Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 758473182910218300

2020-09-21 23:20:37 UTC  

1. ZoomerNation YT description
2. Male
3. USA, Midwest
4. Paleoconservative, traditionalist conservative
5. Supporter & micro donor
6. no.
7. Roman Catholic (SSPX)

2020-09-21 23:22:27 UTC  

1. Link under zoomernat’s youtube videos

2. Male

3. Deep south
4. Former libertarian turned paleoconservative. Nick’s show was one of the largest factors for convincing me to return to the church, and i try to keep my politics in line with the church as best as i can.
5. Been watching nick since last fall, just a fan of the show and alot of the other streamers, especially patrick and franssen

6. @p33p33p00p00mer on twitter and insta, but i dont post

7. Catholic

2020-09-22 00:40:09 UTC  

1. rightwingchickenwing
2. male
3. west coast
4. America First Nationalist
5. Mod in vincent james server
6. no
7. Presbyterian

2020-09-22 03:53:48 UTC  

1. I was already in the ZNN server

2. Male

3. Southeast USA

4. Politically aligned with Republican/Solidarity Party, I generally use paleocon, authoritarian conservative, reactionary, and monarchist.

5. I run a tik tok called Americafirstzoomer with over 2,000 followers and I’ve been an avid supporter since around 2017.

6. Americafirstzoomer on YouTube, TikTok, NewsClapper, and Parler

7. Traditional Roman Catholic

2020-09-22 18:41:06 UTC  

Please verify <@752265290175217715>

2020-09-22 18:41:15 UTC  

Awnser the questions in the pinned message

2020-09-22 19:22:36 UTC  

@Deleted User what’s the starting price?

2020-09-22 20:02:29 UTC  

1. How did you get the invite to this server? If a person or social media account state who. -Joined via ZNN's youtube channel

2. Are you male or female? -Male

3. Where in the country are you? General answers like west coast, deep south, etc. will do. If not in the US just state country. -Sweden

4. What is your political affiliation, what labels do you use to define yourself? -Traditional conservative

5. What is your relationship with the America first movement? -supporter (I watch Nick's stream)

6. Do you have any political social media? If so, leave the @. -no.

7. Are you religious, if so, what religion. -Catholic

2020-09-22 20:35:06 UTC  

@Deleted User I’m not an admin

2020-09-22 20:57:13 UTC  


2020-09-22 21:00:21 UTC  

1. I donkt know 2. I am male 3. Vardø 4. Monarchist (not larp, just normal european monarchist) and nationalist in other words a good guy 5. I have only ever seen yt clips but alot of it is good 6. hm no 7. christian

2020-09-22 23:02:40 UTC  

You're both verified so don't bother

2020-09-22 23:02:43 UTC  

Just be mature

2020-09-23 06:15:21 UTC  

bro why

2020-09-23 06:17:38 UTC  

1. zoomernat youutbe

2. male

3. West coast

4. white nationalist traditionalism

5. i have none atm

6. no

7. perennialism

2020-09-23 17:36:22 UTC  

1. Zoomernat YT link
2. male
3. Southern USA
4. Paleocon, Reactionary, Conservative, Nationalist, Anti-Left
5. No relationship
6. No social media
7. Christian (Protestant)

2020-09-23 18:28:29 UTC  

Verified @Deleted User

2020-09-23 20:04:30 UTC  

1. Zoomernat yt
2. Male
3. Southern us
4. Paleo / nationalist
5. I’m a groyper
6. No
7. Protestant Christian

2020-09-23 20:12:45 UTC  

Verified @theorist

2020-09-23 23:41:25 UTC  

Please verify @Johnny69

2020-09-23 23:41:38 UTC  

Awnser the questions in the pinned message

2020-09-23 23:46:01 UTC  

1. awoken American 's ig bio
2. Male
3. northeast
4. conservative
5. Idk
6. No

2020-09-23 23:49:12 UTC  

Welcome in @Johnny69

2020-09-24 04:19:28 UTC  

1. awokenamerican instagram bio
2. Male
3. West coast
4. Conservative
5. Started watching Nick since quarantine began back in March. A lot of other guys pulled be out of the lolbert phase as well.
6. None
7. Protestant Christian

2020-09-24 04:29:11 UTC  

Verified @clad

2020-09-24 04:31:36 UTC  

1. Awoken American insta bio
2. Male
3. Deep South
4. Mosleyite Fascist
5. Nick is funny but I don’t like him, I think he’s too mild and plays (((their))) optics game too much
6. @megas.basileus on Instagram
7. Catholic Catechumen

2020-09-24 04:38:16 UTC  

Verified @Deleted User

2020-09-24 04:43:30 UTC  

<@&733906399834275900> to get verified, answer the questions in the pinned message

2020-09-24 05:06:32 UTC  

Please verify @Spicychicken16

2020-09-24 05:07:23 UTC  

1. awokenamerican instagram bio
2. Male
3. Australia
4. Conservative
5. I dunno
6. None
7. nope

2020-09-24 05:08:51 UTC  

Are you at least respectful of and open to discussing religion in an objective manner?

2020-09-24 05:09:18 UTC  

I'm non religious but yes

2020-09-24 07:22:27 UTC  

please verify @KillShot1087

2020-09-24 07:22:42 UTC  

answer the questions in the pinned message

2020-09-24 07:36:58 UTC  

1. Awokenamerican Instagram bio

2. Male

3. Kentucky

4. Paleoconservative

5. Watched a video of his a while back

6. None at the moment

7. Protestant

2020-09-24 07:45:12 UTC  

1. awokenamerican Instagram account description
2. Male
3. I'm a Serb from Bosnia and Herzegovina.
4. I'm a recruit and candidate for full membership in ultra elitist Serbian People's Movement Zbor (fighting against commies since 1935), my political and ideological stances are a mixture of Dimitrije Ljotić's ideology, Corneliu Zelea Codreanu's ideology, fascism, national socialism, falangism, Oswald Moseley's ideology, environmentalism, absolute monarchism, symphony between Church and state, theocracy...
5. I have very positive opinion of it, but everything can be even better.
6. Instagram: knightoftheholyeurope
7. Yes. I'm (Eastern) Orthodox Christian.

2020-09-25 04:01:32 UTC  

1. Zoomernat
2. Male
3. Indiana
4. Paleo : Monarchist
5. groyper since groyper wars
6. insta @intj_groyper
7. Lutheran

2020-09-25 04:17:51 UTC  

verified @wizard

2020-09-25 19:33:01 UTC  

Please verify @Deleted User

2020-09-25 19:33:15 UTC  

Answer the questions in the pinned message

2020-09-25 19:47:19 UTC  

1. Invited
2. Male
3. N/A
4. N/A
6. No
7. Christian