Message from @William Dinan

Discord ID: 785271042947022898

2020-12-06 22:22:10 UTC  

@JD~Jordan that's what we just got finished speculating... States can do what they will..

2020-12-06 22:22:23 UTC  

@JD~Jordan. They exceeded the Legislation is the question. Not the Form rather the objective. Not in their overview to change the Objective. That is the Legal Question.

2020-12-06 22:22:25 UTC  

It's a motion to question the expertise and validity of the "experts" building the conspiracy

2020-12-06 22:22:29 UTC  

We're talking about act 77 as stated numerous times.

2020-12-06 22:22:54 UTC  

Yeah... that's what's weird about this one and why I think the PA SC may have lazily used the Latches justification. I think the core of the issue is that the PA Constitution outlines specific reasons that people can vote absentee. This is the current PA constitution section that outlines absentee voting:

*"Absentee Voting
Section 14
(a) The Legislature shall, by general law, provide a manner in which, and the time and place at which, qualified electors who may, on the occurrence of any election, be absent from the municipality of their residence, because their duties, occupation or business require them to be elsewhere or who, on the occurrence of any election, are unable to attend at their proper polling places because of illness or physical disability or who will not attend a polling place because of the observance of a religious holiday or who cannot vote because of election day duties, in the case of a county employee, may vote, and for the return and canvass of their votes in the election district in which they respectively reside."*

There is a (b), but it just defines municipality in this context.

So, the question seems to be... Does this mean that these are the only reasons to allow Absentee ballots under the constitution and any changes require an amendment? Or... Do these represent the minimum, guaranteed reasons for allowing absentee voting, but is does not preclude the legislature from enacting laws to extend mail-in voting as they did in Act 77, but if they chose to exclude any of these reasons, it would require an amendment?

2020-12-06 22:22:56 UTC  

Just because it wasn't legal in the state???

2020-12-06 22:23:03 UTC  

@Maw and @William Dinan I have not read this article yet but I was going to the other day... I imagine it will anser some your questions

2020-12-06 22:23:15 UTC  

> talking about act77.

2020-12-06 22:23:16 UTC  


2020-12-06 22:23:19 UTC  

Not Georgia.

2020-12-06 22:23:31 UTC  

Yeah that's the one that wasn't signed by the Pennsylvania State legislature

2020-12-06 22:23:46 UTC  

Pennsylvania isn't going to put dude over the top

2020-12-06 22:23:56 UTC  

@JD~Jordan the Attorney for a Political Party is not the same as the Legislative Branch.

2020-12-06 22:24:02 UTC  

I just came into the chat.. which is why I asked... no need to be snotty

2020-12-06 22:24:23 UTC  

I'm just informing you we're talking about act 77.

2020-12-06 22:24:54 UTC  

Misses the point entirely.... I just said that Republicans had input into the Settlement Agreement in Georgia.

2020-12-06 22:25:12 UTC  

Not that it was required or a substitute for the legislative branch.

2020-12-06 22:25:31 UTC  

@JD~Jordan which at the end of the day amounts to 0

2020-12-06 22:25:47 UTC  

For gop

2020-12-06 22:26:18 UTC  

That is a question?

2020-12-06 22:26:46 UTC  

I think you miss the Point. @JD~Jordan

2020-12-06 22:26:49 UTC  

Are there trying to force Georgia to drop votes

2020-12-06 22:27:10 UTC  

So they don't take it to court?

2020-12-06 22:28:09 UTC  

> @TaLoN132 Last I checked it was unconstitutional because the legislation changed via the court, and not the legislation.
This is who I was commenting to, @JD~Jordan, if you had read just slightly further back you'd see what we were talking about. This is all I was saying, relax.

2020-12-06 22:28:44 UTC  

The GA State Republican Party and the GA State Legislature are two different entities.

2020-12-06 22:29:45 UTC  

I'm am lost on ga

2020-12-06 22:30:21 UTC  

Georgia is currently my favorite state.

2020-12-06 22:30:38 UTC  

Justice Alito even said “It would be highly desirable to issue a ruling on the con- stitutionality of the State Supreme Court’s decision before the election. That question has national importance, and there is a strong likelihood that the State Supreme Court decision violates the Federal Constitution. The provisions of the Federal Constitution conferring on state legislatures, not state courts, the authority to make rules governing fed- eral elections would be meaningless if a state court could override the rules adopted by the legislature simply by claiming that a state constitutional provision gave the courts the authority to make whatever rules it thought ap- propriate for the conduct of a fair election”

2020-12-06 22:30:42 UTC  

Is that where the kraken come from?

2020-12-06 22:30:46 UTC  

@Zuluzeit It's because the devil (Marx) went there isn't it?!?!?!

2020-12-06 22:30:56 UTC  


2020-12-06 22:31:16 UTC  

Savannah Georgia is actually pretty cool

2020-12-06 22:31:17 UTC  

He was lookin for a poll to steal

2020-12-06 22:31:25 UTC  


2020-12-06 22:31:37 UTC  

Not sure how much more clear I can make this... I am referring to the Settlement Agreement between the Sec of State in GA and some Democratic Organizations.
I only noted that the GOP's Attorney was involved to say that the GOP had a seat at the table when negotiating that settlement.

That does not mean I am saying that the Settlement Agreement modified the law itself and its fine since the GOP lawyer was there.
Only the Legislature can modify legislation.

What I am saying is that the Settlement Agreement did not modify the law. Certain guidelines and rules are often created as to how a particular law is carried out by the agency or office tasked with the job of carrying it out... it is those rules and guidelines (that the Sec State Office) had the legal authority to make and then modify.

2020-12-06 22:32:14 UTC  

Marx was a kraken man for way back in the. Day,?

2020-12-06 22:32:50 UTC  

Carlos marcs

2020-12-06 22:32:59 UTC  

Lol in a manner of speaking

2020-12-06 22:33:16 UTC  

@james j Savannah's okay as long as you don't go there on St Patrick's day

2020-12-06 22:33:24 UTC  

That's like hell on Earth

2020-12-06 22:33:41 UTC  

I see it when I go to Hilton Head.