Message from @james j

Discord ID: 787220957156212747

2020-12-12 07:29:59 UTC  

@Ghostdog no body uses the word nazi literally mean nazis

2020-12-12 07:30:05 UTC  

@Phil why would she

2020-12-12 07:30:33 UTC  

@james j talk about how the national socialist german workers party wasnt socialist, that revisionist history is laughable too

2020-12-12 07:30:33 UTC  

She had to be sworn in etc, she might have to vote again in the senate @Phil

2020-12-12 07:31:08 UTC  

@james j for the same reason joe biden wanted access to security briefings, so that she can dedicate herself to her new role

2020-12-12 07:31:33 UTC  

Kamala also has access to top secret senate info and an outgoing potus not doing his part to share with the president elect

2020-12-12 07:31:51 UTC  

Who said they weren’t socialists? It’s in their name. @Ghostdog but again when people say nazis these days they talk about it colloquially just to men’s racist , or xenophobic , nativist etc

2020-12-12 07:31:58 UTC  

Regardless of how much the CCP tries to sway your opinion in these chats, these forums, the censoring, the Facebook posts, the Twitter posts message to CCP posters: This isn’t going away until the tribunals are held. Don’t expect to see much out of the criminal courts, make no mistake this will be held in military court. The work you do to try and change American’s perspectives has failed, as you see can clearly in the responses you get.

2020-12-12 07:32:21 UTC

2020-12-12 07:32:29 UTC  

Just stop Eric 🤨

2020-12-12 07:32:37 UTC  

@Phil you mean the transition process that everyone elect goes through , including trump and obama. Usually right after election night

2020-12-12 07:32:39 UTC  

but for example, if the casinos did the same thing about their gambling machines im pretty sure that would raise eye brows

2020-12-12 07:32:39 UTC  

@Phil, you just advanced to level 13!

2020-12-12 07:32:52 UTC  

well that revisionist history scam ties in line with the democrats didnt do slavery and the KKK lies lol, at least u got that

2020-12-12 07:32:52 UTC  

@Ghostdog, you just advanced to level 9!

2020-12-12 07:32:54 UTC  

Touched a nerve? Interesting

2020-12-12 07:33:51 UTC  

It’s not revisionist history. Again learn what a conservative and liberal is and regional values and how those two are tied together. @Ghostdog

2020-12-12 07:34:08 UTC  

Southern democrats don’t leave that part out @Ghostdog

2020-12-12 07:34:14 UTC  

Driver gets spooked by protest in NYC and drives through crowd.

2020-12-12 07:34:45 UTC  

Gambling machines are similar. They can have independent experts and courts look into possible wrongdoing without releasing the guts of the machines public putting then at risk of wrongdoing.

2020-12-12 07:35:02 UTC  

@kennyb that guy ran over peaceful protestors , piece of trash

2020-12-12 07:35:09 UTC  

the republican party never supported slavery or racism or segregation, or anti civil rights, 1st, 2nd amendment... demcrats always have something going its fact

2020-12-12 07:36:31 UTC  

@Dedkraken i guess thats true, but could you argue that to some extent given the machines are paid for by the public they have a greater right to public scrutiny.

2020-12-12 07:36:34 UTC  

Again northern republicans with liberal values. Using party names is meaningless. It’s a party that markets to regional values of the day. Do you understand? @Ghostdog

2020-12-12 07:36:51 UTC  

We don’t know why he took off. At the beginning of the video, the car was stopped and surrounded.

2020-12-12 07:37:01 UTC  

party names are not meaningless, the platforms havent even changed much omg

2020-12-12 07:37:13 UTC  

He was a typical right winger probably mad about the election. @kennyb

2020-12-12 07:37:27 UTC  

you can ignore history or try to justify evil deeds but it wont change facts

2020-12-12 07:37:54 UTC  

There are definitely good democrats, in my opinion but they are targeted by CCP & sell out. I don’t think all democrats are bought, but I do believe far too many are

2020-12-12 07:38:09 UTC  

They have. Because the people that inhabit the parties are different. The descendants of the north now inhabit the Democratic Party and the decedents of the south now champion the Republican Party. Parties are just shells for regional values @Ghostdog

2020-12-12 07:38:39 UTC  

The south is and always has been conservative

2020-12-12 07:38:47 UTC  

The north has been liberal

2020-12-12 07:38:48 UTC  

many are just going along to get along, just like when they promoted slavery most didnt have slaves but went along to get along

2020-12-12 07:39:07 UTC  

Do you find it odd that the VRA of 1965 in the house northern gop and dems voted to give minorities rights both parties in the south voted against. Then the same thing happened in the senate.

2020-12-12 07:39:13 UTC  

You are taking about the south again @Ghostdog

2020-12-12 07:39:27 UTC  

Cowards. There are Republican cowards too

2020-12-12 07:39:45 UTC  

many go along to get along in any party yeah

2020-12-12 07:39:49 UTC  

There’s no perfect answer or perfect party

2020-12-12 07:39:52 UTC  


2020-12-12 07:40:12 UTC  

most dont do much or care they just parrot talking points and live in lala land

2020-12-12 07:40:24 UTC  

But thankfully we have Trump