Message from @Gapin Mcanus

Discord ID: 614459982959738921

2019-03-21 20:31:46 UTC  

Oh OK lol, I was like, it wasn't offensive or anything.

2019-03-23 04:49:13 UTC  

It was funny👌🏾

2019-03-24 07:00:12 UTC  

Its common sense

2019-03-24 07:00:15 UTC  

Hitler had none

2019-03-24 07:00:17 UTC  


2019-03-24 08:04:33 UTC  

Nazis didnt like teh Free Market

2019-03-24 08:04:35 UTC  

At all

2019-03-24 08:27:04 UTC  

guess I'm a nazi

2019-03-27 14:19:09 UTC  


2019-04-12 20:34:06 UTC

2019-04-14 13:28:26 UTC

2019-06-25 15:02:09 UTC  

@everyone check ou DA leader mmusi maimanes speech

2019-08-23 12:43:16 UTC

2019-08-23 12:43:42 UTC  


2019-08-23 12:46:13 UTC  

Dont confuse me for a Christian Communist/Socialist either, I am for the opinion that Christianity should play a key role in a nation's economy

2019-08-23 12:54:23 UTC

2019-08-23 13:40:06 UTC  

I am of the opinion that:

2019-08-23 13:40:07 UTC  

GG @Deleted User, you just advanced to level 1!

2019-08-23 13:40:09 UTC  

- The Economy should be centered around Christianity.

- We should never ever allow non-white-germanics into our nation and that it should be engrained into our constitution that this law must never be amended or abolished, doing so would signify a call to arms from the Civilian population against the state, for it has been compromised.
- You shall only be allowed into our nation-state, if you have something to contribute.
- Blasphemy will lead to severe punishment and even death if called for.
- Public Executions shall become the main form of enacting the death penalty and that there will be mandatory participation form the Community that the damned is from. (You will witness the criminal be executed if he is from your area.)
- Law shall also be centered around Christianity (10 commandments, The Book of Timothy, Corinthians and Romans.)

- Schools will be required to prepare the youth for Military conscription.
- Teaching them basic trades will be required and be their main goal.
- Pledging your allegiance to folk and state will be mandatory.
- Schools shall pray at every assembly and then sing the National Anthem.

- There will be mandatory military service for 3 years, after these 3 years you will then be allowed to obtain firearms, if you support the state.
- The military shall defend its borders and only attack when threatened in any way what so ever.

2019-08-23 13:40:21 UTC  

- Only supporters of the State should be allowed to own firearms and these firearms can be anything from Machineguns, to Rocket Launchers, Mortars, etc.
- You must belong to a Protestant Church and you must go to Church every Sunday. If you follow another form of Christianity(Catholicism, Mormonism, Orthodoxy, etc), you will not be persecuted the same way that you would be if you were Atheist or Muslim.
- The only form of Democracy given to you, should be choosing the cabinet members.
Communism, Liberalism of any kind, Atheism, Islam, Judaism, Agnosticism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Paganism of any kind are to be banned.
- The Nation state shall be isolationist in nature when it comes to any and all forms of forms of media.

2019-08-23 14:04:36 UTC

2019-08-23 14:07:43 UTC

2019-08-24 13:14:22 UTC

2019-08-24 13:19:20 UTC

2019-08-24 13:30:20 UTC