Message from @em

Discord ID: 785666454673424394

2020-12-08 00:34:05 UTC  

@Recalibar you can also see what your mind wants to see and ignore alternative explanations other than fraud. This is what most people are doing who claim fraud

2020-12-08 00:34:23 UTC  

Its what Team Trump said in the hearing

2020-12-08 00:34:35 UTC  

I said something different can u read

2020-12-08 00:34:56 UTC  

Most these people watching these videos have no idea what they are looking at so they just assume everything is fraud

2020-12-08 00:35:13 UTC  

Is the container important to your position or are you just being petty?

2020-12-08 00:35:18 UTC  

Yeah there would be two things to check one is to count the envelopes versus the mail in ballots assuming you can distinguish mail in ballots from in-person ballots which I think you can in Georgia and the other would be to do some spot checking on the signatures.

2020-12-08 00:35:35 UTC  

So because it wasn't in a suitcase, they didn't tell observers to leave and keep counting? Cause they kept counting. And we have affidavits saying observers were told to leave, and zero affidavits saying they weren't told to leave.

2020-12-08 00:35:43 UTC  

One unallocated vote, extremely massive fraud.

2020-12-08 00:36:05 UTC

2020-12-08 00:36:21 UTC  

I genuinely cant tell if you’re being serious or not but this is what i said. I never said a woman with blonde braids or anything. Im literally going off of what i see

2020-12-08 00:36:25 UTC  

Watch carefully as she loads the same stack three times.

2020-12-08 00:36:29 UTC  

@DrSammyD they heard an announcement that the workers could go home. They took that as the poll watchers had to leave

2020-12-08 00:36:47 UTC  

NO.... But Team Trump called it a suitcase so that is what I called it. They used that term to make it sound more nefarious.

Again.... I DID NOT CALL them suitcases.... Team Trump did

2020-12-08 00:37:00 UTC  

@Recalibar that video as been explained , I’m not sure why you keep persisting with it

2020-12-08 00:37:26 UTC  

Again, no affidavit claims that.

2020-12-08 00:37:39 UTC  

Ruby is the lady with the Blond braids... that is the term Team Trump used to describe her. I had simply never heard her name.

2020-12-08 00:37:42 UTC  

They claim: specifically: someone told them

2020-12-08 00:37:42 UTC  

Get over it

2020-12-08 00:37:53 UTC  

Explained by a media with a vested interest in obscuring the truth.

2020-12-08 00:37:55 UTC  

bro again you didnt read a word i said lmao

2020-12-08 00:37:59 UTC  

you’re literally a Bot

2020-12-08 00:38:35 UTC  

Idk how you can watch that video and not think "Damn, she just finessed the entire state of Georgia."

2020-12-08 00:38:40 UTC  

People will just listen to any narrative overlaid on top of a video and because it satisfies your desire to see fraud and they assume there is fraud

2020-12-08 00:38:56 UTC  

Its like you cant read than one more sentence with “woman stands in front of room ready to give statement,” DEBUNKED. FALSE.

2020-12-08 00:39:06 UTC  

Sworn testimony* FTFY

2020-12-08 00:39:22 UTC  

The affadavits came forward before the video. The video justifies the claims made by the affidavits. Easy.

2020-12-08 00:39:49 UTC  

@Recalibar everything was on tape . Most workers were asked to leave. The poll watchers for confused. They had a election investigator watch hours of footage yet no one is satisfied. They just want to hear what the want to hear.

2020-12-08 00:40:06 UTC  

@Recalibar yes the affidavits of people being confused

2020-12-08 00:40:18 UTC  

You can clearly see a woman, stand in front of the room. She leans back, as if shes about to start speaking to a group of people. She stands there for a moment, moving her arms. She goes out of frame. Shortly after, election workers/cutters leave, they’re done. Counters start to leave, packing things up, and its claimed thats how those ballots got there, under the table. They stop packing up. The observers leave. They wait. And then moments after everyone is out, they begin counting again. Phone calls or no phone calls to officials, this was wrong. Very wrong.

2020-12-08 00:40:29 UTC  

Why did the poll watchers and the media leave? Why did the poll watchers submit affidavits claiming they were asked to leave before having knowledge of the video?

2020-12-08 00:40:31 UTC  

Sworn testimony is garbage if there is nothing to verify

2020-12-08 00:40:32 UTC  

All bs aside security cameras rarely tell the story, typically you cannot look at the video and find it unless you already know about it, even then you may not find what you are looking for.

2020-12-08 00:40:35 UTC  

You're clearly incapable of discernment.

Does THIS look like a woman with blond(e) braids to you?

2020-12-08 00:40:35 UTC  

based off of the frame by frame analysis, not trumps analysis

2020-12-08 00:40:41 UTC  

@Recalibar you know the answer to that

2020-12-08 00:41:10 UTC  

That’s a tremendous amount of hair

2020-12-08 00:41:26 UTC  

What, because they had "seen the video" that was requested only weeks after the airing of the video?

2020-12-08 00:41:51 UTC  

Oh don’t forget the time they said they “already showed the video” to observers after leaving.

2020-12-08 00:41:56 UTC  

@Recalibar do you read everything I write. You keep asking the same questions that have already been addressed

2020-12-08 00:41:57 UTC  

reported by fox.

2020-12-08 00:42:13 UTC  

It’s a wig