Message from @TaLoN132

Discord ID: 787544724461977661

2020-12-13 00:36:06 UTC  

okay off top of my head from my own memory ... Act 77 in PA was voted on by the state legislature in 2019 (before Covid) it essentially eliminated the need for a reason to vote absentee and thus any registered voter for any reason or no reason could vote via mail-in ballot. Later in 2020, the PA sec of state and the PA court modified some of the deadlines relating to the Nov 2020 election. In the US Constitution it says that the state legislature has sole responsibility to set the manner in which presidential electors are chosen. So this later change by the PA sec of state and/or PA court would be of interest in a federal court and potentially by SCOTUS. Act 77 itself according to my understanding has been ruled constitutional (PA state constitution) by the PA supreme court but it's kinda weird including that on the ballot was a constitutional amendment (state constitution) to make it compatible with Act 77. Anyway, the federal courts and/or SCOTUS might be interested in the change in the deadline as a US constitutional issue but Act 77 they would probably not touch regardless how weird it seemed leaving it with the state to resolve since the involvement of the state legislature satisfies the federal requirement. Now if you go to PA election website it says this: "These vote totals do not include any votes from mail ballots received between 8 p.m. on election day and 5 p.m. the following Friday." Almost like they know they messed up with the changing deadline. Anyway the totals without the deadline change have Biden winning PA so even if SCOTUS were to rule the remedy would be to throw out ballots after the original deadline but that wouldn't change anything and thus there is no remedy because there is no harm.

2020-12-13 00:38:17 UTC  

@English Remi hopefully my comments have helped you and moved the discussion along

2020-12-13 00:38:52 UTC  

My understanding is basically a person puts the signatures from the ballot envelope and the absentee ballot request or voter registration card side by side and compares them. If in their opinion they don't match then it's rejected.

2020-12-13 00:39:53 UTC  

Computers can aid in the matching as well but it's expensive and complicated software

2020-12-13 00:40:52 UTC  

also have machines but the machines require a certain DPI (dots per inch) and the signature scans they were using in some machines didn't met the requirement

2020-12-13 00:42:22 UTC  

also in PA it seems they just "verified" that there was a signature and some other information was checked but tossing ballots based on signature analysis alone was not done

2020-12-13 00:51:51 UTC  

Which is the very first fraud prevention technique.

2020-12-13 00:53:54 UTC  

Plus Trump will sue the machine for being a decepticon sent to help Biden win

2020-12-13 00:55:33 UTC  

it's certainly one of them ... first I would say is don't give out a ballot unless requested by a verified registered voter but some states don't seem to follow that ... states in question do however (except NV?)

2020-12-13 01:01:07 UTC  

was Hugo Chavez also named in that lawsuit?

2020-12-13 01:03:18 UTC  

Powell is calling an expert with ouija board so Hugo Chavez can prove he rigged the election against Biden.

2020-12-13 01:52:36 UTC  

I was totally not expecting that. 'Shocked' barely begins to characterize my reaction.

2020-12-13 01:58:02 UTC  

@meglide#8272 thanks for the info... he had be a fake a spider... since they used that name as if he was a top secret operative

2020-12-13 02:02:31 UTC  

To be fair, it was 'Spyder', which looks more top secrety on its face.

2020-12-13 03:51:28 UTC  

Stunning... If this doesn't wake some people up, nothing will. I mean it's basically this:

2020-12-13 04:47:52 UTC

2020-12-13 04:56:03 UTC  

So this is interesting. Trump promised to build a wall paid for by Mexico and made by Americans to keep illegal immigration and the drugs and armed Mexicans from coming into our country. He said his experience building Trump Towers and writing the art of the deal would make this process go great.

Instead Mexico wouldnt pay so we had to pay. Instead of American workers he hired Mexican labor illegally paying them inflated prices. He brought in armed illegal Mexicans to guard the project and build a road to bring illegal immigrants into the country. The wall was so crappy it was breached hundreds of times requiring illegal Mexican labor to repair. Trump got the department of justice to help cover it up instead of investigating so a judge had to make this information public. Various other issues. Holy 💩💩💩 I mean I expected this to be built as poorly and just like a Trump Tower but holy 💩💩💩

2020-12-13 05:00:16 UTC  

Dedkraken so funny do u ever sleep lol

2020-12-13 05:01:34 UTC  

Nice... I put mine together hastily.

2020-12-13 05:09:08 UTC  

I made that after the she called this nonsense the kraken 😂

2020-12-13 05:22:28 UTC  

This goes to show that legitimate ballots would have been legally applied for, mailed out, received and returned since people had to go through a process to receive them. Good - but that does not address your FB friend's contention that others were mailed out since the signature verification was effectively eliminated - besides there having to be some sort of signature. And thanks to "voting rights" activists, and forensically destructive separation of envelope and ballot we do not know what proportion of those received were legitimate. Furthermore, Giuliani said that there was a 700 000 discrepancy between the number of these ballots received and the number counted. These things need to be looked at and it seems that so far the Dem side is doing all it can to oppose anyone looking seriously.

2020-12-13 05:25:26 UTC  

my FB friend's contention was wrong he was saying ballots but it was applications for ballots, the voter had to return the application to get a ballot, they might have gotten more than one blank application in the mail but the system was set up to send them only one ballot at their request, that is in response to a filled out application

2020-12-13 05:27:48 UTC  

@English Remi if Giuliani has evidence he has had ample time to bring it ... there have been nearly 50 cases in numerous states, none so far have proven fraud to the standard required in a court

2020-12-13 05:28:54 UTC  

Guiliani is not a trustworthy source for anything. That particular mistruth he was referring to was iirc 2.5 million ballots cast by all parties (actually 2.6) and 1.8 million ballots request by Democrats ( actually 1.9) which ofc is not a real comparison as with GOP and independents and third parties all included the numbers ofc check out.

2020-12-13 05:30:31 UTC  

@Dedkraken what state is this?

2020-12-13 05:31:40 UTC  

PA Guiliani used the mismatch to claim Dems made up 700k illegal votes and that basically 0 mailin votes went to Trump. Super weird I think Trump got like 600k mailin votes and the independents made up the rest.

2020-12-13 05:33:39 UTC  

The 100k bumps happened as they completed counting votes it was pretty early.

2020-12-13 05:33:58 UTC  

At the core of Modern Liberal thought is a fundamental belief that indiscriminateness is a moral imperative, and its opposite is to be capable of discriminating thought - the very foundation of rational comparison of means, goals, and results. ~ paraphrase of Evan Sayet.

2020-12-13 05:39:14 UTC  

Here's Giuliani's claims. I don't understand what he's saying with respect to the numbers posted on PA election website.

2020-12-13 05:39:25 UTC  

Do we know why duplicate applications were being sent out? Do we know how many duplicates were returned and rejected because that address had already received its quota? Without proper signature verification that is not possible.

2020-12-13 05:43:02 UTC  

@English Remi so I guess you could request a mail-in ballot when you voted in the primary and not know it but seemed that the system was set up to catch that ... "ne out of every five requests for mail ballots is being rejected in Pennsylvania"

2020-12-13 05:48:52 UTC  

That would require a court in the system that permitted this "flexibility" allowing the matter to go to trial. When a judge said she would hear it the state supreme court blocked that. None of this manoeuvring to NOT HEAR cases goes to quell the belief that there were shenanigans.

2020-12-13 05:48:52 UTC  

@English Remi, you just advanced to level 2!

2020-12-13 05:53:29 UTC  

I'm lost as to what you mean? Guiliani said this in public to trick people. Even though he made some crazy claims in court he didnt make this claim it never hinged on anything. The total number of requested ballots explained the results.

2020-12-13 05:54:02 UTC  

Long live the PLA.

2020-12-13 05:54:44 UTC  

courts are setup a certain way to prevent abuse, things like you have to have standing, you have to file in the court that has jurisdiction, etc. are all there for a reason ... multiple duplicate cases were filed, some 50 in total .... the court filings are all available to the public along with the rulings and folks can go and read them ... problem is that there are rumors flying about and folks are believing these rumors rather than going to look the court cases up for themselves

2020-12-13 05:56:30 UTC  

Thank you. That is helpful.... but without effective signature verification how do we know that those that were accepted were legit?