Message from @missliterallywho

Discord ID: 541127189102460940

2019-02-02 05:06:10 UTC  

That is literally it

2019-02-02 05:07:18 UTC  

All the merch has "BSA" on it so they want to sell it through

2019-02-02 05:07:36 UTC  

It's actually funny you ask because IRL we as a people claim to be angry that new people don't assimilate to our way of life, but people who have been here keep having to assimilate to new members so as not to scare them off. @The Lion I appreciate your questions. Adoption is touchy, adopted people struggle with identity very much. There are plenty of white children around the world that need help, but it will be difficult and expensive to help one.

2019-02-02 05:07:37 UTC  

Scouts of America is kinda gay yeah, but its better than "Scouts Boy (But we're co-ed) Scouts of America"

2019-02-02 05:07:43 UTC  

@The Lion why did you ask?

2019-02-02 05:08:39 UTC  

And they are SAYING troops are single gender. But they reversed and caved on: gay youth, gay leaders, trans youth, girls. Why should anyone believe or trust them? BSA youtube has had their comments disabled for a while. Tells you all of what you need to know. Avoid the gaslighting

2019-02-02 05:09:03 UTC  

@The Lion Know that your kindness will not be enough to adopt, eventually your adopted child will wish to be with a family thy can't have, their own.

2019-02-02 05:09:33 UTC  

@Freiheit - CA I see your point

2019-02-02 05:09:39 UTC  

I can see the articles in a few years about the co-ed groups of teen BSAs doing what co-ed groups of teens do and how that's a problem

2019-02-02 05:10:30 UTC  

Condoms are mandatory in every bathroom at the world jamboree (hosted in 93% white West Virginia) this year.

2019-02-02 05:10:43 UTC  

@The Lion if you can't have children with your wife, it is possible to help a child and make your wife happy with an adopted child. I have heard of barren women conceiving after having an adopted child in the home.

2019-02-02 05:10:52 UTC  

@fgtveassassin how that's not a problem*

2019-02-02 05:11:50 UTC  

@The Lion keep asking questions, you'll get a whole lot of different opinions.

2019-02-02 05:12:47 UTC  

Don't be dissuaded.

2019-02-02 05:22:53 UTC  

If you talk to a hardcore pro-choicer about this infanticide thing, hit em with this:
There is already a standard procedure for life-threatening pregnancies over 20 weeks and for born disabled babies. Deliver the baby. If mom doesn't want it, the state takes possession of the child and someone adopts it (newborns are highly sought after by adopting families).
There does not exist a single possible medical situation wherein killing an infant capable of survival outside the womb is a necessary solution.

2019-02-02 05:23:23 UTC  

I can't believe I haven't heard anyone in the media say this yet, it's so blatantly obvious

2019-02-02 05:23:59 UTC  

Thanks for this

2019-02-02 05:24:25 UTC  

No prob

2019-02-02 05:25:35 UTC  

If normal delivery does legitimately threaten the mother, what is a case where you can't even do a c-section

2019-02-02 05:26:14 UTC  


2019-02-02 05:26:15 UTC  

If you can't get a fetus out of the mother without killing her then she's going to die regardless

2019-02-02 05:26:18 UTC  


2019-02-02 05:29:53 UTC  

In a sane country a woman seeking to kill her baby in the 2nd or 3rd trimester would be checked into in-patient psychiatric care and have the child taken by the state upon delivery.

2019-02-02 05:34:18 UTC  

I was prochoice up until like 12-15 weeks until very recently, probably the turn of the new year, but I never thought about it too much, but when you think about it for literally 20 seconds its just like; "Hey isn't there this thing called a c-section where the child isn't 'born' <:thinkplant:359034245777457173> "

2019-02-02 05:35:37 UTC  

I didn't give birth by c-section but from what I've read and heard they are more difficult to recover from than a natural delivery.

2019-02-02 05:36:20 UTC  

Women don't abort because they just don't want to go through the birth bit though.

2019-02-02 05:36:52 UTC  

I'd skip the birth and go straight to the baby if I could!

2019-02-02 05:37:39 UTC  

Tinfoil situation here: but a midwife I befriended told me that people that report being abducted by AYY LMAOs are almost always people who were born via C-section. The implication is the abduction memory is an exaggerated mutation of that trauma

2019-02-02 05:38:04 UTC  

Birth teleportation would be the biggest moneymaking invention in human history

2019-02-02 05:38:32 UTC  

Harsh light, fear, sterile environment, weird humanoids medically messing with you. It makes sense.

2019-02-02 05:38:41 UTC  

@Wood-Ape - OK/MN interesting! That makes so much sense

2019-02-02 05:38:49 UTC  

@The Lion There are plenty of white children in need of adoption. Why encourage non-whites to have children with no consequence when they know some family will simply adopt the kid for that utopian diverse family that's so en vogue currently.

2019-02-02 05:39:13 UTC  

It's so refreshing to hear a lady say that. Coming from college in cali I remember arguing eith a girl who was full on abortion supporter. It was disgusting. Every girl I knew in college supported abortion. It's infuriating.

2019-02-02 05:39:15 UTC  

Luckily gentle cesarean is an option now

2019-02-02 05:39:48 UTC  

I was a necessary C Section

2019-02-02 05:39:55 UTC  

No ayyyy trauma tho

2019-02-02 05:40:19 UTC  

I was a C-section because the cord was wrapped around my throat. 😳

2019-02-02 05:40:52 UTC  

Doctors' definition of "necessary" is often very unnecessary

2019-02-02 05:41:17 UTC  

Cord around throat almost never is an actual problem

2019-02-02 05:41:17 UTC  

@Wood-Ape - OK/MN re: this comment: fascinating. I have always been interested in this kind of stuff.

2019-02-02 05:41:19 UTC