Message from @james j

Discord ID: 787222401154154496

2020-12-12 07:35:09 UTC  

the republican party never supported slavery or racism or segregation, or anti civil rights, 1st, 2nd amendment... demcrats always have something going its fact

2020-12-12 07:36:31 UTC  

@Dedkraken i guess thats true, but could you argue that to some extent given the machines are paid for by the public they have a greater right to public scrutiny.

2020-12-12 07:36:34 UTC  

Again northern republicans with liberal values. Using party names is meaningless. It’s a party that markets to regional values of the day. Do you understand? @Ghostdog

2020-12-12 07:36:51 UTC  

We don’t know why he took off. At the beginning of the video, the car was stopped and surrounded.

2020-12-12 07:37:01 UTC  

party names are not meaningless, the platforms havent even changed much omg

2020-12-12 07:37:13 UTC  

He was a typical right winger probably mad about the election. @kennyb

2020-12-12 07:37:27 UTC  

you can ignore history or try to justify evil deeds but it wont change facts

2020-12-12 07:37:54 UTC  

There are definitely good democrats, in my opinion but they are targeted by CCP & sell out. I don’t think all democrats are bought, but I do believe far too many are

2020-12-12 07:38:09 UTC  

They have. Because the people that inhabit the parties are different. The descendants of the north now inhabit the Democratic Party and the decedents of the south now champion the Republican Party. Parties are just shells for regional values @Ghostdog

2020-12-12 07:38:39 UTC  

The south is and always has been conservative

2020-12-12 07:38:47 UTC  

The north has been liberal

2020-12-12 07:38:48 UTC  

many are just going along to get along, just like when they promoted slavery most didnt have slaves but went along to get along

2020-12-12 07:39:07 UTC  

Do you find it odd that the VRA of 1965 in the house northern gop and dems voted to give minorities rights both parties in the south voted against. Then the same thing happened in the senate.

2020-12-12 07:39:13 UTC  

You are taking about the south again @Ghostdog

2020-12-12 07:39:27 UTC  

Cowards. There are Republican cowards too

2020-12-12 07:39:45 UTC  

many go along to get along in any party yeah

2020-12-12 07:39:49 UTC  

There’s no perfect answer or perfect party

2020-12-12 07:39:52 UTC  


2020-12-12 07:40:12 UTC  

most dont do much or care they just parrot talking points and live in lala land

2020-12-12 07:40:24 UTC  

But thankfully we have Trump

2020-12-12 07:40:46 UTC  

This allegiance to parties is why we will have a though time getting third parties involved.

2020-12-12 07:40:59 UTC  

Trump is the result of the globalist anti-American agenda of democrats and many republicans

2020-12-12 07:41:15 UTC  

Maybe 🤷

2020-12-12 07:41:19 UTC  

Parties are not values, they are just a organization that markets to people’s values

2020-12-12 07:41:48 UTC  

parties are a platform with policy issues and positions related to them

2020-12-12 07:41:58 UTC  

That market to people values @Ghostdog

2020-12-12 07:42:14 UTC  

and they have changed little since the republican party was formed

2020-12-12 07:43:04 UTC  

Trickle down economics was a sharp contrast to prior GOP platforms it was radical

2020-12-12 07:43:38 UTC  

many progressives branched off and like roosevelt the bull moose progressives, the party rarely changes its platform, its a machine that goes through generations of humans

2020-12-12 07:44:08 UTC  

The south can’t get slavery back @Ghostdog if by consistent you mean stuck in the past and conservative then yeah . However they are the descendens of people who used to be democrats. Not the north. The north has always been liberal and democrats are now inhabited by liberal northerns. Again parties are meaningless it’s about regional values

2020-12-12 07:45:15 UTC  

ive lived all across America, the regional values is bullshit, good ppl are good ppl, and bad are bad

2020-12-12 07:46:15 UTC  

Yes we are talking about in general . The regional values back in 1860 was north liberal and south conservative. Now in 2020 you see the same thing @Ghostdog

2020-12-12 07:46:33 UTC  

when the republican party started, not far from where i live, there was evil racist socialistic democrats too, slave catchers and anti free speech advocates for censorship

2020-12-12 07:46:40 UTC  

Usually how it works whether like banks or voting machines the govt comes up with standards they have to meet but details arent released. States can have additional measures. So if I work at one bank and know the details I can assume a rival bank has similar level of security. But not have the details to help with malicious type things. You can even see in like Texas issues with dominion that they fear if specific info got out that is the vulnerability they are concerned with.

2020-12-12 07:46:53 UTC  

Driving ballots from ny to Pennsylvania? Why? Why ballot dump in 5 counties? Why stop counting in only those counties at the same time? Machines can duplicate ballots after "switching votes" preprinted pristine ballots with the exact printer line mark on the same ballots. Recording of people ordering ballots from China. Shredding ballots. Bag of shredded ballots in sidney powells posession.Poll workers kicked out of those presincts? What about testimony from these accusers? What about defense for the accused? Hypotheticals and most likely scenarios are fine but i want to hear their stories. So i can be informed. They should swear under oath... like their accusers. Nothing will convince me this was legit with out trying the case in public. I want to hear the evidence. And cross examination. What about the forensic evidence being sealed from the public on dominion machines? Why cant we see it? The innocent have nothing to hide. Anything else is legal bs jargon from those too scared to take on such a case. What is so wrong with this????? It feels like supression. Debunk these allegations (prove your case!!!) so either president carn be more legit!!!

2020-12-12 07:46:53 UTC  

it has never been liberal here, sorry nice try but it doesnt fly

2020-12-12 07:46:57 UTC  

I mean who else but the south is constantly waving the rebel flag (the flag of democrats) @Ghostdog

2020-12-12 07:47:16 UTC  

@Ghostdog in general. Back then the north was the north east

2020-12-12 07:48:59 UTC  

ppl in rural wisconsin here fly that flag, kids at the local high school made controversy over them doing it at school lol, they are very ignorant and dont even know its meaning sadly but it happens

2020-12-12 07:49:18 UTC  

@Ghostdog yes the flag of democrats

2020-12-12 07:49:29 UTC  

You see why parties don’t matter yet