 UTC  


2020-11-26 23:40:41 UTC  

Do you think a 14 year old is capable of making permanent, body-altering choices with the foresight capacity they have at that age?

2020-11-26 23:41:00 UTC  

Well gender is not up to the physician , the actual transition process is guided by a doctor to make sure , the kid isn’t faking, eliminating other variables, waiting , regular checkups , There are actual physical differences that could be present like people with klienfileders syndrome

2020-11-26 23:41:07 UTC  

usually not any more or less than a 20 year old, @Maw

2020-11-26 23:41:08 UTC  


2020-11-26 23:41:17 UTC  

@Maw I don’t think a 14 year old makes that decision

2020-11-26 23:41:31 UTC  

Then who does? The parents?

2020-11-26 23:41:48 UTC  

@Maw Most millennials are arrested in development at around 14. So they remain that age.

2020-11-26 23:42:40 UTC  

A team of people eliminating variables it’s a joint decision, personally I think people should wait till they are 18 but this is more of a question for those in the medical field @Maw

2020-11-26 23:42:56 UTC  

@james j we have no reply for you.

2020-11-26 23:43:01 UTC  

You shouldn’t be able to have life changing medical procedures like that before the brain is fully formed. That’s all I’m saying

2020-11-26 23:43:04 UTC  

its a matter of taste

2020-11-26 23:43:05 UTC  

A joint decision that isn't the person that is being affected.

2020-11-26 23:43:18 UTC  

@Doc most tastes in music actually are cemented at the age of 14

2020-11-26 23:43:38 UTC  

My taste in music at 14 was bloody awful

2020-11-26 23:43:48 UTC  

@Doc well it’s not some willy nilly decision with no barriers to entry

2020-11-26 23:44:18 UTC  

No, just a bunch of doctors that feel like Jimmy should be a woman.

2020-11-26 23:44:43 UTC  

@Maw its a joint decision between the physicians and the person in question

2020-11-26 23:44:52 UTC  

Not without the other

2020-11-26 23:45:26 UTC  

How? Are you saying that 14 year olds can know what they want and know what's best for them down the line? They're going through puberty, which makes a lot of kids confused.

2020-11-26 23:45:49 UTC  

They don't even understand the changes in their body.

2020-11-26 23:45:52 UTC  

You would only be able to get that information from a trans person that knew they were trans

2020-11-26 23:46:00 UTC  


2020-11-26 23:46:07 UTC  

Meaning ask a trans person

trans by choice?

2020-11-26 23:46:31 UTC  

I said knew they were trans

2020-11-26 23:46:42 UTC  

The choice people are focused on is the transition

2020-11-26 23:46:47 UTC  

That’s the choice

2020-11-26 23:47:42 UTC  

You think these kids are capable of understanding complex gender identity stuff when they don't even understand largely what's happening to them through puberty?

2020-11-26 23:48:34 UTC  

@james j would you like me do describe the process to you, or are you already satisfied with your insight into it?

2020-11-26 23:48:59 UTC  

But what is the rush? Transition as an adult. I don’t know what it’s like to be a 14 year old boy, but as a 14 year old girl I made dreadful decisions but the good thing in my case was I didn’t have a life changing procedure that I couldn’t reverse.

2020-11-26 23:49:06 UTC  

The process of evaluation to identify a trans person or the transition process itself @Doc

2020-11-26 23:49:08 UTC  

Do you really think it's as simple as saying: "Oh, hey. I guess I'm trans."