Message from @StevePines -WA
Discord ID: 534867347874250792
This is how we end up with career congressmen
The boomer anti-racism chicanery/taqiyya isn't aimed at leftists but Nationalists who need permission or cover.
@StevePines -WA That's a valid point. They can't take the lay low stuff *too* far, they have to do *something*.
Waiting for useful congressmen to do useful things....
Any day now
Steve King is more useful in Congress than as a nobody. He needs to be more careful about who he talks to and to not make tactless statements to the media
@TMatthews Ya, exactly. That's why I'm saying we really don't need people martyring themselves when they could be doing something useful. There's no shame in keeping your mouth shut when you have to.
I agree with @Jacob, for now.
The rhetoric from the right should be "democrats are anti-white, anti-family, anti-men, etc" which you can say while claiming to only want equal opportunity. Tucker Carlson does this quite well.
Some of you younger guys may not remember this, but in 2002 the GOP forced their own Senate Majority Leader, Trent Lott from Mississippi, to resign from his leadership position because he had the audacity to say at Senator Strom Thurmond’s 100 year birthday party that had Thurmond won the Presidency in 1948, America wouldn’t have so many problems.
Thurmond ran as a Dixiecrat, which was pro-segregation, but it was obvious that Lott was just praising a 100 year old man whom he had served with in the Congress for decades.
i've never wanted to see the GOP crash and burn so quickly
they intentionally block out youth participation while the left is recruiting in grade school
Yup. The Allsup affair and this cuckSignal vote are related
i'm so pissed i called scalise's office just to complain about their boomer tactics of losing with grace
Without the Goose you Lose
@TMatthews definitely. Tucker sounded believable when he was saying "we don't want identity politics." I almost could remember the time when it was possible to get along with the Coalition of the Alien
The gop sure loves to lose
It is still a good thing we have Trump... but we really have a four/five party system masquerading as two.
Dems: Neoliberals, Progressives, Browns
Repubs: Neocons, and the MAGA/Nationalists
Republican officials have a different idea of winning than we do. For them, winning means keeping their comfy offices in DC. For us, it means helping out people
There is barely any difference between the Neoliberals and Neocons
@Wood-Ape - OK/MN you mispelled "marxists"
DC has become too cushy, I don't believe anyone in politics was meant to be treated as an executive celebrity, they are supposed to be public servants not self servants
@Logan I like "Coalition of the Alien" phrasing much better than the demoralizing "Coalition of the ascendant"
Honestly if there was a way the people could vote to take luxuries away from government I'm sure everyone would be all over it
Direct Democratic referendums are a Pandora box, but it could be nice to lower politician salary or benefits
Brimelow defines it as the historic American nation vs anti-America
Something, government officials become untouchable by the people once they are elected, they don't have to be held accountable to anyone who voted for them unless they want to be reelected
Getting big money out of politics is something that could unite right and left against the establishment
But I'm thinking allong the same lines as taking away benefits from illegals to reduce them coming here
Elections barely hold people accountable. The incumbent wins his primary 99% of the time unless the challenger has a personal fortune to fund attack ads
I wish the left would #metoo McCarthy after this King fiasco
I mean they still take in donations and PAC money, that should be outlawed too
I feel like we agree with the DSA on more economic stuff than we would like to admit lol
my interviewer said there's a fair # of socialists here
if the salary is too low they'll just have more incentive to live off bribes
@Dylan - NY That's correct, we accept many different economic views
thats good, in terms of economics its important to debate
Democracy, or the Klepticratic Kritarchy that calls itself Democracy, blows
as long as it doesn't get divisive debates are fine
I personally think it's not healthy for friends to bottle up their disagreements
Even Damigo said a lot of guys on our side agree with socialist policies in the TYT video