Message from @busillis

Discord ID: 782297924016013352

2020-11-28 17:27:56 UTC  

They didn’t usurp the legislation they forgot to have a second hearing to solidify the motion. They did this for the 2019 election

2020-11-28 17:28:18 UTC  

Which under the same technicality would be unconstitutional

2020-11-28 17:28:26 UTC  

But no one said anything back then

2020-11-28 17:28:40 UTC  

It didn't follow the state constitutional procedures at all and that is the basis for this lawsuit

2020-11-28 17:29:01 UTC  

Then they still could have had an other hearing, which is just voting on it again and it’s like they just forgot

2020-11-28 17:29:06 UTC  

If it's affirmed that this "law" is unconstitutional then all the votes are legally moot yeah? Since they were under an illegal "law"

2020-11-28 17:29:08 UTC  

@james j to do it legally they would have had to had a constitutional amendment

2020-11-28 17:29:19 UTC  

That would have had to have been voted on

2020-11-28 17:29:28 UTC  

Right which is done by a simple vote they forgot to do

2020-11-28 17:29:38 UTC  

By the people

2020-11-28 17:29:51 UTC  

No by the legislators

2020-11-28 17:30:12 UTC  

The people had nothing to do with it

2020-11-28 17:30:23 UTC  

This was a in-house procedural error

2020-11-28 17:30:48 UTC  

Rekita actually explains this pretty well

2020-11-28 17:31:32 UTC  

In fact I believe it is we PA republicans that spearheaded the change. Had the first hearing to amend and forgot to have the second

2020-11-28 17:31:36 UTC  

I could possibly be incorrect

2020-11-28 17:31:42 UTC  


2020-11-28 17:31:56 UTC  

Majority vote by members of both the PA House of Reps and Senate in two consecutive legislative sessions, then published for 3 months in two newspapers in every county, and finally submitted to qualified electors as a ballot question in the next general election and approved by the majority of those voting on the amendment.

2020-11-28 17:32:35 UTC  

Yeah they just forgot to hold the 1 of 2 hearing to vote

2020-11-28 17:32:38 UTC  

It wasn't they forgot, it was that Gov. Wolf rammed through the changes before the second hearing. I think it was even before the first actually

2020-11-28 17:32:39 UTC  

@james j is this not similar to I forgot Jews and Muslims fight like cats and dogs?

2020-11-28 17:33:07 UTC  

Great people always seem to make stupid mistakes

2020-11-28 17:33:13 UTC  


2020-11-28 17:33:18 UTC  

This was back in 2019 before the pandemic there was no rush @DeathRhodes666 this is a 2019 case

2020-11-28 17:33:42 UTC  

No @busillis this is like someone forget to sign the last page of a large contract

2020-11-28 17:34:09 UTC  

Again it is ? Really idk.

2020-11-28 17:34:40 UTC  

Yeah a procedural error that existed in 2019 and then never got addressed

2020-11-28 17:34:50 UTC  

Please forgive my cynicism.

2020-11-28 17:35:11 UTC  

I’ll have to watch the video again

2020-11-28 17:35:34 UTC  

However it comes across as the legislators not being diligent

2020-11-28 17:35:51 UTC  

And just not holding the silly hearing to vote

2020-11-28 17:36:20 UTC  

That ship has sailed? At this point.

2020-11-28 17:36:35 UTC  


2020-11-28 17:37:18 UTC  

No one said anything back in the primaries when we were still in the procedural error

2020-11-28 17:37:45 UTC  

No votes will get thrown out for the legislators just not finishing a process they started

2020-11-28 17:38:31 UTC  

Do you happen to have a link handy to the Ruling, by chance? I can look it up, of course. Just being lazy... 😄

2020-11-28 17:39:08 UTC  

I don't think the link to the ruling actually exist...looked last night

2020-11-28 17:39:17 UTC  

Perhaps now

2020-11-28 17:39:56 UTC  

If anyone finds it please post

2020-11-28 17:40:14 UTC  

R and r and other lawyers have been saying this for a week