Message from @Gucci666

Discord ID: 205060252880601098

2016-07-19 20:32:33 UTC  

no one left alive

2016-07-19 20:34:26 UTC

2016-07-19 20:34:30 UTC  


2016-07-19 20:34:38 UTC  

We got bamboozled

2016-07-19 20:34:40 UTC  

I'm a little bit experience with this process, @Gucci666 . Sadly I can't write complicate phrases in English. But @Babilon sure can translate it for you later:

A ver, si tu madre es tu familia (lo cual raras veces no lo es, pero puede ocurrir, Estás jodido (Depende del país, obviamente, pero vamos a dejarlo en qué estás jodido). Tu piensa siempre en la jurisprudencia.
Si fuera tan fácil hacer que los divorcios no te jodieran la vida. ¿Cómo es posible que la gente con literalmente millones de dolares disponibles para gastarse en abogados lleguen incluso a suicidarse por quedarse sin un dolar?.
Bien, una vez hayas visto que algo falla, se resume en lo siguiente.
Tienes dos escenarios:
A) Hijos
B) No-hijos, pero tu mujer tiene más de 60IQ

A) Si el propietario se puede trazar con relación a ti, te lo van a quitar igual. Ese es el resumen, una vez más, mira jurisprudencia.
B) Si tu mujer puede alegar que no se puede mantener sola, o tiene algún familiar enfermo (Europa) te van a hacer lo mismo que en el punto A)

Pero da exactamente igual, porque con el suficiente dinero para conseguir mediante el divorcio, todo lo que sea una persona física o compañia nacional va a llevarte a que pierdas dinero igual de una forma u otra. A tu edad deberías de saber que los abogados no buscan ganar un juicio, buscan PACTAR.

Informate, pero lo que vale en prácticamente cualquier legislación es lo mismo: Una compañia extrangera que no esté a tu nombre que sea la propietaria de los inmuebles y te haga un contrato de RENTA/ALQUILER. De esta manera estás a salvo.

2016-07-19 20:34:43 UTC  

Oh shit

2016-07-19 20:34:45 UTC  


2016-07-19 20:35:02 UTC  

The cost for this is 3000 USD, and it's totally worth it

2016-07-19 20:35:05 UTC  


2016-07-19 20:35:06 UTC  

you have to go back

2016-07-19 20:35:18 UTC  

I'm from Spain, with no expectations from leaving

2016-07-19 20:35:21 UTC  


2016-07-19 20:35:32 UTC  

Yes, it's the cost of the legal model

2016-07-19 20:35:35 UTC  

hows the job market @Strachi

2016-07-19 20:35:42 UTC  
2016-07-19 20:35:56 UTC  

Let's see, if your mother is your family (which rarely is not, but it can happen, you fucked up (depends on the country, obviously, but let's leave what you're screwed). You always think in jurisprudence.
If it were so easy to make that divorces do not jodieran life. How is it possible that people with literally millions of dollars available to spend on lawyers come even to commit suicide by running out a dollar ?.
Well, once you've seen that something is wrong, it is summarized in the following.
You have two scenarios:
A) Children
B) No-children, but your wife has over 60IQ

A) If the owner can be drawn with respect to you, I will remove the same. That is the summary, once again looks jurisprudence.
B) If your wife can claim that you can not keep alone, or have a sick relative (Europe) you will do the same thing at point A)

But it gives exactly the same, because with enough money to get through divorce, everything is an individual or national company will take you to miss even money one way or another. At your age you should know that lawyers seek not win a lawsuit, seeking compromise.

Inform yourself, but what counts in virtually any law is the same: A foreing company that is not your name that is the owner of the property and make you a lease / rent. This way you're safe.

2016-07-19 20:35:58 UTC

2016-07-19 20:36:01 UTC  


2016-07-19 20:36:02 UTC  

¿ triggers me so much

2016-07-19 20:36:09 UTC  

Google translate it's sheit

2016-07-19 20:36:14 UTC  

Cathy can I fuck you?

2016-07-19 20:36:29 UTC  

I dunno, can you?

2016-07-19 20:36:30 UTC  

its a man

2016-07-19 20:36:34 UTC

2016-07-19 20:36:35 UTC  


2016-07-19 20:36:54 UTC  

I writed complicated words that can't properly translate in English because you don't have enough complexity in the language. It can lead to missinterpretations

2016-07-19 20:36:58 UTC  

and it's a very important matter

2016-07-19 20:37:07 UTC  

I know spanish

2016-07-19 20:37:11 UTC  

oh cool

2016-07-19 20:37:15 UTC  

Well, there you have it

2016-07-19 20:37:19 UTC  


2016-07-19 20:37:23 UTC  


2016-07-19 20:37:29 UTC  

I recommend you a Hong Kong company

2016-07-19 20:37:34 UTC  

I speak fluent spanish actually

2016-07-19 20:37:36 UTC  

With the saving accounts in other country

2016-07-19 20:37:49 UTC  

With that you can protect both, assets and money

2016-07-19 20:37:59 UTC  

so basically you want to use a foreign company?

2016-07-19 20:38:00 UTC  

But it's better to create a nominee director & company for each resource

2016-07-19 20:38:06 UTC  

Yes, with no ties to you

2016-07-19 20:38:14 UTC  

So the judicial system can fuck itself

2016-07-19 20:38:21 UTC